blob: 02e45f6911f1f942cfccd485d4f5b67960aea138 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package covargs
import (
// DiffMapping represents a source transformation done by a diff (i.e. patch),
// where for each file it has a mapping from the old line number to the new one.
type DiffMapping map[string]LineMapping
// LineMapping maps the old line number to the new one within a single file.
type LineMapping map[int]int
type line struct {
line, count int
type lineData []line
type block struct {
first, last int
type blockData map[int][]block
func extractData(segments []llvm.Segment) (lineData, blockData) {
var ld lineData
bd := blockData{}
// The most recent segment that starts from a previous line.
var w *llvm.Segment
var lineSegments []llvm.Segment
nextSegmentIndex := 0
for i := 1; i <= segments[len(segments)-1].LineNumber; i += 1 {
// Calculate the execution count for each line. Follow the logic in llvm-cov:
if len(lineSegments) > 0 {
w = &lineSegments[len(lineSegments)-1]
lineSegments = nil
for nextSegmentIndex < len(segments) && segments[nextSegmentIndex].LineNumber == i {
lineSegments = append(lineSegments, segments[nextSegmentIndex])
nextSegmentIndex += 1
lineStartsNewRegion := false
for _, s := range lineSegments {
if s.HasCount && s.IsRegionEntry {
lineStartsNewRegion = true
startOfSkippedRegion := (len(lineSegments) > 0 && !lineSegments[0].HasCount) && lineSegments[0].IsRegionEntry
coverable := !startOfSkippedRegion && ((w != nil && w.HasCount) || lineStartsNewRegion)
if !coverable {
count := 0
if w != nil {
count = w.Count
for _, s := range lineSegments {
if s.HasCount && s.IsRegionEntry {
if s.Count > count {
count = s.Count
ld = append(ld, line{i, count})
// Calculate the uncovered blocks within the current line. Follow the logic in llvm-cov:
if count == 0 {
// Skips calculating uncovered blocks if the whole line is not covered.
columnStart := 1
isBlockNotCovered := (w != nil && w.HasCount) && w.Count == 0
for _, s := range lineSegments {
columnEnd := s.ColumnNumber
if isBlockNotCovered {
bd[s.LineNumber] = append(bd[s.LineNumber], block{columnStart, columnEnd - 1})
isBlockNotCovered = s.HasCount && s.Count == 0
columnStart = columnEnd
if isBlockNotCovered {
lastSegment := lineSegments[len(lineSegments)-1]
bd[lastSegment.LineNumber] = append(bd[lastSegment.LineNumber], block{columnStart, -1})
return ld, bd
func rebaseData(lines lineData, blocks blockData, mapping LineMapping) (lineData, blockData) {
var ld lineData
for _, l := range lines {
if _, ok := mapping[l.line]; !ok {
ld = append(ld, line{mapping[l.line], l.count})
var bd blockData
for i, b := range blocks {
if _, ok := mapping[i]; !ok {
bd[mapping[i]] = b
return ld, bd
func compressData(lines lineData, blocks blockData) ([]*codecoverage.LineRange, []*codecoverage.ColumnRanges) {
// Aggregate contiguous blocks of lines with the exact same hit count.
var lr []*codecoverage.LineRange
last := 0
for i := 1; i <= len(lines); i++ {
isContinuous := i < len(lines) && lines[i].line == lines[i-1].line+1
hasSameCount := i < len(lines) && lines[i].count == lines[i-1].count
// Merge two lines iff they have continuous line number and exactly the same count, e.g. (101, 10) and (102, 10).
if isContinuous && hasSameCount {
lr = append(lr, &codecoverage.LineRange{
First: int32(lines[last].line),
Last: int32(lines[i-1].line),
Count: int64(lines[last].count),
last = i
var cr []*codecoverage.ColumnRanges
for i, block := range blocks {
var ranges []*codecoverage.ColumnRange
for _, b := range block {
ranges = append(ranges, &codecoverage.ColumnRange{
First: int32(b.first),
Last: int32(b.last),
cr = append(cr, &codecoverage.ColumnRanges{
Line: int32(i),
Ranges: ranges,
return lr, cr
func convertFile(file llvm.File, base string, mapping *DiffMapping) (*codecoverage.File, error) {
if file.Segments == nil {
return nil, nil
rel, err := filepath.Rel(base, file.Filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ld, bd := extractData(file.Segments)
sort.Slice(ld, func(i, j int) bool {
return ld[i].line < ld[j].line
if mapping != nil {
if _, ok := (*mapping)[rel]; ok {
ld, bd = rebaseData(ld, bd, (*mapping)[rel])
lr, cr := compressData(ld, bd)
return &codecoverage.File{
Path: "//" + rel,
Lines: lr,
UncoveredBlocks: cr,
Summaries: []*codecoverage.Metric{
Name: "function",
Covered: int32(file.Summary.Functions.Covered),
Total: int32(file.Summary.Functions.Count),
Name: "region",
Covered: int32(file.Summary.Regions.Covered),
Total: int32(file.Summary.Regions.Count),
Name: "line",
Covered: int32(file.Summary.Lines.Covered),
Total: int32(file.Summary.Lines.Count),
}, nil
// GenerateReport converts the data in LLVM coverage JSON format into the
// compressed coverage format used by Chromium coverage service.
func GenerateReport(export *llvm.Export, base string, mapping *DiffMapping) (*codecoverage.CoverageReport, error) {
var files []*codecoverage.File
for _, d := range export.Data {
// TODO(phosek): Use goroutines to process files in parallel.
for _, f := range d.Files {
file, err := convertFile(f, base, mapping)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
files = append(files, file)
return &codecoverage.CoverageReport{Files: files}, nil
func saveReport(report *codecoverage.CoverageReport, filename string) error {
f, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot open file %q: %v", filename, err)
defer f.Close()
w := zlib.NewWriter(f)
defer w.Close()
m := &jsonpb.Marshaler{}
if err := m.Marshal(w, report); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot marshal report: %w", err)
return nil
// SaveReport saves compresses coverage data to disk, optionally sharding the
// data into multiple files each of the same size.
func SaveReport(report *codecoverage.CoverageReport, shardSize int, dir string) error {
numFiles := len(report.Files)
if numFiles > shardSize {
numShards := int(math.Ceil(float64(numFiles) / float64(shardSize)))
fileShards := make([]string, numShards)
// TODO(phosek): Use goroutines to process slices in parallel.
for i := 0; i <= numShards; i++ {
from := i * shardSize
to := (i + 1) * shardSize
if to > numFiles {
to = numFiles
report := codecoverage.CoverageReport{Files: report.Files[from:to]}
filename := fmt.Sprintf("files%d.json.gz", i)
if err := saveReport(&report, filepath.Join(dir, filename)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save report %q: %w", filename, err)
fileShards[i] = filename
report = &codecoverage.CoverageReport{FileShards: fileShards}
const filename = "all.json.gz"
if err := saveReport(report, filepath.Join(dir, filename)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save report %q: %w", filename, err)
return nil