blob: 36939fefecb3bd6b139e593db686038895a429f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/engine/hit_tester.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/engine/session.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/resources/nodes/traversal.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/resources/view.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/geometry/types.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
namespace gfx {
namespace {
// Takes a ray in the coordinate system you are transforming to, the transform itself,
// and a point in the original coordinate system, and gets the distance of the transformed
// point to the ray origin. We assume that the point being passed in lies along the ray
// direction in the original transform space, so this function does not generalize to
// all possible points.
float GetTransformedDistance(const escher::ray4& local_ray, const glm::mat4& transform,
const glm::vec4& point) {
return glm::length((transform * point) - local_ray.origin);
// This function transforms an intersection struct from one coordinate system to the other.
// Since the distances stored within a struct are the recorded distances between a ray
// origin and a node in a given space, they need to be updated when the coordinate
// system changes.
Node::IntersectionInfo GetTransformedIntersection(const Node::IntersectionInfo& intersection,
const escher::ray4& outer_ray,
const escher::ray4& local_ray,
const glm::mat4& transform) {
Node::IntersectionInfo local_intersection = intersection;
// Get the coordinate points of the intersections based on the parameterized
// distances.
escher::Interval interval = intersection.interval;
glm::vec4 min_point = outer_ray.At(interval.min());
glm::vec4 max_point = outer_ray.At(interval.max());
glm::vec4 dist_point = outer_ray.At(intersection.distance);
// Transform the distances into the local coordinate system of the node and the
// local ray, so that the math lines up.
float local_min = GetTransformedDistance(local_ray, transform, min_point);
float local_max = GetTransformedDistance(local_ray, transform, max_point);
// Check for nan and inf in case the transformed distances got scaled beyond what
// floating point values can handle.
FXL_DCHECK(local_min >= 0) << local_min;
local_intersection.interval = escher::Interval(local_min, local_max);
// Only transform the hit distance if there was an actual hit.
if (intersection.did_hit) {
float local_dst = GetTransformedDistance(local_ray, transform, dist_point);
FXL_DCHECK(local_dst >= local_min) << local_dst << "," << local_min;
FXL_DCHECK(local_dst <= local_max) << local_dst << "," << local_max;
local_intersection.distance = local_dst;
return local_intersection;
} // namespace
SessionHitTester::SessionHitTester(Session* session) : session_(session) { FXL_CHECK(session_); }
bool SessionHitTester::should_participate(Node* node) {
return node->tag_value() != 0 && node->session_id() == session_->id();
std::vector<Hit> HitTester::HitTest(Node* node, const escher::ray4& ray) {
FXL_DCHECK(ray_info_ == nullptr);
FXL_DCHECK(tag_info_ == nullptr);
FXL_DCHECK(intersection_info_ == nullptr);
hits_.clear(); // Reset to good state after std::move.
// Trace the ray.
RayInfo local_ray_info{ray, glm::mat4(1.f)};
ray_info_ = &local_ray_info;
// Get start intersection info with infinite bounds.
Node::IntersectionInfo intersection_info;
intersection_info_ = &intersection_info;
ray_info_ = nullptr;
intersection_info_ = nullptr;
FXL_DCHECK(tag_info_ == nullptr);
// Sort by distance, preserving traversal order in case of ties.
std::stable_sort(hits_.begin(), hits_.end(),
[](const Hit& a, const Hit& b) { return a.distance < b.distance; });
return std::move(hits_);
void HitTester::AccumulateHitsOuter(Node* node) {
// Take a fast path for identity transformations.
if (node->transform().IsIdentity()) {
// Apply the node's transformation to derive a new local ray.
auto inverse_transform = glm::inverse(static_cast<glm::mat4>(node->transform()));
RayInfo* outer_ray_info = ray_info_;
RayInfo local_ray_info{inverse_transform * outer_ray_info->ray,
inverse_transform * outer_ray_info->inverse_transform};
escher::ray4 outer_ray = outer_ray_info->ray;
escher::ray4 local_ray = local_ray_info.ray;
// Make outer and local intersections.
Node::IntersectionInfo* outer_intersection = intersection_info_;
Node::IntersectionInfo local_intersection =
GetTransformedIntersection(*outer_intersection, outer_ray, local_ray, inverse_transform);
ray_info_ = &local_ray_info;
intersection_info_ = &local_intersection;
ray_info_ = outer_ray_info;
intersection_info_ = outer_intersection;
void HitTester::AccumulateHitsLocal(Node* node) {
// Bail if hit testing is suppressed.
if (node->hit_test_behavior() == ::fuchsia::ui::gfx::HitTestBehavior::kSuppress)
// Session-based hit testing may encounter nodes that don't participate.
if (!should_participate(node)) {
// The node is tagged by session which initiated the hit test.
TagInfo* outer_tag_info = tag_info_;
TagInfo local_tag_info{};
tag_info_ = &local_tag_info;
tag_info_ = outer_tag_info;
if (local_tag_info.is_hit()) {
hits_.emplace_back(Hit{node->tag_value(), node, ray_info_->ray, ray_info_->inverse_transform,
if (outer_tag_info)
void HitTester::AccumulateHitsInner(Node* node) {
if (node->clip_to_self())
Node::IntersectionInfo* outer_intersection = intersection_info_;
Node::IntersectionInfo intersection = node->GetIntersection(ray_info_->ray, *intersection_info_);
intersection_info_ = &intersection;
if (intersection.did_hit && tag_info_) {
// Only test the descendants if the current node permits it.
if (intersection.continue_with_children) {
ForEachDirectDescendantFrontToBack(*node, [this](Node* node) { AccumulateHitsOuter(node); });
intersection_info_ = outer_intersection;
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace scenic_impl