blob: e150681156de0dad5ab699d5b2218dcf50d87297 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/playback/mediaplayer/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_decoder_base.h"
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include "src/media/playback/mediaplayer/ffmpeg/av_codec_context.h"
#include "src/media/playback/mediaplayer/graph/formatting.h"
namespace media_player {
FfmpegDecoderBase::FfmpegDecoderBase(AvCodecContextPtr av_codec_context)
: av_codec_context_(std::move(av_codec_context)), av_frame_ptr_(ffmpeg::AvFrame::Create()) {
av_codec_context_->opaque = this;
av_codec_context_->get_buffer2 = AllocateBufferForAvFrame;
// TODO(fxr/87639): remove once we're committed to the new version.
av_codec_context_->refcounted_frames = 1;
FfmpegDecoderBase::~FfmpegDecoderBase() {}
std::unique_ptr<StreamType> FfmpegDecoderBase::output_stream_type() const {
return AvCodecContext::GetStreamType(*av_codec_context_);
void FfmpegDecoderBase::Flush() {
next_pts_ = Packet::kNoPts;
bool FfmpegDecoderBase::TransformPacket(const PacketPtr& input, bool new_input, PacketPtr* output) {
TRACE_DURATION("mediaplayer:decode", "DecodePacket", "type",
(av_codec_context_->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ? "video" : "audio"));
*output = nullptr;
if (new_input) {
if (input->size() == 0 && !input->end_of_stream()) {
// This packet isn't end-of-stream, but it has size zero. The underlying
// decoder interprets an empty input packet as end-of-stream, so we
// we refrain from decoding this packet and return true to indicate we're
// done with it.
// The underlying decoder gets its end-of-stream indication in one of
// two ways:
// 1) If the end-of-stream packet is empty, it will get past this check
// and be submitted to the decoder, indicating end-of-stream.
// 2) If the end-of-stream packet is not empty, we let it through and
// follow it with an empty end-of-stream packet that we create for
// that purpose.
return true;
// Send the packet to the ffmpeg decoder. If it fails, return true to
// indicate we're done with the packet.
if (SendPacket(input) != 0) {
if (input->end_of_stream()) {
// The input packet was end-of-stream. We won't get called again before
// a flush, so make sure the output gets an end-of-stream packet.
*output = CreateEndOfStreamPacket();
return true;
int result = avcodec_receive_frame(av_codec_context_.get(), av_frame_ptr_.get());
switch (result) {
case 0: {
// Succeeded, frame produced. We're not done with the input packet.
auto* payload_buffer_raw_ptr =
// Take a fresh reference to the payload_buffer since av_frame_unref will
// drop the av_frame's reference via ReleaseBufferForAvFrame.
*output = CreateOutputPacket(*av_frame_ptr_, fbl::RefPtr(payload_buffer_raw_ptr));
// Release the frame returned by |avcodec_receive_frame|.
return false;
// Succeeded, no frame produced.
if (input->end_of_stream() && input->size() != 0) {
// The input packet is an end-of-stream packet, and it has payload. The
// underlying decoder interprets an empty packet as end-of-stream, so
// we need to send it an empty packet.
if (SendPacket(CreateEndOfStreamPacket()) == 0) {
// |SendPacket| succeeded. We return false to indicate we're not done
// with the original end-of-stream packet. We'll get called again with
// the same end-of-stream packet and |new_input| set to false. That
// will continue until we've extracted all the output packets the
// decoder has to give us. Note that we won't end up here again,
// because |avcodec_receive_frame| will return either 0 or
return false;
// |SendPacket| failed. We return true to indicate we're done with the
// input packet. We also output an end-of-stream packet to terminate
// the output stream.
*output = CreateEndOfStreamPacket();
// Indicate we're done with the input packet.
return true;
// Succeeded, no frame produced, end-of-stream sequence complete.
// Produce an end-of-stream packet.
*output = CreateEndOfStreamPacket();
return true;
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "avcodec_receive_frame failed " << result;
if (input->end_of_stream()) {
// The input packet was end-of-stream. We won't get called again before
// a flush, so make sure the output gets an end-of-stream packet.
*output = CreateEndOfStreamPacket();
return true;
int FfmpegDecoderBase::SendPacket(const PacketPtr& input) {
AVPacket* av_packet = av_packet_alloc();
av_packet->data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(input->payload());
av_packet->size = input->size();
av_packet->pts = input->pts();
if (input->keyframe()) {
av_packet->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
int result = avcodec_send_packet(av_codec_context_.get(), av_packet);
if (result != 0) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "avcodec_send_packet failed " << result;
return result;
void FfmpegDecoderBase::OnNewInputPacket(const PacketPtr& packet) {}
AVBufferRef* FfmpegDecoderBase::CreateAVBuffer(fbl::RefPtr<PayloadBuffer> payload_buffer) {
FX_DCHECK(payload_buffer->size() <= static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
uint8_t* data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(payload_buffer->data());
int size = static_cast<int>(payload_buffer->size());
void* opaque = fbl::ExportToRawPtr(&payload_buffer);
return av_buffer_create(data, size, ReleaseBufferForAvFrame, opaque, /* flags */ 0);
// static
int FfmpegDecoderBase::AllocateBufferForAvFrame(AVCodecContext* av_codec_context, AVFrame* av_frame,
int flags) {
// It's important to use av_codec_context here rather than context(),
// because av_codec_context is different for different threads when we're
// decoding on multiple threads. Be sure to avoid using self->context() or
// self->av_codec_context_.
// AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1 is required in order to do allocation this way.
FX_DCHECK(av_codec_context->codec->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1);
FfmpegDecoderBase* self = reinterpret_cast<FfmpegDecoderBase*>(av_codec_context->opaque);
return self->BuildAVFrame(*av_codec_context, av_frame);
// static
void FfmpegDecoderBase::ReleaseBufferForAvFrame(void* opaque, uint8_t* buffer) {
auto ref = fbl::ImportFromRawPtr(reinterpret_cast<PayloadBuffer*>(opaque));
FX_DCHECK(buffer == ref->data());
PacketPtr FfmpegDecoderBase::CreateEndOfStreamPacket() {
return Packet::CreateEndOfStream(next_pts_, pts_rate_);
void FfmpegDecoderBase::Dump(std::ostream& os) const {
os << fostr::Indent;
os << fostr::NewLine << "next pts: " << AsNs(next_pts_) << "@" << pts_rate_;
os << fostr::Outdent;
} // namespace media_player