blob: 9585306254bcbd9b2f326c02b9ed4211c5b9c16b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.virtualization;
using fuchsia.sys;
// Mode of the file backing a block device.
enum BlockMode {
// Reads and writes are allowed.
// Only reads are allowed.
// Writes are allowed, but are stored in memory, not to disk.
// Data format of the file backing a block device.
enum BlockFormat {
// Raw IO. All reads and writes go directly to disk as a flat file.
RAW = 0;
// QCOW image. All reads and writes go to a QCOW image.
QCOW = 1;
const uint64 MAX_BLOCK_DEVICE_ID_SIZE = 20;
// Properties describing a single block device in the system.
struct BlockDevice {
// A label used to identify the block device.
// The access mode for the block backing file.
BlockMode mode;
// The data format of the backing file.
BlockFormat format;
// The underlying file that stores the drive contents. file;
// An interface that will receive channels for Wayland connections.
protocol WaylandDispatcher {
// Inform dispatcher of new connection.
// When a client opens a new connection to the virtio_wl device, a new
// zx::channel will be created for that connection. The virtio_wl device
// will retain one endpoint of that channel and the other endpoint will be
// provided to this method. The messages on the channel will be Wayland
// protocol messages as sent by the client. Each channel datagram will
// contain 1 or more complete Wayland messages.
OnNewConnection(handle<channel> channel);
// Properties describing a virtio_wl device.
struct WaylandDevice {
// The amount of guest-physical address space to allocate for virtio_wl
// buffers.
// Default to a 16GiB allocation.
uint64 memory = 17179869184;
// The dispatcher for new virtio_wl connections.
WaylandDispatcher dispatcher;
struct LaunchInfo {
// The URL of the package to launch.
string url;
// Arguments that will be passed to the VMM binary when launching this guest.
// See //src/virtualization/bin/vmm/ for valid options.
vector<string>? args;
// A diagnostic string to associate with this instance.
string? label;
// A flat namespace to be appended to the default namespace for the VMM
// process.
fuchsia.sys.FlatNamespace? flat_namespace;
// A set of block devices to add to the virtual machine.
vector<BlockDevice>? block_devices;
// An optional virtio_wl device.
// If not provided, no virtio_wl device will be created by the VMM.
WaylandDevice? wayland_device;
protocol Realm {
// Launch a new guest instance into this environment. The |cid| of the
// instance is returned so that it can be uniquely identified.
LaunchInstance(LaunchInfo launch_info,
request<Guest> controller)
-> (uint32 cid);
// Query for guests running in this environment.
ListInstances() -> (vector<InstanceInfo> instances);
// Connect to a currently running guest instance identified by |cid|. The
// |cid| can be found via the return value of |LaunchInstance| or a call to
// |ListInstances|.
ConnectToInstance(uint32 cid, request<Guest> controller);
// Connect to the memory balloon of a currently running guest instance
// identified by |cid|.
ConnectToBalloon(uint32 cid, request<BalloonController> controller);
// Returns an interface that can be used to access the host vsock endpoint.
GetHostVsockEndpoint(request<HostVsockEndpoint> endpoint);