blob: 7b90e971a23409420984a941e4dff4309f4a4f60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/ring_buffer.h"
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/clock/clone_mono.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/clock/testing/clock_test.h"
namespace media::audio {
namespace {
// Used when the ReadLockContext is unused by the test.
static media::audio::ReadableStream::ReadLockContext rlctx;
const Format kDefaultFormat =
.sample_format = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT,
.channels = 2,
.frames_per_second = 48000,
// 10ms @ 48khz
const int64_t kRingBufferFrameCount = 480;
const auto kRingBufferFrameDuration = zx::msec(10);
class InputRingBufferTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
const auto& format = kDefaultFormat;
auto timeline_function = fbl::MakeRefCounted<VersionedTimelineFunction>(
TimelineFunction(0, zx::time(0).get(), Fixed(format.frames_per_second()).raw_value(),
auto endpoints = BaseRingBuffer::AllocateSoftwareBuffer(
format, std::move(timeline_function), reference_clock(), kRingBufferFrameCount,
[this]() { return safe_write_frame_; });
ring_buffer_ = endpoints.reader;
ReadableRingBuffer* ring_buffer() const { return ring_buffer_.get(); }
AudioClock& reference_clock() { return *audio_clock_; }
// Advance to the given time.
void Advance(zx::time ref_time) {
auto pts_to_frac_frame = ring_buffer_->ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame().timeline_function;
safe_write_frame_ = Fixed::FromRaw(pts_to_frac_frame.Apply(ref_time.get())).Floor();
std::shared_ptr<ReadableRingBuffer> ring_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<AudioClock> audio_clock_ = std::make_unique<AudioClock>(
AudioClock::DeviceFixed(clock::CloneOfMonotonic(), AudioClock::kMonotonicDomain));
int64_t safe_write_frame_ = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
class OutputRingBufferTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
const auto& format = kDefaultFormat;
auto timeline_function = fbl::MakeRefCounted<VersionedTimelineFunction>(
TimelineFunction(0, zx::time(0).get(), Fixed(format.frames_per_second()).raw_value(),
auto endpoints = BaseRingBuffer::AllocateSoftwareBuffer(
format, std::move(timeline_function), reference_clock(), kRingBufferFrameCount,
[this]() { return safe_write_frame_; });
ring_buffer_ = endpoints.writer;
WritableRingBuffer* ring_buffer() const { return ring_buffer_.get(); }
AudioClock& reference_clock() { return *audio_clock_; }
// Advance to the given time.
void Advance(zx::time ref_time) {
auto pts_to_frac_frame = ring_buffer_->ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame().timeline_function;
safe_write_frame_ = Fixed::FromRaw(pts_to_frac_frame.Apply(ref_time.get())).Floor();
std::shared_ptr<WritableRingBuffer> ring_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<AudioClock> audio_clock_ = std::make_unique<AudioClock>(
AudioClock::DeviceFixed(clock::CloneOfMonotonic(), AudioClock::kMonotonicDomain));
int64_t safe_write_frame_ = 0;
} // namespace
TEST_F(InputRingBufferTest, ReadEmptyRing) {
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(0), 1);
TEST_F(InputRingBufferTest, ReadFullyExpiredBuffer) {
// After 20ms, the ring will have been filled twice. If we request the first 480 frames then we
// should get no buffer returned since all those frames are now unavailable.
Advance(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(20));
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(0), kRingBufferFrameCount);
TEST_F(InputRingBufferTest, ReadNotYetAvailableBuffer) {
// After 10ms, 480 frames will have been produced (0-479). The 480th frame is not yet available
// so we should get no buffer.
Advance(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(10));
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(480), 1);
TEST_F(InputRingBufferTest, ReadFullyAvailableRegion) {
// After 1ms we expect 48 frames to be available to read at the start of the buffer.
Advance(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(1));
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(0), 48);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 48);
TEST_F(InputRingBufferTest, ReadPartialRegion) {
// After 1ms we expect 48 frames to be available to read at the start of the buffer. If we ask for
// 96 we should get a buffer that contains only the 48 available frames.
Advance(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(1));
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(0), 96);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 48);
TEST_F(InputRingBufferTest, SkipExpiredFrames) {
// At 11ms we'll have written the entire ring + 48 more samples, so the first 48 frames are lost.
// Test that the returned buffer correctly skips those 48 frames.
Advance(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(11));
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(0), 96);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 48);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 48);
TEST_F(InputRingBufferTest, ReadAfterTruncateBufferAtEndOfTheRing) {
// After 11ms 528 frames will have been put into the ring. We try to read the last 96 frames,
// which spans the last 48 frames in the ring and then the first 48 frames at the start of the
// ring again. Test our buffer is truncated for the first 48 frames requested at the end of the
// ring.
Advance(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(11));
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(432), 96);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 432);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 48);
// Now read that last 48 frames at the start of the ring again.
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(480), 48);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 480);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 48);
TEST_F(InputRingBufferTest, ReadNegativeFrames) {
// Allow reading [-2*RingBufFrames, -RingBufFrames).
Advance(zx::time(0) - kRingBufferFrameDuration);
// Request [-20, -10) but shifted down by kRingBufferFrameCount to test modulo.
const int64_t kRingBufferFrameCount = ring_buffer()->frames();
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(-kRingBufferFrameCount - 20), 10);
auto rb_start_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ring_buffer()->virt());
auto buffer_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buffer->payload());
rb_start_address + (kRingBufferFrameCount - 20) * kDefaultFormat.bytes_per_frame());
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), -kRingBufferFrameCount - 20);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 10);
TEST_F(InputRingBufferTest, ReadNegativeThroughPositiveFrame) {
// Allow reading [-RingBufFrames, 0).
// Request [-5, 5).
const int64_t kRingBufferFrameCount = ring_buffer()->frames();
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(-5), 10);
// Should return [-5, 0) since the ring buffer wraps at 0.
auto rb_start_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ring_buffer()->virt());
auto buffer_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buffer->payload());
rb_start_address + (kRingBufferFrameCount - 5) * kDefaultFormat.bytes_per_frame());
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), -5);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 5);
TEST_F(InputRingBufferTest, ReadFromDup) {
// After 1ms we expect 48 frames to be available to read at the start of the buffer.
Advance(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(1));
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(0), 48);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 48);
// After trimming, we can no longer read those frames from the stream.
// However, we should be able to read those frames from a dup.
auto dup = ring_buffer()->Dup();
auto buffer = dup->ReadLock(rlctx, Fixed(0), 48);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start().Floor(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 48);
TEST_F(OutputRingBufferTest, WriteEmptyRing) {
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->WriteLock(0, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(buffer->start(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(buffer->length(), 1);
TEST_F(OutputRingBufferTest, WriteFullyExpiredBuffer) {
// After 10ms the hardware will have already consumed the first kRingBufferFrameCount frames.
// Attempting to get a buffer into that region should not be successful.
Advance(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(10));
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->WriteLock(0, kRingBufferFrameCount);
TEST_F(OutputRingBufferTest, WriteNotYetAvailableBuffer) {
// Trying to get a buffer more than |kRingBufferFrameCount| frames into the future will fail as it
// would cause use to clobber frames not yet consumed by the hardware.
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->WriteLock(kRingBufferFrameCount, 1);
TEST_F(OutputRingBufferTest, WriteFullyAvailableRegion) {
// At time 0, we should be able to get a full buffer into the ring.
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->WriteLock(0, kRingBufferFrameCount);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), kRingBufferFrameCount);
TEST_F(OutputRingBufferTest, WritePartialRegion) {
// After 1ms we expect 48 frames to have been consumed, so we can only get a buffer into the final
// 48 requested frames.
Advance(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(1));
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->WriteLock(0, 96);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start(), 48);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 48);
TEST_F(OutputRingBufferTest, WriteAfterTruncateBufferAtEndOfTheRing) {
// After 9ms, the first 432 frames will have been consumed by hardware. Attempting to read the
// next 96 frames will wrap around the ring, so we should only get the first 48 returned.
Advance(zx::time(0) + zx::msec(9));
auto buffer = ring_buffer()->WriteLock(432, 96);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start(), 432);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 48);
// Now read that last 48 frames at the start of the ring again.
buffer = ring_buffer()->WriteLock(kRingBufferFrameCount, 48);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->start(), kRingBufferFrameCount);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer->length(), 48);
} // namespace media::audio