blob: 3fb59c0e7b14bdff570706136ec140e021e0a055 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using zx;
// TODO(FIDL-580): Make these alias comments doc comments.
// Identifies a host. Host names consist of one or more labels separated by
// '.'s. A host name must not end with a '.'. Labels must each be 63 characters
// or less (not including the separator) and are UTF-8-encoded. A complete host
// name, including separators, must be 255 characters or less.
using host_name = string:255;
// Identifies a (type of) service being published. Service names consist of
// two labels, both terminated with a '.'. The first label must start with an
// underscore and be 16 characters or less, including the underscore. The
// second label must be either '_tcp' or '_udp'. Labels do not contain '.'s.
// With underscores and terminators, that makes for a maximum of 22 characters.
// Service names are UTF-8-encoded.
using service_name = string:22;
// Identifies a specific instance of a service being published. Instance names
// consist of a single label, which is at most 63 characters long and which
// contains no '.'s. Instance names are UTF-8-encoded.
using instance_name = string:63;
// Identifies a subtype of a service. Subtype names consist of a single label,
// which is at most 63 characters long and which contains no '.'s. Subtype
// names are UTF-8-encoded.
using subtype_name = string:63;
// Provides description relating to a service instance. In typical use, TXT
// strings consist of a key and value separated by '='. TXT strings must be
// at most 255 characters long and are UTF-8-encoded.
using txt_string = string:255;
/// Discoverable protocol for resolving host names to IP addresses.
protocol Resolver {
/// Gets the addresses for the specified host. `timeout` specifies how long
/// the service should wait before giving up when waiting for a response to
/// a resolution query. In typical use, a timeout of two or three seconds
/// is recommended.
/// A successful resolution may return one or both addresses. An
/// unsuccessful resolution is indicated when both addresses are null.
ResolveHostName(host_name host, zx.duration timeout)
-> ( v4_address, v6_address);
/// Discoverable protocol for finding service instances.
protocol Subscriber {
/// Subscribes to a service. The subscription lasts until `subscriber` is
/// unbound.
SubscribeToService(service_name service, ServiceSubscriber subscriber);
/// Discoverable protocol for publishing service instances.
protocol Publisher {
/// Publishes a service instance. `responder` is consulted via its
/// `OnPublication` method for initial announcements and to answer queries.
/// The service is published until the `responder` channel closes. In
/// addition to announcements and queries for the service type, all queries
/// for subtypes are answered subject to filtering through the responder.
/// `perform_probe` indicates whether a probe for a conflicting instance
/// should be performed before publishing the instance. This value should
/// be `true` unless the instance name is known to be unique.
PublishServiceInstance(service_name service,
instance_name instance,
bool perform_probe,
PublicationResponder responder) -> () error Error;
/// Error values for instance publishing.
enum Error : int32 {
/// The specified service name is invalid.
/// The specified instance name is invalid.
/// The specified service instance is already being published by this
/// mDNS implementation.
/// The specified service instance is already being published by another
/// host on the subnet. This result occurs when an initial probe discovers
/// a conflicting instance.
/// Client-implemented interface for subscribers. Method replies are used to
/// throttle traffic. The service won't necessarily wait for a reply before
/// calling another method.
protocol ServiceSubscriber {
/// Notifies the subscriber that a service instance has been discovered.
OnInstanceDiscovered(ServiceInstance instance) -> ();
/// Notifies the subscriber that addresses or text for a known service
/// instance have changed.
OnInstanceChanged(ServiceInstance instance) -> ();
/// Notifies the subscriber that a known service instance has been lost.
OnInstanceLost(service_name service, instance_name instance) -> ();
/// Describes a service instance.
struct ServiceInstance {
/// The name of the service.
service_name service;
/// The name of the service instance.
instance_name instance;
/// Endpoints for the service. If two endpoints are supplied, one will be a
/// V4 and the other will be a V6.
vector<>:2 endpoints;
/// Text strings describing the instance.
vector<txt_string> text;
/// The priority of the SRV resource record for this publication. See
/// [RFC6763]( for details.
uint16 srv_priority;
/// The weight of the SRV resource record for this publication. See
/// [RFC6763]( for details.
uint16 srv_weight;
/// Client-supplied publication responder interface.
protocol PublicationResponder {
/// Provides instance information for initial announcements and query
/// responses relating to the service instance specified in
/// `Publisher.PublishServiceInstance`. `query` indicates whether data is
/// requested for an initial announcement (false) or in response to a query
/// (true). If the publication relates to a subtype of the service,
/// `subtype` contains the subtype, otherwise it is null. If `publication`
/// is null, no announcement or response is transmitted. Strings in `text`
/// are transmitted in the TXT record.
OnPublication(bool query, subtype_name? subtype)
-> (Publication? publication);
/// Sets the subtypes for the service instance. The specified subtypes will
/// be announced subject to filtering through the responder. The initial
/// subtype collection is empty.
-> SetSubtypes(vector<subtype_name> subtypes);
/// Initiates reannouncement of the service instance due to a change in the
/// instance's port number or text strings. All announcements are filtered
/// through `OnPublication`, which replies with the new port and text
/// values.
-> Reannounce();
/// Describes an initial instance announcement or query response. In typical
/// use, the default SRV priority, SRV weight and TTL values should be used. TTL
/// values are rounded down to the nearest second. TTL values less than one
/// second are not permitted and will result in the `PublicationResponder`
/// channel being closed.
struct Publication {
/// The port at which the service instance is addressable.
uint16 port;
/// Text strings describing the instance.
vector<txt_string> text;
/// The priority of the SRV resource record for this publication. See
/// [RFC6763]( for details.
uint16 srv_priority = DEFAULT_SRV_PRIORITY;
/// The weight of the SRV resource record for this publication. See
/// [RFC6763]( for details.
uint16 srv_weight = DEFAULT_SRV_WEIGHT;
/// Time-to-live for PTR resource records.
zx.duration ptr_ttl = DEFAULT_PTR_TTL;
/// Time-to-live for SRV resource records.
zx.duration srv_ttl = DEFAULT_SRV_TTL;
/// Time-to-live for TXT resource records.
zx.duration txt_ttl = DEFAULT_TXT_TTL;
const uint16 DEFAULT_SRV_PRIORITY = 0;
const uint16 DEFAULT_SRV_WEIGHT = 0;
const zx.duration DEFAULT_PTR_TTL = 4500000000000; // 75 minutes
const zx.duration DEFAULT_SRV_TTL = 120000000000; // 2 minutes
const zx.duration DEFAULT_TXT_TTL = 4500000000000; // 75 minutes