blob: 1daf90c4a32e7fbd6f88fe38703067592acb1288 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/bti.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <map>
class MemoryAllocator {
// Some sub-classes take this interface as a constructor param, which
// enables a fake in tests where we don't have a real zx::bti etc.
class Owner {
virtual const zx::bti& bti() = 0;
virtual zx_status_t CreatePhysicalVmo(uint64_t base, uint64_t size, zx::vmo* vmo_out) = 0;
virtual ~MemoryAllocator();
virtual zx_status_t Allocate(uint64_t size, zx::vmo* parent_vmo) = 0;
// The callee must not create long-lived duplicate handles to child_vmo, as
// that would prevent ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN from being signaled on parent_vmo
// which would prevent Delete() from ever getting called even if all sysmem
// participants have closed their handles to child_vmo. A transient
// short-lived duplicate handle to child_vmo is fine.
// The parent_vmo's handle value is guaranteed to remain valid (and a unique
// handle value) until Delete().
// The child_vmo's handle value is not guaranteed to remain valid, nor is it
// guaranteed to remain unique. However, the child_vmo's koid is unique per
// boot, and can be used to identify whether an arbitrary VMO handle refers to
// the same VMO as child_vmo. Any such tracking by koid should be cleaned up
// during Delete().
virtual zx_status_t SetupChildVmo(const zx::vmo& parent_vmo, const zx::vmo& child_vmo) = 0;
// This also should clean up any tracking of child_vmo by child_vmo's koid.
// The child_vmo object itself, and all handles to it, are completely gone by
// this point. Any child_vmo handle values are no longer guaranteed unique,
// so should not be retained beyond SetupChildVmo() above.
// This call takes ownership of parent_vmo, and should close parent_vmo so
// that the memory used by parent_vmo can be freed/reclaimed/recycled.
virtual void Delete(zx::vmo parent_vmo) = 0;
virtual bool CoherencyDomainIsInaccessible() = 0;
virtual zx_status_t GetPhysicalMemoryInfo(uint64_t* base, uint64_t* size) {
void AddDestroyCallback(intptr_t key, fit::callback<void()> callback);
void RemoveDestroyCallback(intptr_t key);
std::map<intptr_t, fit::callback<void()>> destroy_callbacks_;