blob: 9dbb7d95ed87669088ff4e325b228bd34fa4b23b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "usb-transaction.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <fbl/condition_variable.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <lib/mmio/mmio.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <memory>
#include <threads.h>
#include <usb/request-cpp.h>
#include <zircon/hw/usb.h>
#include <zircon/thread_annotations.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
namespace mt_usb_hci {
// The maximum single-buffered endpoint FIFO size.
constexpr uint32_t kFifoMaxSize = 4096;
// An Endpoint cultivates a queue of outstanding usb requests and asynchronously services them in
// serial-FIFO order.
class Endpoint {
virtual ~Endpoint() = default;
// Advance processing of the current request which may optionally be the result of servicing a
// hardware IRQ event (in which case interrupt should be set to true).
virtual void Advance(bool interrupt) = 0;
// Enqueue a new request for processing.
virtual zx_status_t QueueRequest(usb::UnownedRequest<> req) = 0;
// Start the request processing thread.
virtual zx_status_t StartQueueThread() = 0;
// Clear and cancel all currently pending requests from the queue.
virtual zx_status_t CancelAll() = 0;
// Return this endpoint's maximum packet transfer size (i.e. wMaxPacketSize).
virtual size_t GetMaxTransferSize() = 0;
// Halt endpoint request processing. All outstanding requests will result in a
// ZX_ERR_IO_NOT_PRESENT status, and the queue thread will be shut down.
virtual zx_status_t Halt() = 0;
// A TransactionEndpoint is an Endpoint which dispatches requests to a Transaction for processing.
class TransactionEndpoint : public Endpoint {
TransactionEndpoint(ddk::MmioView usb, uint8_t faddr,
const usb_endpoint_descriptor_t& descriptor)
: usb_(usb),
halted_(false) {}
~TransactionEndpoint() = default;
void Advance(bool interrupt) override { transaction_->Advance(interrupt); }
zx_status_t QueueRequest(usb::UnownedRequest<> req) override;
zx_status_t StartQueueThread() override;
zx_status_t CancelAll() override;
size_t GetMaxTransferSize() override ;
zx_status_t Halt() override;
// The USB register mmio.
ddk::MmioView usb_;
// A transaction type used by this endpoint.
std::unique_ptr<Transaction> transaction_;
// The id of the device this endpoint is associated with.
uint8_t faddr_;
// The maximum usb packet size for this transaction.
size_t max_pkt_sz_;
// The enumerated endpoint descriptor describing the behavior of this endpoint.
usb_endpoint_descriptor_t descriptor_;
// True if this endpoint has been halted.
std::atomic_bool halted_;
// Dispatch and process a request transaction. This method blocks until the transaction is
// complete.
virtual zx_status_t DispatchRequest(usb::UnownedRequest<> req) = 0;
// Queue thread which services enqueued requests in serial FIFO order.
int QueueThread();
// The queue of pending usb::UnownedRequests ready to be dispatched. Requests are dispatched
// and processed in FIFO-order.
usb::UnownedRequestQueue<> pending_ TA_GUARDED(pending_lock_);
// Queue dispatch thread.
thrd_t pending_thread_;
// Queue dispatch condition and associated mutex.
fbl::Mutex pending_lock_;
fbl::ConditionVariable pending_cond_ TA_GUARDED(pending_lock_);
// A ControlEndpoint is an Endpoint dispatching control-type transactions.
class ControlEndpoint : public TransactionEndpoint {
// Note that initially all enumeration control transactions are performed on the default
// control-pipe address of 0 using the spec. default maximum packet size of 8 bytes (encoded in
// this type's static descriptor). During enumeration, these values will be updated to their
// final configured values.
explicit ControlEndpoint(ddk::MmioView usb) : TransactionEndpoint(usb, 0, descriptor_) {}
// Read the device descriptor (used only for enumeration). Note that a successful
// GET_DESCRIPTOR transaction will result in max_pkt_sz_ being updated with the bMaxPacketSize0
// as returned by the device.
zx_status_t GetDeviceDescriptor(usb_device_descriptor_t* out);
// Set the USB function address for the device this endpoint is associated with (used only for
// enumeration). Note that a successful SET_ADDRESS transaction will result in faddr_ being
// updated with the configured address.
zx_status_t SetAddress(uint8_t addr);
zx_status_t DispatchRequest(usb::UnownedRequest<> req) override;
// A minimal descriptor describing only the initial desired ControlEndpoint properties.
static constexpr usb_endpoint_descriptor_t descriptor_ = {
0, // .bLength
0, // .bDescriptorType
0, // .bEndpointAddress
0, // .bmAttributes
htole16(0x8), // .wMaxPacketSize (the only piece of data consumed)
0, // .bInterval
// A BulkEndpoint is an Endpoint dispatching bulk-type transactions.
class BulkEndpoint : public TransactionEndpoint {
BulkEndpoint(ddk::MmioView usb, uint8_t faddr, const usb_endpoint_descriptor_t& descriptor)
: TransactionEndpoint(usb, faddr, descriptor) {}
zx_status_t DispatchRequest(usb::UnownedRequest<> req) override;
// An InterruptEndpoint is an Endpoint dispatching to interrupt-type transactions.
class InterruptEndpoint : public TransactionEndpoint {
InterruptEndpoint(ddk::MmioView usb, uint8_t faddr,
const usb_endpoint_descriptor_t& descriptor)
: TransactionEndpoint(usb, faddr, descriptor) {}
zx_status_t DispatchRequest(usb::UnownedRequest<> req) override;
} // namespace mt_usb_hci