blob: 1b4f5329cdfc142a6a395ca1ecadd19d5085ab5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/mediacodec/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/default.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/zx/bti.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include "amlogic_codec_adapter.h"
#include "h264_multi_decoder.h"
#include "video_decoder.h"
// From codec_impl
struct VideoFrame;
namespace amlogic_decoder {
class AmlogicVideo;
class DeviceCtx;
class CodecAdapterH264Multi : public AmlogicCodecAdapter,
public H264MultiDecoder::FrameDataProvider {
explicit CodecAdapterH264Multi(std::mutex& lock, CodecAdapterEvents* codec_adapter_events,
DeviceCtx* device);
void SetCodecDiagnostics(CodecDiagnostics* codec_diagnostics) override;
CoreCodecMetricsImplementation() override;
bool IsCoreCodecRequiringOutputConfigForFormatDetection() override;
bool IsCoreCodecMappedBufferUseful(CodecPort port) override;
bool IsCoreCodecHwBased(CodecPort port) override;
zx::unowned_bti CoreCodecBti() override;
void CoreCodecInit(const fuchsia::media::FormatDetails& initial_input_format_details) override;
void CoreCodecSetSecureMemoryMode(
CodecPort port, fuchsia::mediacodec::SecureMemoryMode secure_memory_mode) override;
void CoreCodecStartStream() override;
void CoreCodecQueueInputFormatDetails(
const fuchsia::media::FormatDetails& per_stream_override_format_details) override;
void CoreCodecQueueInputPacket(CodecPacket* packet) override;
void CoreCodecQueueInputEndOfStream() override;
void CoreCodecStopStream() override;
void CoreCodecAddBuffer(CodecPort port, const CodecBuffer* buffer) override;
void CoreCodecConfigureBuffers(CodecPort port,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CodecPacket>>& packets) override;
void CoreCodecRecycleOutputPacket(CodecPacket* packet) override;
void CoreCodecEnsureBuffersNotConfigured(CodecPort port) override;
std::unique_ptr<const fuchsia::media::StreamOutputConstraints> CoreCodecBuildNewOutputConstraints(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal, uint64_t new_output_buffer_constraints_version_ordinal,
bool buffer_constraints_action_required) override;
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints CoreCodecGetBufferCollectionConstraints(
CodecPort port, const fuchsia::media::StreamBufferConstraints& stream_buffer_constraints,
const fuchsia::media::StreamBufferPartialSettings& partial_settings) override;
void CoreCodecSetBufferCollectionInfo(
CodecPort port,
const fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2& buffer_collection_info) override;
fuchsia::media::StreamOutputFormat CoreCodecGetOutputFormat(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal,
uint64_t new_output_format_details_version_ordinal) override;
void CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigPrepare() override;
void CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigFinish() override;
void CoreCodecResetStreamAfterCurrentFrame() override;
std::string CoreCodecGetName() override { return "AmlH264Multi"; }
void CoreCodecSetStreamControlProfile(zx::unowned_thread stream_control_thread) override;
// VideoDecoder::Client implementation;
void OnError() override;
void OnEos() override;
bool IsOutputReady() override { return true; }
void OnFrameReady(std::shared_ptr<VideoFrame> frame) override;
zx_status_t InitializeFrames(uint32_t min_frame_count, uint32_t max_frame_count, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, uint32_t stride, uint32_t display_width,
uint32_t display_height, bool has_sar, uint32_t sar_width,
uint32_t sar_height) override;
bool IsCurrentOutputBufferCollectionUsable(uint32_t min_frame_count, uint32_t max_frame_count,
uint32_t coded_width, uint32_t coded_height,
uint32_t stride, uint32_t display_width,
uint32_t display_height) override;
// H264MultiDecoder::FrameDataProvider implementation.
std::optional<H264MultiDecoder::DataInput> ReadMoreInputData() override;
bool HasMoreInputData() override;
void AsyncPumpDecoder() override;
void AsyncResetStreamAfterCurrentFrame() override;
void QueueInputItem(CodecInputItem input_item, bool at_front = false);
CodecInputItem DequeueInputItem();
std::vector<uint8_t> ParseCodecOobBytes();
// If parsing something whose format depends on is_avcc_, use this method.
// The buffer pointer can be nullptr unless the VMO is a secure VMO.
std::optional<H264MultiDecoder::DataInput> ParseVideo(const CodecBuffer* buffer,
fit::deferred_callback* return_input_packet,
const uint8_t* data, uint32_t length);
// If parsing something that's known to be in AVCC format, such as a bunch of
// 0x00 without start codes or emulation prevention bytes, use this method.
// This does not support secure buffers, as this requires a CPU re-pack which at least for now is
// only implemented in the REE (rich execution environment), so the re-pack can't happen if the
// buffer can't be read by the CPU from the REE.
std::optional<H264MultiDecoder::DataInput> ParseVideoAvcc(const uint8_t* data, uint32_t length);
// If parsing something that's known to be in AnnexB format, such as the
// end-of-stream marker data, use this method.
// The buffer pointer can be nullptr unless the VMO is a secure VMO.
std::optional<H264MultiDecoder::DataInput> ParseVideoAnnexB(
const CodecBuffer* buffer, fit::deferred_callback* return_input_packet, const uint8_t* data,
uint32_t length);
void OnCoreCodecFailStream(fuchsia::media::StreamError error);
CodecPacket* GetFreePacket();
std::list<CodecInputItem> CoreCodecStopStreamInternal();
bool IsPortSecureRequired(CodecPort port);
bool IsPortSecurePermitted(CodecPort port);
bool IsPortSecure(CodecPort port);
bool IsOutputSecure();
DeviceCtx* device_ = nullptr;
AmlogicVideo* video_ = nullptr;
// Should only be accessed under the video decoder lock.
H264MultiDecoder* decoder_ = nullptr;
// CodecImpl requires some calls (mainly related to returning input data) to not be on the
// StreamControl or FIDL threads, so this thread should be used for calls into the
// H264MultiDecoder that may trigger PumpDecoder.
async::Loop core_loop_;
bool have_queued_trigger_decoder_ = false;
fuchsia::mediacodec::SecureMemoryMode secure_memory_mode_[kPortCount] = {};
fuchsia::media::FormatDetails initial_input_format_details_;
fuchsia::media::FormatDetails latest_input_format_details_;
std::optional<fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2> output_buffer_collection_info_;
std::optional<fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferSettings> buffer_settings_[kPortCount];
std::vector<const CodecBuffer*> all_output_buffers_;
std::vector<CodecPacket*> all_output_packets_;
std::vector<uint32_t> free_output_packets_;
std::optional<DriverCodecDiagnostics> codec_diagnostics_;
uint32_t min_buffer_count_[kPortCount] = {};
uint32_t max_buffer_count_[kPortCount] = {};
uint32_t width_ = 0;
uint32_t height_ = 0;
uint32_t min_stride_ = 0;
uint32_t output_stride_ = 0;
uint32_t display_width_ = 0;
uint32_t display_height_ = 0;
bool has_sar_ = false;
uint32_t sar_width_ = 0;
uint32_t sar_height_ = 0;
// If true, the core codec will need the oob_bytes info, if any. The
// core codec in this case wants the info in annex B form in-band, not
// AVCC/avcC form out-of-band.
bool is_input_format_details_pending_ = false;
// For any new stream, remains false until proven otherwise. If this is true
// we have to add start code emulation prevention bytes, and replace AVCC
// nal_length fields (themselves usually 4 bytes long but not always) with
// start codes (out-of-place conversion).
bool is_avcc_ = false;
// This is the length in bytes of the pseudo_nal_length field, which in turn
// has the length of a pseudo_nal in bytes. Feel free to suggest a better
// name for this field, but I want to strongly emphasize that it's the length
// of a length field, not itself directly the length...
// Typically 4 if is_avcc_, but not always.
uint32_t pseudo_nal_length_field_bytes_ = 0;
bool is_input_end_of_stream_queued_ = false;
bool is_stream_failed_ = false;
bool is_input_end_of_stream_queued_to_core_ = false;
CodecAdapterH264Multi() = delete;
} // namespace amlogic_decoder