blob: 1f24f2e4ef993e3a8ce14756cb2baef9eb353de5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/ring_buffer.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include <memory>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/processing/gain.h"
using SafeReadWriteFrameFn = media::audio::BaseRingBuffer::SafeReadWriteFrameFn;
namespace media::audio {
namespace {
template <class RingBufferT>
using MakeBufferT = std::function<std::optional<typename RingBufferT::Buffer>(
int64_t start, int64_t length, void* payload)>;
template <class RingBufferT>
std::optional<typename RingBufferT::Buffer> LockBuffer(
RingBufferT* b, SafeReadWriteFrameFn* safe_read_frame, SafeReadWriteFrameFn* safe_write_frame,
int64_t requested_frame_start, int64_t requested_frame_count, bool is_read_lock,
MakeBufferT<RingBufferT> make_buffer) {
auto [ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame, _] = b->ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame();
if (!ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame.invertible()) {
return std::nullopt;
int64_t valid_frame_start;
int64_t valid_frame_end; // one past the end
if (is_read_lock) {
valid_frame_end = (*safe_read_frame)() + 1;
valid_frame_start = valid_frame_end - b->frames();
} else {
valid_frame_start = (*safe_write_frame)();
valid_frame_end = valid_frame_start + b->frames();
int64_t requested_frame_end = requested_frame_start + requested_frame_count;
if (requested_frame_start >= valid_frame_end || requested_frame_end <= valid_frame_start) {
return std::nullopt;
// 'absolute' means the frame number not adjusted for the ring size.
int64_t absolute_frame_start = std::max(requested_frame_start, valid_frame_start);
int64_t absolute_frame_end = std::min(requested_frame_end, valid_frame_end);
// 'local' is the frame number modulo ring size.
int64_t local_frame_start = absolute_frame_start % b->frames();
if (local_frame_start < 0) {
local_frame_start += b->frames();
int64_t local_frame_end = absolute_frame_end % b->frames();
if (local_frame_end < 0) {
local_frame_end += b->frames();
if (local_frame_end <= local_frame_start) {
local_frame_end = b->frames();
void* payload = b->virt() + (local_frame_start * b->format().bytes_per_frame());
int64_t payload_frame_count = local_frame_end - local_frame_start;
return make_buffer(absolute_frame_start, payload_frame_count, payload);
fbl::RefPtr<RefCountedVmoMapper> MapVmo(const Format& format, zx::vmo vmo, int64_t frame_count,
bool writable) {
if (!vmo.is_valid()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Invalid VMO!";
return nullptr;
if (!format.bytes_per_frame()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Frame size may not be zero!";
return nullptr;
uint64_t vmo_size;
zx_status_t status = vmo.get_size(&vmo_size);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, status) << "Failed to get ring buffer VMO size";
return nullptr;
uint64_t size = static_cast<uint64_t>(format.bytes_per_frame()) * frame_count;
if (size > vmo_size) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Driver-reported ring buffer size (" << size << ") is greater than VMO size ("
<< vmo_size << ")";
return nullptr;
// Map the VMO into our address space.
// TODO( How do I specify the cache policy for this mapping?
zx_vm_option_t flags = ZX_VM_PERM_READ | (writable ? ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE : 0);
auto vmo_mapper = fbl::MakeRefCounted<RefCountedVmoMapper>();
status = vmo_mapper->Map(vmo, 0u, size, flags);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, status) << "Failed to map ring buffer VMO";
return nullptr;
return vmo_mapper;
} // namespace
const Format& format,
fbl::RefPtr<VersionedTimelineFunction> ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame,
AudioClock& audio_clock, fbl::RefPtr<RefCountedVmoMapper> vmo_mapper, int64_t frame_count)
: vmo_mapper_(std::move(vmo_mapper)),
audio_clock_(audio_clock) {
FX_CHECK(vmo_mapper_->start() != nullptr);
FX_CHECK(vmo_mapper_->size() >= static_cast<uint64_t>(format.bytes_per_frame() * frame_count));
const Format& format,
fbl::RefPtr<VersionedTimelineFunction> ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame,
AudioClock& audio_clock, fbl::RefPtr<RefCountedVmoMapper> vmo_mapper, int64_t frame_count,
SafeReadWriteFrameFn safe_read_frame)
: ReadableStream("ReadableRingBuffer", format),
BaseRingBuffer(format, ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame, audio_clock, vmo_mapper,
safe_read_frame_(std::move(safe_read_frame)) {}
const Format& format,
fbl::RefPtr<VersionedTimelineFunction> ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame,
AudioClock& audio_clock, fbl::RefPtr<RefCountedVmoMapper> vmo_mapper, int64_t frame_count,
SafeReadWriteFrameFn safe_write_frame)
: WritableStream("WritableRingBuffer", format),
BaseRingBuffer(format, ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame, audio_clock, vmo_mapper,
safe_write_frame_(std::move(safe_write_frame)) {}
// static
BaseRingBuffer::Endpoints BaseRingBuffer::AllocateSoftwareBuffer(
const Format& format,
fbl::RefPtr<VersionedTimelineFunction> ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame,
AudioClock& audio_clock, int64_t frame_count, SafeReadWriteFrameFn safe_write_frame) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "RingBuffer::AllocateSoftwareBuffer");
size_t vmo_size = frame_count * format.bytes_per_frame();
zx::vmo vmo;
zx_status_t status = zx::vmo::create(vmo_size, 0, &vmo);
FX_CHECK(status == ZX_OK);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, status) << "Failed to allocate ring buffer VMO with size " << vmo_size;
auto vmo_mapper = MapVmo(format, std::move(vmo), frame_count, true);
// This is a normal producer/consumer ring buffer:
//   ----+-+-+----
//   ... |R|W| ...
//   ----+-+-+----
// If the safe_write_frame is at W, then frame W-1 must have been written, therefore the
// safe_read_frame R = W-1. When this is used as the loopback buffer in an output pipeline,
// the relationship between R, W and the output presentation frame (PO) is as follows:
// |<-- delay -->|
//   ----+--+-----------+-+-+----
//   ... |PO| |R|W| ...
//   ----+--+-----------+-+-+----
// Frame PO is the frame currently being played at the output speaker. The delay between
// W and PO is the "presentation delay" of the output pipeline. When a capture pipeline
// hooks up to this loopback buffer, the capture pipeline can read any frame at R or
// ealier. Note that frames are readable *before* they are presented at the speaker.
// Conceptually, what's actually happening is:
// |<-- delay -->|
//   ----+--+-----------+-+--+----
//   ... |PO| |R|W | ...
// | | | |PC|
//   ----+--+-----------+-+--+----
// Where PC is the current presentation frame for the capture pipeline. There's no actual
// input device; the frame is being "presented" at this software buffer at the moment it
// is written.
// In practice, loopback capture pipelines want to use timestamps that match the PTS of
// the output pipeline. That is, the loopback capture wants to use PO for its timestamps,
// not PC. This puts us in an unusual scenario where the capture pipeline can read frames
// before they are presented.
// This explains why R = W-1 and why we pass ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame to
// both sides of the ring buffer.
auto w =
std::make_shared<WritableRingBuffer>(format, ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame, audio_clock,
vmo_mapper, frame_count, std::move(safe_write_frame));
auto safe_read_frame = [w]() { return w->safe_write_frame_() - 1; };
auto r =
std::make_shared<ReadableRingBuffer>(format, ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame, audio_clock,
vmo_mapper, frame_count, std::move(safe_read_frame));
return Endpoints{
.reader = r,
.writer = w,
// static
std::shared_ptr<ReadableRingBuffer> BaseRingBuffer::CreateReadableHardwareBuffer(
const Format& format,
fbl::RefPtr<VersionedTimelineFunction> ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame,
AudioClock& audio_clock, zx::vmo vmo, int64_t frame_count,
SafeReadWriteFrameFn safe_read_frame) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "RingBuffer::CreateReadableHardwareBuffer");
auto vmo_mapper = MapVmo(format, std::move(vmo), frame_count, false);
return std::make_shared<ReadableRingBuffer>(
format, std::move(ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame), audio_clock, std::move(vmo_mapper),
frame_count, std::move(safe_read_frame));
// static
std::shared_ptr<WritableRingBuffer> BaseRingBuffer::CreateWritableHardwareBuffer(
const Format& format,
fbl::RefPtr<VersionedTimelineFunction> ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame,
AudioClock& audio_clock, zx::vmo vmo, int64_t frame_count,
SafeReadWriteFrameFn safe_write_frame) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "RingBuffer::CreateWritableHardwareBuffer");
auto vmo_mapper = MapVmo(format, std::move(vmo), frame_count, true);
return std::make_shared<WritableRingBuffer>(
format, std::move(ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame), audio_clock, std::move(vmo_mapper),
frame_count, std::move(safe_write_frame));
std::optional<ReadableStream::Buffer> ReadableRingBuffer::ReadLockImpl(ReadLockContext& ctx,
Fixed frame,
int64_t frame_count) {
return LockBuffer<ReadableRingBuffer>(
this, &safe_read_frame_, nullptr, frame.Floor(), frame_count, true,
[this](int64_t start, int64_t length, void* payload) {
// RingBuffers are synchronized only by time, which means there may not be a synchronization
// happens-before edge connecting the last writer with the current reader, which means we
// must invalidate our cache to ensure we read the latest data.
// This is especially important when the RingBuffer represents a buffer shared with HW,
// because the last write may have happened very recently, increasing the likelihood that
// our local cache is out-of-date. This is less important when the buffer is used in SW only
// because it is more likely that the last write happened long enough ago that our cache has
// been flushed in the interim, however to be strictly correct, a flush is needed in all
// cases.
int64_t payload_bytes = length * format().bytes_per_frame();
zx_cache_flush(payload, payload_bytes, ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA | ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_INVALIDATE);
// Don't use a cached buffer. We don't need caching since we don't generate any
// data dynamically.
// Another reason to use MakeUncachedBuffer is so we can validate the requested range
// on every call. To see why, suppose a caller did the following:
// 1. ReadLock(0, 100)
// 2. consume just 10 frames
// 3. sleep for a long time (long enough to wrap around the ring buffer)
// 4. ReadLock(10, 100)
// If we return a cached buffer at step 1, then step 4 will return the portion of that
// cached buffer representing frames [10,99], but this is incorrect: the ring buffer has
// wrapped around. Those frames are no longer available (step 4 should return null).
return MakeUncachedBuffer(Fixed(start), length, payload, StreamUsageMask(),
std::shared_ptr<ReadableRingBuffer> ReadableRingBuffer::Dup() const {
return std::make_shared<ReadableRingBuffer>(format(), ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame_,
audio_clock_, vmo_mapper_, frame_count_,
/* copy, don't move */ safe_read_frame_);
std::optional<WritableStream::Buffer> WritableRingBuffer::WriteLock(int64_t frame,
int64_t frame_count) {
return LockBuffer<WritableRingBuffer>(
this, nullptr, &safe_write_frame_, frame, frame_count, false,
[this](int64_t start, int64_t length, void* payload) {
return std::make_optional<WritableStream::Buffer>(
start, length, payload,
// RingBuffers are synchronized only by time, which means there may not be a
// synchronization happens-before edge connecting this writer with the next
// reader. When this buffer is unlocked, we must flush our cache to ensure we
// have published the latest data.
[payload, payload_bytes = length * format().bytes_per_frame()]() {
zx_cache_flush(payload, payload_bytes, ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA);
BaseStream::TimelineFunctionSnapshot BaseRingBuffer::ReferenceClockToFixedImpl() const {
if (!ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame_) {
return {
.timeline_function = TimelineFunction(),
.generation = kInvalidGenerationId,
auto [timeline_function, generation] = ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame_->get();
return {
.timeline_function = timeline_function,
.generation = generation,
BaseStream::TimelineFunctionSnapshot ReadableRingBuffer::ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame()
const {
return BaseRingBuffer::ReferenceClockToFixedImpl();
BaseStream::TimelineFunctionSnapshot WritableRingBuffer::ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame()
const {
return BaseRingBuffer::ReferenceClockToFixedImpl();
} // namespace media::audio