blob: 3b74bcc13a73402616578814a6540a6914b7db7f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Permit dependencies on testonly targets from packages.
testonly = true
group("packages") {
deps = available_packages
data_deps = package_data_deps
group("default") {
deps = [
if (preinstall_packages != [] || monolith_packages != []) {
deps += [ "//build/images" ]
if (available_packages != []) {
deps += [ "//build/images:updates" ]
# Copy host test binaries to $root_build_dir/host_tests.
# TODO(IN-819): Delete this copy target once host tests are no longer run out
# of a single directory.
if (package_host_tests != []) {
copy("host_tests") {
deps = []
sources = []
bindir = get_label_info("//anything($host_toolchain)", "root_out_dir")
# package_host_tests may contain duplicate entries. Those entries must be
# de-duplicated here to avoid output collisions.
foreach(label, package_host_tests) {
_full_label = "$label($host_toolchain)"
deps += [ _full_label ]
binary = get_label_info(label, "name")
sources += [ "$bindir/$binary" ]
outputs = [
} else {
group("host_tests") {
# TODO(joshuaseaton|mcgrathr): Make this a formal build_api_module.
# Aggregates metadata about all tests within the build graph to create a
# top-level manifest.
generated_file("tests") {
outputs = [
data_keys = [ "test_spec" ]
output_conversion = "json"
deps = [
# Write a JSON metadata file about the host tests in the build.
host_tests = []
foreach(label, package_host_tests) {
host_label = "$label($host_toolchain)"
host_tests += [
dir = get_label_info(host_label, "dir")
name = get_label_info(host_label, "name")
build_dir = rebase_path(get_label_info(host_label, "target_out_dir"),
write_file("$root_build_dir/host_tests.json", host_tests, "json")
# Collect the source files that are dependencies of the
# script, below. Unfortunately, exec_script cannot use a depfile produced
# by the script and only supports a separately computed list of dependencies.
zircon_files =
exec_script("//build/zircon/", [], "list lines")
supporting_templates = [
# The following script generates GN build files for Zircon objects. It is
# placed before everything else so that //zircon targets are available in
# due time. See //build/zircon/ for more details.
zircon_files + supporting_templates)
# Write a file that can be sourced by `fx`. This file is produced
# by `gn gen` and is not known to Ninja at all, so it has nothing to
# do with the build itself. Its sole purpose is to leave bread
# crumbs about the settings `gn gen` used for `fx` to use later.
_relative_build_dir = rebase_path(root_build_dir, "//", "//")
_fx_config_lines = [
"# Generated by `gn gen`.",
write_file("$root_build_dir/fx.config", _fx_config_lines)
# Generates breakpad symbol data for unstripped binaries.
# This symbol data is consumed by infrastructure tools and uploaded to Crash
# servers to enable crash reporting. These files are uniquely important for
# release builds and this step may take a few minutes to complete, so it is
# not recommended that this be included in the default build.
action("breakpad_symbols") {
testonly = true
script = "//buildtools/${host_platform}/dump_breakpad_symbols"
deps = [
inputs = [
sources = [
# This action generates a single xxx.sym file for each binary in the ids file
# and produces an archived output of them all.
outputs = [
depfile = "${outputs[0]}.d"
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
# Generates an archive of package metadata.
amber_files = rebase_path("$root_build_dir/amber-files")
host_out_dir = get_label_info("//anything($host_toolchain)", "root_out_dir")
pm_tool = rebase_path("$host_out_dir/pm")
pkg_archive_contents = [
# TODO(IN-915): this should never contain the root key. In the future, this
# should contain no keys, once infra is managing key material itself.
# These keys are consumed by the infra train promote scripts.
pkg_archive_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/package_archive_manifest"
write_file(pkg_archive_manifest, pkg_archive_contents)
pkg_archive = "$root_build_dir/packages.tar.gz"
compiled_action("package_archive") {
testonly = true
tool = "//build/tools/tar_maker"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [
deps = [
# Generates a JSON manifest of the platforms available for testing, along with
# their properties.
target_platforms = []
foreach(platform, test_platforms) {
if (!defined(platform.cpu) || platform.cpu == current_cpu) {
target_platforms += [ platform ]
write_file("$root_build_dir/platforms.json", target_platforms, "json")