blob: bf3f2aed48b7d3f284a884508f9d7a62cbfb4437 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/session/scene/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/focus/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/observation/test/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/policy/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/sys/component/cpp/testing/realm_builder.h>
#include <lib/sys/component/cpp/testing/realm_builder_types.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/service_directory.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace ui_testing {
// Library class to manage test realm and scene setup on behalf of UI
// integration test clients.
// One of UITestManager's chief responsibilities is to own a RealmBuilder realm
// encapsulating the relevant portion of the UI stack. The realm comprises two
// main parts:
// (1) The ui layer component. This component runs the portion of the UI stack
// specified by the client via the UITestManager::Config argument passed
// to the UITestManager constructor. This portion of the realm is
// specified statically in //src/ui/testing/ui_test_manager/meta.
// (2) The client subrealm. This subrealm is a RealmBuilder Realm, owned and
// configured by the client, containing any additional test-sepcific
// components.
// The component topology of the test is:
// test_manager
// / \
// test fixture component realm builder server
// /
// ui test manager realm root
// / \
// client subrealm ui layer component
// | |
// (test-specific (ui components)
// components)
// Clients can configure the scene owner, which specifies which ui layer
// component to use (layers are specified statically in
// //src/ui/testing/ui_test_manager/meta). Clients can also specify the set of
// ui services that must be routed to the client subrealm, and the set of client
// services that must be exposed out of the top-level realm. UITestManager will
// configure all necessary routes between the ui layer component, the client
// subrealm, and the top-level realm.
// The client can specify the test-specific portion of the component topology
// within its own subrealm (see AddSubrealm() below). Important notes on the client
// subrealm:
// (1) A client subrealm should NOT contain any UI services (scenic, root
// presenter, scene manager, input pipeline, text manager, or a11y manager).
// (2) A client MUST expose from its subrealm if
// specifies a scene owner.
// (3) Clients can consume required ui services from ParentRef(), provided
// they request those services in Config::ui_to_client_services.
// UITestManager's second chief responsibility is to coordinate scene setup. It
// fulfills a similar role to session manager by briding the client view
// provider and the scene owner (root presenter or scene manager). Clients do
// NOT need to use the scene ownership APIs (fuchsia.ui.policy.Presenter and
// fuchsia.session.scene.Manager) directly; instead, they can rely on
// UITestManager to handle those details.
// UITestManager also handles some of the scene setup synchronization on behalf
// of clients. It allows clients to observe two states of their test view (i.e.
// the view created by the ViewProvider implementation the client exposes from
// its subrealm):
// (1) "attached": In this case, there is a fully connected path from the
// scene root to the client view.
// (2) "rendering": In this case, the client view is "attached" per (1) AND
// has rendered at least one frame of content.
// Clients can gate on one of these two signals as appropriate to guarantee that
// the scene is in a sensible state before proceeding with test logic.
// UITestManager enables configurations with or without input.
// * If clients specify a scene owner via Config::scene_owner and set
// Config::use_input = true, then UITestManager assumes input pipeline will
// own input for the test scene (either as a standalone component with root
// presenter or as part of scene manager).
// * If a client does not specify a scene owner, but sets Config::use_input = true,
// then UITestManager will expose raw scenic input APIs out of the test realm.
// * If clients set Config::use_input = false, then UITestManager will not
// any input APIs out of the test realm.
// UITestManager enables configurations without accessibility, and also allows
// clients to opt into using a real or fake a11y manager. In general, clients
// should not request accessibility unless it's explicitly required. For cases
// where accessibility is required, clients should prefer using the fake a11y
// manager for tests that require a11y services, but do not test a11y
// functionality (e.g. tests that run a chromium view). Clients should only use
// a real a11y manager for tests that explicitly exercise accessibility-specific
// behavior.
// ```
// // Configure UITestManger instance.
// UITestManager::Config config;
// config.scene_owner = UITestManager::SceneOwnerType::ROOT_PRESENTER;
// config.ui_to_client_services = { fuchsia::ui::scenic::Scenic::Name_ };
// UITestManager ui_test_manager(std::move(config));
// // Add a client subrealm, and configure. This step must happen before calling
// // BuildRealm().
// auto client_subrealm = ui_test_manager.AddSubrealm();
// // Add a view provider to the client subrealm.
// client_subrealm.AddChild(kViewProvider, kViewProviderUrl);
// // Expose the view provider service out of the subrealm.
// client_subrealm.AddRoute(Route{.capabilities = {Protocol{fuchsia::ui::app::ViewProvider::Name_}},
// .source = ChildRef{kViewProvider},
// .targets = {ParentRef()}});
// // Consume scenic from the ui layer. UITestManager routes this service from the ui layer
// // component to the client subrealm, so we consume it from ParentRef() within
// // the subrealm.
// client_subrealm.AddRoute(Route{.capabilities = {Protocol{fuchsia::ui::scenic::Scenic::Name_}},
// .source = ParentRef(),
// .targets = {ChildRef{kViewProvider}}});
// // Build the realm, and take a copy of the exposed services directory.
// ui_test_manager.BuildRealm();
// auto realm_exposed_services = ui_test_manger.TakeExposedServicesDirectory();
// // Create a test view, and attach it to the scene.
// ui_test_manager.InitializeScene();
// // Wait until the client view is rendering to proceed with the test case.
// RunLoopUntil([&ui_test_manager](){
// return ui_test_manager.ClientViewIsRendering();
// });
// // Connect to some service in the test realm to drive the test.
// auto service = realm_exposed_services.Connect<...>();
// service->...;
// ```
class UITestManager : public fuchsia::ui::focus::FocusChainListener {
enum class SceneOwnerType {
enum class AccessibilityOwnerType {
// Use the fake a11y manager. Clients should prefer using the fake a11y
// manager for tests that require a11y services, but do not test a11y
// functionality (e.g. tests that run a chromium client).
FAKE = 1,
// Use the real a11y manager. Clients should only use the real a11y manager
// for tests that exercise accessibility-specific functionality.
REAL = 2,
struct Config {
// Specifies the entity that owns the root of the scene, if any.
// If std::nullopt, then no scene owner will be present in the test realm.
// For now, UITestManager assumes that the entity that input pipeline owns
// input if scene_owner is not std::nullopt. We may revisit this assumption
// if the need arises.
// Furthermore, if a scene owner is specified, the client promises to expose
// from its subrealm.
std::optional<SceneOwnerType> scene_owner;
// Specifies the entity that owns accessibility in the test realm, if any.
// If std::nullopt, then no a11y services will be present in the test realm.
std::optional<AccessibilityOwnerType> accessibility_owner;
// Instructs UITestManager to expose input APIs out of the test realm.
// If |scene_owner| has a value, input pipeline will own input and
// the top-level realm will expose the following services:
// * fuchsia.input.injection.InputDeviceRegistry
// * fuchsia.ui.policy.DeviceListenerRegistry
// * fuchsia.ui.pointerinjector.configuration.Setup
// If |scene_owner| is std::nullopt, the top-level realm exposes the raw scenic
// input API:
// * fuchsia.ui.pointerinjector.Registry
bool use_input = false;
// List of ui services required by components in the client subrealm.
// UITestManager will route these services from the ui layer component to the
// client subrealm.
std::vector<std::string> ui_to_client_services;
// List of non-ui services the test manager needs to expose to the test fixture.
// By specifying services here, the client promises to expose them from its subrealm.
std::vector<std::string> exposed_client_services;
// List of client realm services to route to the ui layer component.
// *** Use cases for this field are ~very~ rare.
// *** This optoin will NOT be available to OOT clients.
std::vector<std::string> client_to_ui_services;
// Clockwise display rotation, in degrees.
int display_rotation = 0;
bool use_flatland = false;
float display_pixel_density = 0;
explicit UITestManager(Config config);
~UITestManager() = default;
// Adds a child to the realm under construction, and returns the new child.
// Must NOT be called after BuildRealm().
component_testing::Realm AddSubrealm();
// Calls realm_builder_.Build();
void BuildRealm();
// Returns a clone of the realm's exposed services directory.
// Clients should call this method once, and retain the handle returned.
// MUST be called AFTER BuildRealm().
std::unique_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> TakeExposedServicesDirectory();
// Creates the root of the scene (either via scene manager or root presenter,
// OR by direct construction), and attaches the client view via
// MUST be called AFTER BuildRealm().
void InitializeScene();
// Returns the view ref koid of the client view if it's available, and false
// otherwise.
// NOTE: Different scene owners have different policies about client view
// refs, so users should NOT use this method as a proxy for determining that
// the client view is attached to the scene. Use |ClientViewIsRendering| for
// that purpose.
std::optional<zx_koid_t> ClientViewRefKoid();
// Convenience method to inform the client if its view is rendering.
// Returns true if the client's view ref koid is present in the most recent
// view tree snapshot received from scenic.
bool ClientViewIsRendering();
// Convenience method to inform the client if its view is focused.
bool ClientViewIsFocused();
// Convenience method to inform the client of its view scale factor.
// Returns the scale factor applied to the client view, as reported in the
// Layout information received from the geometry observer.
float ClientViewScaleFactor();
// Helper methods to configure the test realm.
void ConfigureClientSubrealm();
void ConfigureAccessibility();
void RouteConfigData();
// Helper method to route a set of services from the specified source to the
// spceified targets.
void RouteServices(std::vector<std::string> services, component_testing::Ref source,
std::vector<component_testing::Ref> targets);
// Helper method to monitor the state of the view tree continuously.
void WatchViewTree();
// |fuchsia::ui::focus::FocusChainListener|
void OnFocusChange(fuchsia::ui::focus::FocusChain focus_chain,
OnFocusChangeCallback callback) override;
// Helper method to determine the component url used to instantiate the base
// UI realm.
std::string CalculateBaseRealmUrl();
Config config_;
component_testing::RealmBuilder realm_builder_ =
std::shared_ptr<component_testing::RealmRoot> realm_root_;
fuchsia::ui::observation::test::RegistrySyncPtr observer_registry_;
fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ProviderPtr geometry_provider_;
fidl::Binding<fuchsia::ui::focus::FocusChainListener> focus_chain_listener_binding_;
// Connection to scene owner service. At most one will be active for a given
// UITestManager instance.
fuchsia::session::scene::ManagerPtr scene_manager_;
fuchsia::ui::policy::PresenterPtr root_presenter_;
std::optional<fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef> client_view_ref_ = std::nullopt;
// Holds the most recent view tree snapshot received from the geometry
// observer.
// From this snapshot, we can retrieve relevant view tree state on demand,
// e.g. if the client view is rendering content.
std::optional<fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeSnapshot> last_view_tree_snapshot_;
// Holds the most recent focus chain received from the geometry observer.
std::optional<fuchsia::ui::focus::FocusChain> last_focus_chain_;
// Some tests may not need a dedicated subrealm. Those clients will not call
// AddSubrealm(), so UITestManager will crash if it tries to add routes
// to/from the missing subrealm.
// NOTE: This piece of state is temporary, and can be removed once the client
// owns a full RealmBuilder instance, as opposed to a child realm.
bool has_client_subrealm_ = false;
// Add state as necessary.
} // namespace ui_testing