blob: 92c8910e73d9a08e52263e7e23d026426ffbcaa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::configuration::ServerParameters;
use crate::protocol::{identifier::ClientIdentifier, DhcpOption, OptionCode};
use crate::server::{CachedClients, CachedConfig, DataStore};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::str::FromStr as _;
use std::string::ToString as _;
/// A wrapper around a `fuchsia.stash.StoreAccessor` proxy.
/// Stash provides a simple API by which the DHCP `Server` can store and load client configuration
/// data to persistent storage.
/// This wrapper stores client configuration as serialized JSON strings. The decision to use JSON
/// derives from its use in other Stash clients, cf. commit e9c57a0, and the relative immaturity of
/// more compact serde serialization formats, e.g.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Stash {
prefix: String,
proxy: fidl_fuchsia_stash::StoreAccessorProxy,
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum StashError {
#[error("stash initialized with empty prefix")]
"stash initialized with prefix={prefix} containing invalid character(s) {invalid_chars:?}"
InvalidPrefix { prefix: String, invalid_chars: HashSet<char> },
#[error("unexpected value variant stored in stash: {actual:?}, expected {expected:?}")]
UnexpectedStashValue { actual: fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value, expected: fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value },
#[error("failed to deserialize json string={0}")]
JsonDeserialization(String, #[source] serde_json::Error),
#[error("failed to serialize to json for key={0}")]
JsonSerialization(String, #[source] serde_json::Error),
#[error("stash does not contain value for key={0}")]
#[error("FIDL call to stash failed: {0}")]
Fidl(#[from] fidl::Error),
#[error("connecting to stash failed")]
StashConnect(#[source] anyhow::Error),
impl DataStore for Stash {
type Error = StashError;
/// Stores the `client_config` value with the `client_id` key in `fuchsia.stash`.
/// This function stores the `client_config` as a serialized JSON string.
fn store_client_config(
&mut self,
client_id: &ClientIdentifier,
client_config: &CachedConfig,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {, client_config)
/// Stores `opts` in `fuchsia.stash`.
/// This function stores the `opts` as a serialized JSON string.
fn store_options(&mut self, opts: &[DhcpOption]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {, opts)
/// Stores `params` in `fuchsia.stash`.
/// This function stores the `params` as a serialized JSON string.
fn store_parameters(&mut self, params: &ServerParameters) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {, params)
/// Deletes the stash entry associated with `client`, if any.
/// This function immediately commits the deletion operation to the Stash, i.e. there is no
/// batching of delete operations.
fn delete(&mut self, client_id: &ClientIdentifier) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
const OPTIONS_KEY: &'static str = "options";
const PARAMETERS_KEY: &'static str = "parameters";
const CLIENT_KEY_PREFIX: &'static str = "client";
impl Stash {
/// Instantiates a new `Stash` value.
/// The newly instantiated value will use `id` to identify itself with the `fuchsia.stash`
/// service.
pub fn new(id: &str) -> Result<Self, StashError> {
Self::new_with_prefix(id, CLIENT_KEY_PREFIX)
fn new_with_prefix(id: &str, prefix: &str) -> Result<Self, StashError> {
if prefix.is_empty() {
return Err(StashError::EmptyPrefix);
let invalid_chars: HashSet<char> =
prefix.matches(&['-', ':'][..]).map(|s| char::from_str(s).unwrap()).collect();
if !invalid_chars.is_empty() {
return Err(StashError::InvalidPrefix { prefix: prefix.to_string(), invalid_chars });
let store_client = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service::<
let () = store_client.identify(id)?;
let (proxy, accessor_server) =
let () = store_client.create_accessor(false, accessor_server)?;
let prefix = prefix.to_string();
Ok(Stash { prefix, proxy })
fn store<T>(&self, key: &str, v: &T) -> Result<(), StashError>
T: serde::Serialize + std::fmt::Debug + ?Sized,
let mut v = fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(
.map_err(|e| StashError::JsonSerialization(key.to_string(), e))?,
let () = self.proxy.set_value(key, &mut v)?;
let () = self.proxy.commit()?;
/// Loads a `CachedClients` map from data stored in `fuchsia.stash`.
/// This function will retrieve all client configuration data from `fuchsia.stash`, deserialize
/// the JSON string values, and load the resulting structured data into a `CachedClients`
/// hashmap. Any key-value pair which could not be parsed or deserialized will be removed and
/// skipped.
pub async fn load_client_configs(&self) -> Result<CachedClients, StashError> {
use futures::TryStreamExt as _;
let (iter, server) =
let () = self.proxy.get_prefix(&self.prefix, server)?;
futures::stream::try_unfold(iter, |iter| async move {
let kvs = iter.get_next().await?;
let yielded = (!kvs.is_empty()).then(|| (kvs, iter));
Result::<_, StashError>::Ok(yielded)
.map_ok(|kvs| futures::stream::iter(kvs.into_iter().map(Ok)))
.try_filter_map(|kv| async move {
let key = match kv.key.split("-").last() {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
// Invalid key-value pair: remove the invalid pair and try the next one.
log::warn!("failed to parse key string: {}", kv.key);
let () = self.rm_key(&kv.key)?;
return Ok(None);
let key = match ClientIdentifier::from_str(key) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
log::warn!("client id from string conversion failed: {}", e);
let () = self.rm_key(&kv.key)?;
return Ok(None);
let val = match kv.val {
fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(v) => v,
v => {
log::warn!("invalid value variant stored in stash: {:?}", v);
let () = self.rm_key(&kv.key)?;
return Ok(None);
let val: CachedConfig = match serde_json::from_str(&val) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
log::warn!("failed to parse JSON from string: {}", e);
let () = self.rm_key(&kv.key)?;
return Ok(None);
Ok(Some((key, val)))
/// Loads a map of `OptionCode`s to `DhcpOption`s from data stored in `fuchsia.stash`.
pub async fn load_options(&self) -> Result<HashMap<OptionCode, DhcpOption>, StashError> {
let val = self.proxy.get_value(&OPTIONS_KEY.to_string()).await?;
let val = match val {
Some(v) => v,
None => return Ok(HashMap::new()),
match *val {
fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(v) => {
.map_err(|e| StashError::JsonDeserialization(v.clone(), e))?
.map(|opt| (opt.code(), opt))
v => Err(StashError::UnexpectedStashValue {
actual: v,
expected: fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(String::new()),
/// Loads a new instance of `ServerParameters` from data stored in `fuchsia.stash`.
pub async fn load_parameters(&self) -> Result<ServerParameters, StashError> {
let val = self
match *val {
fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(v) => Ok(serde_json::from_str(&v)
.map_err(|e| StashError::JsonDeserialization(v.clone(), e))?),
v => Err(StashError::UnexpectedStashValue {
actual: v,
expected: fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(String::new()),
fn rm_key(&self, key: &str) -> Result<(), StashError> {
let () = self.proxy.delete_value(key)?;
let () = self.proxy.commit()?;
/// Clears all configuration data from `fuchsia.stash`.
/// This function will delete all key-value pairs associated with the `Stash` value.
pub fn clear(&self) -> Result<(), StashError> {
let () = self.proxy.delete_prefix(&self.prefix)?;
let () = self.proxy.commit()?;
pub fn clone_proxy(&self) -> fidl_fuchsia_stash::StoreAccessorProxy {
pub(crate) fn client_key(&self, client_id: &ClientIdentifier) -> String {
format!("{}-{}", self.prefix, client_id)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::configuration::{LeaseLength, ManagedAddresses};
use anyhow::{Context as _, Error};
use net_declare::std::ip_v4;
use std::convert::TryFrom as _;
/// Creates a new stash instance with a randomized identifier to prevent test flakes.
/// `prefix` must not contain either '-' or ':' as they are used as field delimiters in stash
/// keys.
fn new_stash(test_prefix: &str) -> Result<(Stash, String), StashError> {
use rand::Rng;
let rand_id: String =
let stash = Stash::new_with_prefix(&rand_id, test_prefix)?;
// Clear the Stash of any data leftover from the previous test.
let () = stash.proxy.delete_prefix(&stash.prefix)?;
let () = stash.proxy.commit()?;
Ok((stash, rand_id))
async fn stash_new_with_prefix() {
matches::assert_matches!(Stash::new_with_prefix("stash_new", "valid"), Ok(Stash { .. }));
Stash::new_with_prefix("stash_new", "invalid-"),
Err(StashError::InvalidPrefix { .. })
Stash::new_with_prefix("stash_new", "invalid:"),
Err(StashError::InvalidPrefix { .. })
Stash::new_with_prefix("stash_new", ""),
let () = match Stash::new_with_prefix("stash_new", "a-b-c-d") {
Err(StashError::InvalidPrefix { invalid_chars, prefix: _prefix }) => {
assert_eq!(invalid_chars, ['-'].iter().cloned().collect())
v => {
panic!("new_with_prefix returned {:?}, expected StashError::InvalidPrefix{{..}}", v)
let () = match Stash::new_with_prefix("stash_new", "a-b-c:d-e") {
Err(StashError::InvalidPrefix { invalid_chars, prefix: _prefix }) => {
assert_eq!(invalid_chars, ['-', ':'].iter().cloned().collect())
v => {
panic!("new_with_prefix returned {:?}, expected StashError::InvalidPrefix{{..}}", v)
async fn store_client_succeeds() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut stash, id) = new_stash("store_client_succeeds")?;
let accessor_client = stash.proxy.clone();
// Store value in stash.
let client_id = ClientIdentifier::from(crate::server::tests::random_mac_generator());
let client_config = CachedConfig::default();
let () = stash
.store_client_config(&client_id, &client_config)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to store client in {}", id))?;
// Verify value actually stored in stash.
let value = accessor_client
.with_context(|| format!("failed to get value from {}", id))?;
let value = match *value.unwrap() {
fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(v) => v,
v => panic!("stored value is not a string: {:?}", v),
let value: CachedConfig = serde_json::from_str(&value)?;
assert_eq!(value, client_config);
async fn store_options_succeeds() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut stash, id) = new_stash("store_options_succeeds")?;
let accessor_client = stash.proxy.clone();
let opts = vec![
DhcpOption::DomainNameServer(vec![ip_v4!(""), ip_v4!("")]),
let () = stash.store_options(&opts).context("failed to store options in stash")?;
let value = accessor_client
.with_context(|| format!("failed to get value from {}", id))?;
let value = match *value.unwrap() {
fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(v) => v,
v => panic!("stored value is not a string: {:?}", v),
let value: Vec<DhcpOption> = serde_json::from_str(&value)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to deserialize from {}", value))?;
assert_eq!(value, opts);
async fn store_parameters_succeeds() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut stash, id) = new_stash("store_parameters_succeeds")?;
let accessor_client = stash.proxy.clone();
let params = ServerParameters {
server_ips: vec![ip_v4!("")],
lease_length: LeaseLength { default_seconds: 42, max_seconds: 100 },
managed_addrs: ManagedAddresses {
mask: crate::configuration::SubnetMask::try_from(24)?,
pool_range_start: ip_v4!(""),
pool_range_stop: ip_v4!(""),
permitted_macs: crate::configuration::PermittedMacs(Vec::new()),
static_assignments: crate::configuration::StaticAssignments(HashMap::new()),
arp_probe: false,
bound_device_names: vec![],
let () = stash.store_parameters(&params).context("failed to store parameters")?;
let value = accessor_client
.with_context(|| format!("failed to get value from {}", id))?;
let value = match *value.unwrap() {
fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(v) => v,
v => panic!("stored value is not a string: {:?}", v),
let value: ServerParameters = serde_json::from_str(&value)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to deserialize from {}", value))?;
assert_eq!(value, params);
async fn load_clients_with_populated_stash_returns_cached_clients() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (stash, id) = new_stash("load_clients_with_populated_stash_returns_cached_clients")?;
let accessor = stash.proxy.clone();
let client_id = ClientIdentifier::from(crate::server::tests::random_mac_generator());
let client_config = CachedConfig::default();
let serialized_client =
serde_json::to_string(&client_config).context("serialization failed")?;
let client_key = stash.client_key(&client_id);
let mut client_val = fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(serialized_client);
let () = accessor
.set_value(&client_key, &mut client_val)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to set value in {}", id))?;
let () = accessor
.with_context(|| format!("failed to commit stash state change in {}", id))?;
let loaded_cache = stash
.with_context(|| format!("failed to load map from stash in {}", id))?;
let cached_clients = std::iter::once((client_id, client_config)).collect();
assert_eq!(loaded_cache, cached_clients);
async fn load_options_with_stashed_options_returns_options() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (stash, id) = new_stash("load_options_with_stashed_options_returns_options")?;
let accessor = stash.proxy.clone();
let opts = vec![
DhcpOption::DomainNameServer(vec![ip_v4!(""), ip_v4!("")]),
let serialized_opts = serde_json::to_string(&opts).context("serialization failed")?;
let opts = opts.into_iter().map(|o| (o.code(), o)).collect();
let () = accessor
&mut fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(serialized_opts),
.with_context(|| format!("failed to set value in stash for key={}", OPTIONS_KEY))?;
let () = accessor
.with_context(|| format!("failed to commit stash state change in {}", id))?;
let loaded_opts = stash.load_options().await.context("failed to load options")?;
assert_eq!(loaded_opts, opts);
async fn load_options_with_no_stashed_options_returns_empty_map() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (stash, _id) = new_stash("load_options_with_no_stashed_options_returns_empty_vec")?;
let opts = stash.load_options().await.context("failed to load options")?;
assert_eq!(opts, HashMap::new());
async fn load_parameters_with_stashed_parameters_returns_parameters() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (stash, id) = new_stash("load_parameters_with_stashed_parameters_returns_parameters")?;
let accessor = stash.proxy.clone();
let params = ServerParameters {
server_ips: vec![ip_v4!("")],
lease_length: LeaseLength { default_seconds: 42, max_seconds: 100 },
managed_addrs: ManagedAddresses {
mask: crate::configuration::SubnetMask::try_from(24)?,
pool_range_start: ip_v4!(""),
pool_range_stop: ip_v4!(""),
permitted_macs: crate::configuration::PermittedMacs(Vec::new()),
static_assignments: crate::configuration::StaticAssignments(HashMap::new()),
arp_probe: false,
bound_device_names: vec![],
let serialized_params = serde_json::to_string(&params).context("serialization failed")?;
let () = accessor
&mut fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(serialized_params),
.with_context(|| format!("failed to set value in stash for key={}", OPTIONS_KEY))?;
let () = accessor
.with_context(|| format!("failed to commit stash state change in {}", id))?;
let loaded_params = stash.load_parameters().await.context("failed to load parameters")?;
assert_eq!(loaded_params, params);
async fn load_parameters_with_no_stashed_parameters_returns_err() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (stash, _id) = new_stash("load_parameters_with_no_stashed_parameters_returns_err")?;
stash.load_parameters().await.expect_err("load_parameters should have returned err"),
StashError::MissingValue(String { .. })
async fn load_clients_with_stash_containing_invalid_entries_returns_empty_cache(
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (stash, id) =
let accessor = stash.proxy.clone();
let client_id = ClientIdentifier::from(crate::server::tests::random_mac_generator());
let client_config = CachedConfig::default();
let serialized_client =
serde_json::to_string(&client_config).context("serialization failed")?;
let invalid_key = "invalid_key";
let mut client_stringval = fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(serialized_client);
let () = accessor
.set_value(invalid_key, &mut client_stringval)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to set value in stash for key={}", OPTIONS_KEY))?;
let client_key = stash.client_key(&client_id);
let mut client_intval = fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Intval(42);
let () = accessor
.set_value(&client_key, &mut client_intval)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to set value in stash for key={}", OPTIONS_KEY))?;
let () = accessor
.with_context(|| format!("failed to commit stash state change in {}", id))?;
let loaded_cache = stash
.with_context(|| format!("failed to load map from stash in {}", id))?;
let empty_cache = HashMap::new();
assert_eq!(loaded_cache, empty_cache);
async fn delete_client_succeeds() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut stash, id) = new_stash("delete_client_succeeds")?;
let accessor = stash.proxy.clone();
// Store value in stash.
let client_id = ClientIdentifier::from(crate::server::tests::random_mac_generator());
let client_config = CachedConfig::default();
let () = stash
.store_client_config(&client_id, &client_config)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to store client in {}", id))?;
// Verify value actually stored in stash.
let client_key = stash.client_key(&client_id);
let value = accessor
.with_context(|| format!("failed to get value from {}", id))?;
// Delete value and verify its absence.
let () = stash
.with_context(|| format!("failed to delete client in {}", id))?;
let value = accessor
.with_context(|| format!("failed to get value from {}", id))?;
async fn clear_with_populated_stash_clears_stash() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (stash, id) = new_stash("clear_with_populated_stash_clears_stash")?;
let accessor = stash.proxy.clone();
// Store a value in the stash.
let client_mac = ClientIdentifier::from(crate::server::tests::random_mac_generator());
let client_config = CachedConfig::default();
let serialized_client =
serde_json::to_string(&client_config).context("serialization failed")?;
let client_key = stash.client_key(&client_mac);
let mut client_val = fidl_fuchsia_stash::Value::Stringval(serialized_client);
let () = accessor
.set_value(&client_key, &mut client_val)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to set value in stash for key={}", OPTIONS_KEY))?;
let () = accessor
.with_context(|| format!("failed to commit stash state change in {}", id))?;
// Clear the stash.
let () = stash.clear().with_context(|| format!("failed to clear stash in {}", id))?;
// Verify that the stash is actually empty.
let (iter, server) =
.context("failed to create iterator for stash")?;
let () =
accessor.get_prefix(&stash.prefix, server).context("failed to get prefix iterator")?;
let stash_contents =
iter.get_next().await.context("failed to get next item for iterator")?;
assert_eq!(stash_contents.len(), 0);