blob: c7b5406c25f39fba14a4c224e27065e271c645df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.pkg.rewrite;
using zx;
/// A literal match and replacement rule.
/// # Examples
/// Replaces with for all packages
/// ```
/// {
/// host_match: ""
/// host_replacement: ""
/// path_prefix_match: "/"
/// path_prefix_replacement: "/"
/// }
/// ```
/// Replaces with for
/// fuchsia-pkg:// A package called "rolldice" in another
/// repo would not be rewritten.
/// ```
/// {
/// host_match: ""
/// host_replacement: ""
/// path_prefix_match: "/rolldice"
/// path_prefix_replacement: "/rolldice"
/// }
/// ```
/// Redirects all packages under "fuchsia-pkg://" to
/// "fuchsia-pkg://".
/// ```
/// {
/// host_match: ""
/// host_replacement: ""
/// path_prefix_match: "/examples/"
/// path_prefix_replacement: "/examples/beta/"
/// }
/// ```
struct LiteralRule {
/// The exact hostname to match.
string host_match;
/// The new hostname to replace the matched |host_match| with.
string host_replacement;
/// The absolute path to a package or directory to match against.
/// If |path_prefix_match| ends with '/', it will match any packages or
/// subdirectories below the matched path.
/// If |path_prefix_match| does not end with '/', it will be interpreted as
/// as an exact match.
/// # Examples
/// "/example" only matches a package called "example" at the root of the
/// repo. "/parent/examples" and "/examples" would not match.
/// "/example/" would match any package under the "example" path at the root
/// of the repo. For example, "/example/", "/example/package" would both
/// match.
string path_prefix_match;
/// The absolute path to a single package or a directory to replace the
/// matched |path_prefix_match| with.
/// |path_prefix_match| and |path_prefix_replacement| must both match
/// directories or both match exact packages. Mixing the two forms is not
/// allowed.
string path_prefix_replacement;
/// A rewrite rule, represented as an xunion for future compatibility.
xunion Rule {
LiteralRule literal;
/// Manages fuchsia-pkg:// rewrite rules.
/// When a package resolver is asked to resolve a fuchsia-pkg URL, it must first
/// iterate through its sequence of rewrite rules (given by
/// |Engine::List|). The rewrite engine will rewrite the given URL with
/// the first rule that:
/// * matches the given URL
/// * produces a valid URL when applied to the given URL
/// If no rules match, the URL is resolved as-is.
/// This interface is intended to be implemented by package resolver components,
/// and used by repository administration tools.
protocol Engine {
/// Begins a rule edit transaction.
StartEditTransaction(request<EditTransaction> transaction);
/// Return an iterator over all rewrite rules.
/// Arguments:
/// |iterator| is a request for an iterator.
List(request<RuleIterator> iterator);
/// Return an iterator over all static (immutable) rewrite rules. These
/// rules are handled as lower priority than dynamic rules and cannot be
/// modified (although they can be overridden) by |EditTransaction|s.
/// Arguments:
/// |iterator| is a request for an iterator.
ListStatic(request<RuleIterator> iterator);
protocol EditTransaction {
/// Return an iterator over all dynamic (editable) rewrite rules. The
/// iterator will reflect any changes made to the rewrite rules so far in
/// this transaction.
/// Arguments:
/// |iterator| is a request for an iterator.
ListDynamic(request<RuleIterator> iterator);
/// Removes all dynamically configured rewrite rules, leaving only any
/// statically configured rules.
/// Add a rewrite rule with highest priority. If |rule| already exists, this
/// API will prioritize it over other rules.
/// Arguments:
/// * |rule| the rewrite rule to persist.
/// Return Values:
/// * |ZX_OK| if the rule was staged to be added.
/// * |ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS| if the |rule| is malformed.
Add(Rule rule) -> (zx.status status);
/// Commit this transaction, or detect another transaction that committed
/// before this one.
/// Return Values:
/// * |ZX_OK| the staged edits were successfully committed.
/// * |ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE| another transaction committed before this one.
Commit() -> (zx.status status);
/// The iterator over all the rewrite rules defined in a |Engine|.
protocol RuleIterator {
/// Advance the iterator and return the next batch of rules.
/// Return Values:
/// * a vector of |Rule| rules. Will return an empty vector when
/// there are no more rules.
Next() -> (vector<Rule> rules);