blob: 15c381a539bad1c56d6fc5824021830013d1e6dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <lib/operation/operation.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace {
struct TestOp {
int dummy;
struct TestOpTraits {
using OperationType = TestOp;
static OperationType* Alloc(size_t op_size) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> raw;
if constexpr (alignof(OperationType) > __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__) {
raw = fbl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(
new (static_cast<std::align_val_t>(alignof(OperationType)), &ac) uint8_t[op_size]);
} else {
raw = fbl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new (&ac) uint8_t[op_size]);
if (!ac.check()) {
return nullptr;
return reinterpret_cast<TestOp*>(raw.release());
static void Free(OperationType* op) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(op); }
using TestOpCallback = void (*)(void*, zx_status_t, TestOp*);
struct CallbackTraits {
using CallbackType = TestOpCallback;
static void Callback(const CallbackType* callback, void* cookie, TestOp* op, zx_status_t status) {
(*callback)(cookie, status, op);
struct Operation : public operation::Operation<Operation, TestOpTraits, void> {
using BaseClass = operation::Operation<Operation, TestOpTraits, void>;
using BaseClass::BaseClass;
struct BorrowedOperation
: public operation::BorrowedOperation<BorrowedOperation, TestOpTraits, CallbackTraits, void> {
using BaseClass =
operation::BorrowedOperation<BorrowedOperation, TestOpTraits, CallbackTraits, void>;
using BaseClass::BaseClass;
constexpr size_t kParentOpSize = sizeof(TestOp);
TEST(OperationTest, Alloc) {
std::optional<Operation> op = Operation::Alloc(kParentOpSize);
TEST(OperationTest, PrivateStorage) {
struct Private : public operation::Operation<Private, TestOpTraits, uint32_t> {
using BaseClass = operation::Operation<Private, TestOpTraits, uint32_t>;
using BaseClass::BaseClass;
auto operation = Private::Alloc(kParentOpSize);
*operation->private_storage() = 1001;
ASSERT_EQ(*operation->private_storage(), 1001);
TEST(OperationTest, MultipleSection) {
constexpr size_t kBaseOpSize = sizeof(TestOp);
constexpr size_t kFirstLayerOpSize = Operation::OperationSize(kBaseOpSize);
constexpr size_t kSecondLayerOpSize = BorrowedOperation::OperationSize(kFirstLayerOpSize);
std::optional<Operation> operation = Operation::Alloc(kSecondLayerOpSize);
BorrowedOperation operation2(operation->take(), nullptr, nullptr, kFirstLayerOpSize);
BorrowedOperation operation3(operation2.take(), nullptr, nullptr, kBaseOpSize);
operation = Operation(operation3.take(), kSecondLayerOpSize);
TEST(OperationTest, Callback) {
constexpr size_t kBaseOpSize = sizeof(TestOp);
constexpr size_t kFirstLayerOpSize = Operation::OperationSize(kBaseOpSize);
bool called = false;
auto callback = [](void* ctx, zx_status_t st, TestOp* operation) -> void {
*static_cast<bool*>(ctx) = true;
// We take ownership.
Operation unused(operation, kFirstLayerOpSize);
TestOpCallback cb = callback;
std::optional<Operation> operation = Operation::Alloc(kFirstLayerOpSize);
BorrowedOperation operation2(operation->take(), &cb, &called, kBaseOpSize);
} // namespace