blob: 6a7be18bb2c3fc5f5a0f2bc00a2e71ea62814017 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/interface_request.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/active_page_manager_container.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/ledger_impl.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/merging/ledger_merge_manager.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/page_availability_manager.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/page_impl.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/page_usage_listener.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/types.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/encryption/public/encryption_service.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/environment/environment.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/ledger_storage.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/types.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/sync_coordinator/public/ledger_sync.h"
#include "src/ledger/lib/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace ledger {
// Manages a ledger page.
// PageManager owns all page-level objects related to a single page: page
// storage, and a set of FIDL PageImpls backed by the page storage. It is safe
// to delete it at any point - this closes all channels, deletes PageImpls and
// tears down the storage.
// When a PageManager becomes empty, client is notified through
// |on_discardable|.
class PageManager {
PageManager(Environment* environment, std::string ledger_name, storage::PageId page_id,
std::vector<PageUsageListener*> page_usage_listeners,
storage::LedgerStorage* ledger_storage, sync_coordinator::LedgerSync* ledger_sync,
LedgerMergeManager* ledger_merge_manager);
PageManager(const PageManager&) = delete;
PageManager& operator=(const PageManager&) = delete;
// Checks whether the given page is closed and synced. The result returned in
// the callback will be |PAGE_OPENED| if the page is opened after calling this
// method and before the callback is called. Otherwise it will be |YES| or
// |NO| depending on whether the page is synced or not.
void PageIsClosedAndSynced(fit::function<void(storage::Status, PagePredicateResult)> callback);
// Checks whether the given page is closed, offline and empty. The result
// returned in the callback will be |PAGE_OPENED| if the page is opened after
// calling this method and before the callback is called. Otherwise it will be
// |YES| or |NO| depending on whether the page is offline and empty or not.
void PageIsClosedOfflineAndEmpty(
fit::function<void(storage::Status, PagePredicateResult)> callback);
// Deletes the local copy of the page. If the page is currently open, the
// callback will be called with |ILLEGAL_STATE|.
void DeletePageStorage(fit::function<void(storage::Status)> callback);
// Keeps track of |callback|. Binds |page| and fires |callback| when a
// PageManager is available or an error occurs.
void GetPage(LedgerImpl::Delegate::PageState page_state,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<Page> page_request,
fit::function<void(storage::Status)> callback);
// Starts syncing the given page with the cloud if it is not currently open.
void StartPageSync();
// Registers "interest" in this |PageManager| for which this |PageManager|
// will remain non-empty and returns a closure that when called will
// deregister the "interest" in this |PageManager| (and potentially cause this
// |PageManager|'s on_discardable_ to be called).
fit::closure CreateDetacher();
void SetOnDiscardable(fit::closure on_discardable);
bool IsDiscardable() const;
using PageTracker = fit::function<bool()>;
// Requests a PageStorage object for the given |container|. If the page is not
// locally available, the |callback| is called with |PAGE_NOT_FOUND|.
void InitActivePageManagerContainer(ActivePageManagerContainer* container,
fit::function<void(storage::Status)> callback);
// Creates a page storage for the given |page_id| and completes the
// ActivePageManagerContainer.
void CreatePageStorage(LedgerImpl::Delegate::PageState page_state,
ActivePageManagerContainer* container);
// Creates the |ActivePageManagerContainer| for this super manager.
ActivePageManagerContainer* CreateActivePageManagerContainer();
// Creates a new |ActivePageManager| for the given storage.
void NewActivePageManager(
std::unique_ptr<storage::PageStorage> page_storage, ActivePageManager::PageStorageState state,
fit::function<void(storage::Status, std::unique_ptr<ActivePageManager>)> callback);
// Checks whether the page is closed and satisfies the given |predicate|. The
// |PagePredicateResult| passed to the given callback will be |PAGE_OPENED| if
// the page is opened after calling this method and before the callback is
// called. Otherwise it will be |YES| or |NO| depending on whether the
// predicate is satisfied.
void PageIsClosedAndSatisfiesPredicate(
fit::function<void(ActivePageManager*, fit::function<void(storage::Status, bool)>)> predicate,
fit::function<void(storage::Status, PagePredicateResult)> callback);
// Returns a tracking Callable object for the page. When called, returns
// |true| if the page has not been opened until now, and stops tracking the
// page.
PageTracker NewPageTracker();
// If this page is among those whose usage is being tracked, marks this page
// as opened. See also |was_opened_|.
void MaybeMarkPageOpened();
void CheckDiscardable();
Environment* const environment_;
const std::string ledger_name_;
const storage::PageId page_id_;
std::vector<PageUsageListener*> page_usage_listeners_;
storage::LedgerStorage* ledger_storage_;
sync_coordinator::LedgerSync* ledger_sync_;
LedgerMergeManager* ledger_merge_manager_;
fit::closure on_discardable_;
PageAvailabilityManager page_availability_manager_;
std::optional<ActivePageManagerContainer> active_page_manager_container_;
// TODO( Based on
// the way was_opened_ is used there may be opportunities to simplify the
// state that is maintained in the following fields.
// |was_opened_| is used to track whether the page was opened during a given
// operation. When |IsClosedAndSatisfiesPredicate| is called, a unique
// operation id is added to this vector. The operation id will be deleted from
// the vector either when that operation is done, or when the page is opened
// because of an external request. This guarantees that if before calling the
// callback of |PageIsClosedAndSatisfiesPredicate|, the operation id is still
// present in the vector, the page was not opened during that operation.
// Otherwise, the page was opened, and |PAGE_OPENED| should be returned.
std::vector<uint64_t> was_opened_;
uint64_t was_opened_id_ = 0;
// |outstanding_operations_| counts the number of active tracking operations.
// The super manager is not empty until all operations have completed.
uint64_t outstanding_operations_ = 0;
// A nonnegative count of the number of "registered interests" for this
// |PageManager|. This field is incremented by calls to |CreateDetacher| and
// decremented by calls to the closures returned by calls to |CreateDetacher|.
// This |PageManager| is not considered empty while this number is positive.
int64_t outstanding_detachers_ = 0;
// Must be the last member.
WeakPtrFactory<PageManager> weak_factory_;
} // namespace ledger