blob: e2bb2727746bc30d4e7c4a78661fc34aae1ec0ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/silence_padding_stream.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/intersect.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/output_producer.h"
namespace media::audio {
std::shared_ptr<ReadableStream> SilencePaddingStream::WrapIfNeeded(
std::shared_ptr<ReadableStream> source, Fixed silence_frames, bool fractional_gaps_round_down) {
return (silence_frames == Fixed(0)) ? source
: Create(source, silence_frames, fractional_gaps_round_down);
std::shared_ptr<SilencePaddingStream> SilencePaddingStream::Create(
std::shared_ptr<ReadableStream> source, Fixed silence_frames, bool fractional_gaps_round_down) {
return std::make_shared<SilencePaddingStream>(source, silence_frames, fractional_gaps_round_down);
SilencePaddingStream::SilencePaddingStream(std::shared_ptr<ReadableStream> source,
Fixed silence_frames, bool fractional_gaps_round_down)
: ReadableStream("SilencePaddingStream." + std::string(source->name()), source->format()),
// Round up because we need to generate an integer number of frames.
source_(source) {
FX_CHECK(silence_frames > 0);
silence_.resize(silence_frames_ * source->format().bytes_per_frame());
auto op = OutputProducer::Select(source->format().stream_type());
op->FillWithSilence(&silence_[0], silence_frames_);
std::optional<ReadableStream::Buffer> SilencePaddingStream::ReadLockImpl(ReadLockContext& ctx,
Fixed dest_frame,
int64_t frame_count) {
// Read the next source buffer.
std::optional<ReadableStream::Buffer> next_buffer;
Fixed source_start = dest_frame;
Fixed dest_frame_end = dest_frame + Fixed(frame_count);
// Advance to our source's next available frame. This is needed when the source stream
// contains gaps. For example, given a sequence of calls:
// ReadLock(ctx, 100, 10)
// ReadLock(ctx, 105, 10)
// If silence_frames_ = 5 and our source does not have any data for the range [100,110),
// then at the first call, our source will return std::nullopt and we will return 5 frames
// of silence. At the next call, the caller asks for frames 105, but the source has already
// advanced to frame 110. We know that frames [105,110) are empty, so we must advance our
// request to frames [110,115).
if (auto next_available = source_->NextAvailableFrame(); next_available) {
source_start = std::max(source_start, *next_available);
if (int64_t source_frames = Fixed(dest_frame_end - source_start).Floor(); source_frames > 0) {
next_buffer = source_->ReadLock(ctx, source_start, source_frames);
// We emit silent frames following each buffer:
// +--------------+ +-------------+
// | last_buffer_ | (silence_frames_) ... | next_buffer |
// +--------------+ +-------------+
// If there are more than silence_frames_ separating last_buffer_ and next_buffer, we
// leave those extra frames empty. We do not emit a silent buffer unless last_buffer_ and
// next_buffer are separated by at least one full frame.
if (last_buffer_) {
Fixed silence_start = last_buffer_->end_frame;
Fixed silence_end = silence_start + Fixed(silence_frames_);
// Always generate an integral number of frames.
const int64_t silence_length =
(next_buffer && next_buffer->start() < silence_end)
? (fractional_gaps_round_down_ ? Fixed(next_buffer->start() - silence_start).Floor()
: Fixed(next_buffer->start() - silence_start).Ceiling())
: silence_frames_;
// If the silent region intersects with our request, return a silent buffer.
auto packet = mixer::Packet{
.start = silence_start,
.length = silence_length,
.payload = &silence_[0],
auto isect = IntersectPacket(format(), packet, dest_frame, frame_count);
if (isect) {
// We are emitting silence before next_buffer: we have not consumed any frames.
if (next_buffer) {
next_buffer = std::nullopt;
FX_CHECK(isect->length > 0);
FX_CHECK(isect->length <= silence_frames_);
return MakeCachedBuffer(isect->start, isect->length, &silence_[0], last_buffer_->usage_mask,
// Passthrough next_buffer.
if (!next_buffer) {
return std::nullopt;
last_buffer_ = BufferInfo{
.end_frame = next_buffer->end(),
.usage_mask = next_buffer->usage_mask(),
.total_applied_gain_db = next_buffer->total_applied_gain_db(),
return ForwardBuffer(std::move(next_buffer));
void SilencePaddingStream::TrimImpl(Fixed dest_frame) { source_->Trim(dest_frame); }
} // namespace media::audio