blob: a693aebc7ea1b00e3b698428582d8f0fec467e5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fidl.test.misc;
bits Uint32Bits : uint32 {
ONE = 0x1;
TWO = 0x2;
struct Int64Struct {
int64 x;
struct HasOptionalFieldStruct {
Int64Struct? x;
struct Has2OptionalFieldStruct {
Int64Struct? x;
Int64Struct? y;
struct Empty {
struct EmptyStructSandwich {
string before;
Empty e;
string after;
union SimpleUnion {
int32 i32;
int64 i64;
Int64Struct s;
Int64Struct? os;
string str;
table SimpleTable {
1: int64 x;
2: reserved;
3: reserved;
4: reserved;
5: int64 y;
// A variant of SimpleTable that has just the first few fields.
// Think of this as an older variant of that type!
table OlderSimpleTable {
1: int64 x;
2: reserved;
// A variant of SimpleTable that has some additional new fields.
// Think of this as an newer variant of that type!
table NewerSimpleTable {
1: int64 x;
2: reserved;
3: reserved;
4: reserved;
5: int64 y;
6: int64 z;
7: reserved;
xunion SampleXUnion {
int32 i;
SimpleUnion su;
SimpleTable st;
struct InlineXUnionInStruct {
string before;
SampleXUnion xu;
string after;
struct OptionalXUnionInStruct {
string before;
SampleXUnion? xu;
string after;
table XUnionInTable {
1: string before;
2: SampleXUnion xu;
3: string after;