blob: ef5dbcff899d017fe0d36a9ebf63a0498e667d55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.bluetooth;
using zx;
type ScoCodingFormat = flexible enum : uint8 {
CVSD = 1;
MSBC = 2;
type ScoEncoding = flexible enum : uint8 {
BITS_8 = 1;
BITS_16 = 2;
type ScoSampleRate = flexible enum : uint8 {
KHZ_8 = 1;
KHZ_16 = 2;
const EVENT_MAX uint64 = 257;
const COMMAND_MAX uint64 = 258;
const ACL_PACKET_MAX uint64 = 65539;
const ISO_PACKET_MAX uint64 = 16387;
const SCO_PACKET_MAX uint64 = 258;
/// Packet received by the host from the controller.
type ReceivedPacket = flexible union {
1: event vector<byte>:EVENT_MAX;
2: acl vector<byte>:ACL_PACKET_MAX;
3: iso vector<byte>:ISO_PACKET_MAX;
/// Packet sent by the host to the controller.
type SentPacket = flexible union {
1: command vector<byte>:COMMAND_MAX;
2: acl vector<byte>:ACL_PACKET_MAX;
3: iso vector<byte>:ISO_PACKET_MAX;
type ScoPacket = struct {
packet vector<byte>:SCO_PACKET_MAX;
type SnoopPacket = flexible union {
1: event vector<byte>:EVENT_MAX;
2: command vector<byte>:COMMAND_MAX;
3: acl vector<byte>:ACL_PACKET_MAX;
4: sco vector<byte>:SCO_PACKET_MAX;
5: iso vector<byte>:ISO_PACKET_MAX;
type PacketDirection = strict enum {
open protocol ScoConnection {
/// More than one Send can be pending simultaneously.
/// Prefer to limit the number of pending calls to avoid overflow.
/// A maximum of 10 pending calls is suggested.
flexible Send(ScoPacket) -> ();
/// More than one packet event can be sent before acknowledged. Each packet must be
/// acknowledged with `AckReceive`. Servers should limit the number of pending acknowledgements
/// to avoid channel overflow. A maximum of 10 unacked packets is recommended.
flexible -> OnReceive(ScoPacket);
flexible AckReceive();
/// The server will close the protocol when `Stop` is received. This is useful for
/// synchronization (e.g. before configuring another `ScoConnection`).
flexible Stop();
open protocol Snoop {
/// A packet has been transmitted/received. Some number of packets can be observed before the
/// server stalls. The server is allowed to drop packets if the client takes too long to
/// acknowledge packets.
flexible -> OnObservePacket(table {
/// Monotonically increasing packet count. Used for flow control in conjunction with
/// `OnAcknowledgePackets`.
1: sequence uint64;
2: direction PacketDirection;
3: packet SnoopPacket;
/// Acknowledge packets have been received up to `sequence`.
flexible AcknowledgePackets(struct {
sequence uint64;
/// Sent by the server once after `AcknowledgePackets` is received if packets were dropped since
/// the last `OnObservePacket`.
flexible -> OnDroppedPackets(table {
1: sent uint32;
2: received uint32;
open protocol HciTransport {
/// More than one Send can be pending simultaneously.
/// Prefer to limit the number of pending calls to avoid overflow.
/// A maximum of 10 pending calls is suggested.
/// If an event or SCO packet is received by the server, the server should close the protocol.
flexible Send(SentPacket) -> ();
/// More than one packet event can be sent before acknowledged. Each packet must be
/// acknowledged with `AckReceive`. Servers should limit the number of pending acknowledgements
/// to avoid channel overflow. A maximum of 10 unacked packets is recommended. If a command or
/// SCO packet is received by the client, the client should close the protocol.
flexible -> OnReceive(ReceivedPacket);
flexible AckReceive();
/// Establish a SCO connection. Only 1 SCO connection can be configured at a time.
flexible ConfigureSco(resource table {
/// Required.
1: coding_format ScoCodingFormat;
/// Required.
2: encoding ScoEncoding;
/// Required.
3: sample_rate ScoSampleRate;
/// Required.
4: connection server_end:ScoConnection;
open protocol Hci {
/// Open the two-way HCI command channel for sending HCI commands and
/// receiving event packets. Returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND if the channel
/// is already open.
flexible OpenCommandChannel(resource struct {
channel zx.Handle:CHANNEL;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Open the two-way HCI ACL data channel.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND if the channel is already open.
flexible OpenAclDataChannel(resource struct {
channel zx.Handle:CHANNEL;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
// TODO(b/315877895): Define a new protocol to hold SCO API calls.
/// Opens a SCO channel on the provided handle. The zircon channel is
/// closed in the event of an error opening the hci channel or if the hci
/// channel is already associated with a handle to another zircon channel.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if SCO is not supported by the current vendor or transport
/// driver.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND if the channel is already open.
flexible OpenScoDataChannel(resource struct {
channel zx.Handle:CHANNEL;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Configure the HCI for a SCO connection with the indicated parameters.
/// This must be called before sending/receiving data on the SCO channel.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if SCO is not supported by the current vendor or transport
/// driver.
flexible ConfigureSco(struct {
coding_format ScoCodingFormat;
encoding ScoEncoding;
sample_rate ScoSampleRate;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Releases resources held by an active SCO connection. Must be called
/// when a SCO connection is closed.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if SCO is not supported by the current vendor or transport
/// driver.
flexible ResetSco() -> () error zx.Status;
/// Opens a channel on the provided handle for sending and receiving isochronous data packets.
/// The zircon channel is closed in the event of an error opening the hci channel or if the hci
/// channel is already associated with a handle to another zircon channel.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if ISO is not supported by the current vendor or transport
/// driver.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND if the channel is already open.
flexible OpenIsoDataChannel(resource struct {
channel zx.Handle:CHANNEL;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Open an output-only channel for monitoring HCI traffic.
/// The format of each message is: [1-octet flags] [n-octet payload]
/// The flags octet is a bitfield with the following values defined:
/// - 0x00: The payload represents a command packet sent from the host to the
/// controller.
/// - 0x01: The payload represents an event packet sent by the controller.
/// Returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND if the channel is already open.
flexible OpenSnoopChannel(resource struct {
channel zx.Handle:CHANNEL;
}) -> () error zx.Status;
/// Wrap the protocol in a service that will be exposed to the child driver.
service HciService {
hci client_end:Hci;
hci_transport client_end:HciTransport;
snoop client_end:Snoop;