blob: ab7255c3c29e7a699a6afafefb1f35a1d225424e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "logical_buffer_collection.h"
#include <lib/image-format/image_format.h>
#include <limits.h> // PAGE_SIZE
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <limits> // std::numeric_limits
#include "buffer_collection.h"
#include "buffer_collection_token.h"
#include "koid_util.h"
#include "usage_pixel_format_cost.h"
namespace {
// Sysmem is creating the VMOs, so sysmem can have all the rights and just not
// mis-use any rights. Remove ZX_RIGHT_EXECUTE though.
const uint32_t kSysmemVmoRights = ZX_DEFAULT_VMO_RIGHTS & ~ZX_RIGHT_EXECUTE;
// 1 GiB cap for now.
const uint64_t kMaxTotalSizeBytesPerCollection = 1ull * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
// 256 MiB cap for now.
const uint64_t kMaxSizeBytesPerBuffer = 256ull * 1024 * 1024;
// Zero-initialized, so it shouldn't take up space on-disk.
constexpr uint64_t kFlushThroughBytes = 8192;
const uint8_t kZeroes[kFlushThroughBytes] = {};
template <typename T>
bool IsNonZeroPowerOf2(T value) {
if (!value) {
return false;
if (value & (value - 1)) {
return false;
return true;
// TODO(dustingreen): Switch to FIDL C++ generated code (preferred) and remove
// this, or fully implement something like this for all fields that need 0 to
// imply a default value that isn't 0.
template <typename T>
void FieldDefault1(T* value) {
if (*value == 0) {
*value = 1;
template <typename T>
void FieldDefaultMax(T* value) {
if (*value == 0) {
*value = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
// This exists just to document the meaning for now, to make the conversion more
// clear when we switch from FIDL struct to FIDL table.
template <typename T>
void FieldDefaultZero(T* value) {
// no-op
template <typename T>
T AlignUp(T value, T divisor) {
return (value + divisor - 1) / divisor * divisor;
bool IsCpuUsage(const fuchsia_sysmem_BufferUsage& usage) { return usage.cpu != 0; }
} // namespace
// static
void LogicalBufferCollection::Create(zx::channel buffer_collection_token_request,
Device* parent_device) {
fbl::RefPtr<LogicalBufferCollection> logical_buffer_collection =
fbl::AdoptRef<LogicalBufferCollection>(new LogicalBufferCollection(parent_device));
// The existence of a channel-owned BufferCollectionToken adds a
// fbl::RefPtr<> ref to LogicalBufferCollection.
logical_buffer_collection, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(),
// static
// The buffer_collection_token is the client end of the BufferCollectionToken
// which the client is exchanging for the BufferCollection (which the client is
// passing the server end of in buffer_collection_request).
// However, before we convert the client's token into a BufferCollection and
// start processing the messages the client may have already sent toward the
// BufferCollection, we want to process all the messages the client may have
// already sent toward the BufferCollectionToken. This comes up because the
// BufferCollectionToken and Allocator2 are separate channels.
// We know that fidl_server will process all messages before it processes the
// close - it intentionally delays noticing the close until no messages are
// available to read.
// So this method will close the buffer_collection_token and when it closes via
// normal FIDL processing path, the token will remember the
// buffer_collection_request to essentially convert itself into.
void LogicalBufferCollection::BindSharedCollection(Device* parent_device,
zx::channel buffer_collection_token,
zx::channel buffer_collection_request) {
zx_koid_t token_client_koid;
zx_koid_t token_server_koid;
zx_status_t status =
get_channel_koids(buffer_collection_token, &token_client_koid, &token_server_koid);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogError("Failed to get channel koids");
// ~buffer_collection_token
// ~buffer_collection_request
BufferCollectionToken* token = parent_device->FindTokenByServerChannelKoid(token_server_koid);
if (!token) {
// The most likely scenario for why the token was not found is that Sync() was not called on
// either the BufferCollectionToken or the BufferCollection.
LogError("Could not find token by server channel koid");
// ~buffer_collection_token
// ~buffer_collection_request
// This will token->FailAsync() if the token has already got one, or if the
// token already saw token->Close().
// At this point, the token will process the rest of its previously queued
// messages (from client to server), and then will convert the token into
// a BufferCollection (view). That conversion happens async shortly in
// BindSharedCollectionInternal() (unless the LogicalBufferCollection fails
// before then, in which case everything just gets deleted).
// ~buffer_collection_token here closes the client end of the token, but we
// still process the rest of the queued messages before we process the
// close.
// ~buffer_collection_token
void LogicalBufferCollection::CreateBufferCollectionToken(
fbl::RefPtr<LogicalBufferCollection> self, uint32_t rights_attenuation_mask,
zx::channel buffer_collection_token_request) {
auto token = BufferCollectionToken::Create(parent_device_, self, rights_attenuation_mask);
token->SetErrorHandler([this, token_ptr = token.get()](zx_status_t status) {
// Clean close from FIDL channel point of view is ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED,
// and ZX_OK is never passed to the error handler.
// We know |this| is alive because the token is alive and the token has
// a fbl::RefPtr<LogicalBufferCollection>. The token is alive because
// the token is still in token_views_.
// Any other deletion of the token_ptr out of token_views_ (outside of
// this error handler) doesn't run this error handler.
// TODO(dustingreen): Switch to contains() when C++20.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(token_views_.find(token_ptr) != token_views_.end());
zx::channel buffer_collection_request = token_ptr->TakeBufferCollectionRequest();
if (!(status == ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED && (token_ptr->is_done() || buffer_collection_request))) {
// We don't have to explicitly remove token from token_views_
// because Fail() will token_views_.clear().
// A token whose error handler sees anything other than clean close
// with is_done() implies LogicalBufferCollection failure. The
// ability to detect unexpected closure of a token is a main reason
// we use a channel for BufferCollectionToken instead of an
// eventpair.
// If a participant for some reason finds itself with an extra token it doesn't need, the
// participant should use Close() to avoid triggering this failure.
Fail("Token failure causing LogicalBufferCollection failure - status: %d", status);
// At this point we know the token channel was closed cleanly, and that
// before the client's closing the channel, the client did a
// token::Close() or allocator::BindSharedCollection().
(token_ptr->is_done() || buffer_collection_request));
// BufferCollectionToken enforces that these never both become true; the
// BufferCollectionToken will fail instead.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!(token_ptr->is_done() && buffer_collection_request));
if (!buffer_collection_request) {
// This was a token::Close(). In this case we want to stop tracking the token now that we've
// processed all its previously-queued inbound messages. This might be the last token, so we
// MaybeAllocate(). This path isn't a failure (unless there are also zero BufferCollection
// views in which case MaybeAllocate() calls Fail()).
auto self = token_ptr->parent_shared();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(self.get() == this);
// ~self may delete "this"
// At this point we know that this was a BindSharedCollection(). We
// need to convert the BufferCollectionToken into a BufferCollection.
// ~token_ptr during this call
BindSharedCollectionInternal(token_ptr, std::move(buffer_collection_request));
auto token_ptr = token.get();
token_views_.insert({token_ptr, std::move(token)});
zx_koid_t server_koid;
zx_koid_t client_koid;
zx_status_t status =
get_channel_koids(buffer_collection_token_request, &server_koid, &client_koid);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
Fail("get_channel_koids() failed - status: %d", status);
LogInfo("CreateBufferCollectionToken() - server_koid: %lu", token_ptr->server_koid());
void LogicalBufferCollection::OnSetConstraints() {
LogicalBufferCollection::AllocationResult LogicalBufferCollection::allocation_result() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(has_allocation_result_ ||
(allocation_result_status_ == ZX_OK && !allocation_result_info_));
// If this assert fails, it mean we've already done ::Fail(). This should be impossible since
// Fail() clears all BufferCollection views so they shouldn't be able to call
// ::allocation_result().
!(has_allocation_result_ && allocation_result_status_ == ZX_OK && !allocation_result_info_));
return {
.buffer_collection_info = allocation_result_info_.get(),
.status = allocation_result_status_,
LogicalBufferCollection::LogicalBufferCollection(Device* parent_device)
: parent_device_(parent_device), constraints_(Constraints::Null) {
// nothing else to do here
LogicalBufferCollection::~LogicalBufferCollection() {
// Every entry in these collections keeps a
// fbl::RefPtr<LogicalBufferCollection>, so these should both already be
// empty.
if (memory_allocator_) {
void LogicalBufferCollection::Fail(const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vLog(true, "LogicalBufferCollection", "fail", format, args);
// Close all the associated channels. We do this by swapping into local
// collections and clearing those, since deleting the items in the
// collections will delete |this|.
TokenMap local_token_views;
CollectionMap local_collection_views;
// Since all the token views and collection views will shortly be gone, there
// will be no way for any client to be sent the VMOs again, so we can close
// the handles to the VMOs here. This is necessary in order to get
// ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN to happen in TrackedParentVmo, but not sufficient
// alone (clients must also close their VMO(s)).
// |this| can be deleted during these calls to clear(), unless parent_vmos_
// isn't empty yet, or unless the caller of Fail() has its own temporary
// fbl::RefPtr<LogicalBufferCollection> on the stack.
// These clear() calls will close the channels, which in turn will inform
// the participants to close their child VMO handles. We don't revoke the
// child VMOs, so the LogicalBufferCollection will stick around until
// parent_vmo_map_ becomes empty thanks to participants closing their child
// VMOs.
void LogicalBufferCollection::LogInfo(const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vLog(false, "LogicalBufferCollection", "info", format, args);
void LogicalBufferCollection::LogError(const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vLog(true, "LogicalBufferCollection", "error", format, args);
void LogicalBufferCollection::MaybeAllocate() {
if (!token_views_.empty()) {
// All tokens must be converted into BufferCollection views or Close()ed
// before allocation will happen.
if (collection_views_.empty()) {
// The LogicalBufferCollection should be failed because there are no clients left, despite only
// getting here if all of the clients did a clean Close().
if (is_allocate_attempted_) {
// A case could be made for making this a silent failure.
Fail("All clients called Close(), but now zero clients remain (after allocation).");
} else {
Fail("All clients called Close(), but now zero clients remain (before allocation).");
if (is_allocate_attempted_) {
// Allocate was already attempted.
// Sweep looking for any views that haven't set constraints.
for (auto& [key, value] : collection_views_) {
if (!key->is_set_constraints_seen()) {
// All the views have seen SetConstraints(), and there are no tokens left.
// Regardless of whether allocation succeeds or fails, we remember we've
// started an attempt to allocate so we don't attempt again.
is_allocate_attempted_ = true;
// This only runs on a clean stack.
void LogicalBufferCollection::TryAllocate() {
// If we're here it means we still have collection_views_, because if the
// last collection view disappeared we would have run ~this which would have
// cleared the Post() canary so this method woudn't be running.
// Currently only BufferCollection(s) that have already done a clean Close()
// have their constraints in constraints_list_. Now we want all the rest of
// the constraints represented in collection_views_ to be in
// constraints_list_ so we can just process constraints_list_ in
// CombineConstraints(). These can't be moved, only cloned, because the
// still-alive BufferCollection(s) will still want to refer to their
// constraints at least for GetUsageBasedRightsAttenuation() purposes.
for (auto& [key, value] : collection_views_) {
if (key->constraints()) {
if (!CombineConstraints()) {
// It's impossible to combine the constraints due to incompatible
// constraints, or all participants set null constraints.
zx_status_t allocate_result = ZX_OK;
BufferCollectionInfo allocation = Allocate(&allocate_result);
if (!allocation) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(allocate_result != ZX_OK);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(allocate_result == ZX_OK);
void LogicalBufferCollection::SetFailedAllocationResult(zx_status_t status) {
// Only set result once.
// allocation_result_status_ is initialized to ZX_OK, so should still be set
// that way.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(allocation_result_status_ == ZX_OK);
allocation_result_status_ = status;
// Was initialized to nullptr.
has_allocation_result_ = true;
void LogicalBufferCollection::SetAllocationResult(BufferCollectionInfo info) {
// Setting null constraints as the success case isn't allowed. That's
// considered a failure. At least one participant must specify non-null
// constraints.
// Only set result once.
// allocation_result_status_ is initialized to ZX_OK, so should still be set
// that way.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(allocation_result_status_ == ZX_OK);
allocation_result_status_ = ZX_OK;
allocation_result_info_ = std::move(info);
has_allocation_result_ = true;
void LogicalBufferCollection::SendAllocationResult() {
for (auto& [key, value] : collection_views_) {
// May as well assert since we can.
if (allocation_result_status_ != ZX_OK) {
"LogicalBufferCollection::SendAllocationResult() done sending "
"allocation failure - now auto-failing self.");
void LogicalBufferCollection::BindSharedCollectionInternal(BufferCollectionToken* token,
zx::channel buffer_collection_request) {
auto self = token->parent_shared();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(self.get() == this);
auto collection = BufferCollection::Create(self);
collection->SetErrorHandler([this, collection_ptr = collection.get()](zx_status_t status) {
// status passed to an error handler is never ZX_OK. Clean close is
// We know collection_ptr is still alive because collection_ptr is
// still in collection_views_. We know this is still alive because
// this has a RefPtr<> ref from collection_ptr.
// TODO(dustingreen): Switch to contains() when C++20.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(collection_views_.find(collection_ptr) != collection_views_.end());
// The BufferCollection may have had Close() called on it, in which
// case closure of the BufferCollection doesn't cause
// LogicalBufferCollection failure. Or, Close() wasn't called and
// the LogicalBufferCollection is out of here.
if (!(status == ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED && collection_ptr->is_done())) {
// We don't have to explicitly remove collection from collection_views_ because Fail() will
// collection_views_.clear().
// A BufferCollection view whose error handler runs implies LogicalBufferCollection failure.
// A LogicalBufferCollection intentionally treats any error that might be triggered by a
// client failure as a LogicalBufferCollection failure, because a LogicalBufferCollection can
// use a lot of RAM and can tend to block creating a replacement LogicalBufferCollection.
// If a participant is cleanly told to be done with a BufferCollection, the participant can
// send Close() before BufferCollection channel close to avoid triggering this failure, in
// case the initiator might want to continue using the BufferCollection without the
// participant.
// TODO(ZX-3884): Provide a way to mark a BufferCollection view as expendable without implying
// that the channel is closing, so that the client can still detect when the BufferCollection
// VMOs need to be closed base don BufferCollection channel closure by sysmem.
// In rare cases, an initiator might choose to use Close() to avoid this failure, but more
// typically initiators will just close their BufferCollection view without Close() first, and
// this failure results. This is considered acceptable partly because it helps exercise code
// in participants that may see BufferCollection channel closure before closure of related
// channels, and it helps get the VMO handles closed ASAP to avoid letting those continue to
// use space of a MemoryAllocator's pool of pre-reserved space (for example).
// TODO(dustingreen): Consider providing a way for the initiator to close its channel (first)
// such that the failure is silent, without silencing this failure on unclean close or
// participant close, and without letting participants pretend to be the initiator re.
// this failure's silence / non-silence.
"BufferCollection (view) channel failure or closure causing LogicalBufferCollection "
"failure - status: %d",
// At this point we know the collection_ptr is cleanly done (Close()
// was sent from client) and can be removed from the set of tracked
// collections. We keep the collection's constraints (if any), as
// those are still relevant - this lets a participant do
// SetConstraints() followed by Close() followed by closing the
// participant's BufferCollection channel, which is convenient for
// some participants.
// If this causes collection_tokens_.empty() and collection_views_.empty(),
// MaybeAllocate() takes care of calling Fail().
if (collection_ptr->is_set_constraints_seen()) {
auto self = collection_ptr->parent_shared();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(self.get() == this);
// ~self may delete "this"
auto collection_ptr = collection.get();
collection_views_.insert({collection_ptr, std::move(collection)});
// ~BufferCollectionToken calls UntrackTokenKoid().
bool LogicalBufferCollection::CombineConstraints() {
// This doesn't necessarily mean that any of the collection_views_ have
// set non-null constraints though. We do require that at least one
// participant (probably the initiator) retains an open channel to its
// BufferCollection until allocation is done, else allocation won't be
// attempted.
// We also know that all the constraints are in constraints_list_ now,
// including all constraints from collection_views_.
auto iter = std::find_if(constraints_list_.begin(), constraints_list_.end(),
[](auto& item) { return !!item; });
if (iter == constraints_list_.end()) {
// This is a failure. At least one participant must provide
// constraints.
return false;
if (!CheckSanitizeBufferCollectionConstraints(iter->get(), false)) {
return false;
Constraints result = BufferCollectionConstraintsClone(iter->get());
for (; iter != constraints_list_.end(); ++iter) {
if (!iter->get()) {
if (!CheckSanitizeBufferCollectionConstraints(iter->get(), false)) {
return false;
if (!AccumulateConstraintBufferCollection(result.get(), iter->get())) {
// This is a failure. The space of permitted settings contains no
// points.
return false;
if (!CheckSanitizeBufferCollectionConstraints(result.get(), true)) {
return false;
constraints_ = std::move(result);
return true;
// Nearly all constraint checks must go under here or under ::Allocate() (not in
// the Accumulate* methods), else we could fail to notice a single participant
// providing unsatisfiable constraints, where no Accumulate* happens. The
// constraint checks that are present under Accumulate* are commented explaining
// why it's ok for them to be there.
bool LogicalBufferCollection::CheckSanitizeBufferCollectionConstraints(
fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionConstraints* constraints, bool is_aggregated) {
if (constraints->min_buffer_count > constraints->max_buffer_count) {
LogError("min_buffer_count > max_buffer_count");
return false;
if (!is_aggregated) {
// At least one usage bit must be specified by any participant that
// specifies constraints. The "none" usage bit can be set by a participant
// that doesn't directly use the buffers, so we know that the participant
// didn't forget to set usage.
if (constraints->usage.none == 0 && constraints->usage.cpu == 0 &&
constraints->usage.vulkan == 0 && constraints->usage.display == 0 &&
constraints-> == 0) {
LogError("At least one usage bit must be set by a participant.");
return false;
if (constraints->usage.none != 0) {
if (constraints->usage.cpu != 0 || constraints->usage.vulkan != 0 ||
constraints->usage.display != 0 || constraints-> != 0) {
LogError("A participant indicating 'none' usage can't specify any other usage.");
return false;
} else {
if (constraints->usage.cpu == 0 && constraints->usage.vulkan == 0 &&
constraints->usage.display == 0 && constraints-> == 0) {
LogError("At least one non-'none' usage bit must be set across all participants.");
return false;
if (!constraints->has_buffer_memory_constraints) {
// The CheckSanitizeBufferMemoryConstraints() further down will help fill out
// the "max" fields, but !has_buffer_memory_constraints implies particular
// defaults for some bool fields, so fill those out here.
constraints->buffer_memory_constraints = fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemoryConstraints{};
// The CPU domain is supported by default.
constraints->buffer_memory_constraints.cpu_domain_supported = true;
// If !usage.cpu, then participant doesn't care what domain, so indicate support
// for RAM and inaccessible domains in that case.
constraints->buffer_memory_constraints.ram_domain_supported = !constraints->usage.cpu;
constraints->buffer_memory_constraints.inaccessible_domain_supported = !constraints->usage.cpu;
constraints->has_buffer_memory_constraints = true;
if (IsCpuUsage(constraints->usage) &&
constraints->buffer_memory_constraints.inaccessible_domain_supported) {
LogError("IsCpuUsage && inaccessible_domain_supported doesn't make sense.");
return false;
if (!CheckSanitizeBufferMemoryConstraints(&constraints->buffer_memory_constraints)) {
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < constraints->image_format_constraints_count; ++i) {
if (!CheckSanitizeImageFormatConstraints(&constraints->image_format_constraints[i])) {
return false;
return true;
static bool IsHeapPermitted(const fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemoryConstraints* constraints,
fuchsia_sysmem_HeapType heap) {
if (constraints->heap_permitted_count) {
auto begin = constraints->heap_permitted;
auto end = constraints->heap_permitted + constraints->heap_permitted_count;
return std::find(begin, end, heap) != end;
return true;
bool LogicalBufferCollection::CheckSanitizeBufferMemoryConstraints(
fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemoryConstraints* constraints) {
if (constraints->min_size_bytes > constraints->max_size_bytes) {
LogError("min_size_bytes > max_size_bytes");
return false;
bool secure_permitted = IsHeapPermitted(constraints, fuchsia_sysmem_HeapType_AMLOGIC_SECURE);
if (constraints->secure_required && !secure_permitted) {
LogError("secure memory required but not permitted");
return false;
return true;
bool LogicalBufferCollection::CheckSanitizeImageFormatConstraints(
fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraints* constraints) {
uint32_t min_bytes_per_row_given_min_width =
ImageFormatStrideBytesPerWidthPixel(&constraints->pixel_format) *
constraints->min_bytes_per_row =
std::max(constraints->min_bytes_per_row, min_bytes_per_row_given_min_width);
if (constraints->pixel_format.type == fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormatType_INVALID) {
LogError("PixelFormatType INVALID not allowed");
return false;
if (!ImageFormatIsSupported(&constraints->pixel_format)) {
LogError("Unsupported pixel format");
return false;
if (!constraints->color_spaces_count) {
LogError("color_spaces_count == 0 not allowed");
return false;
if (constraints->layers != 1) {
LogError("layers != 1 is not yet implemented");
return false;
if (constraints->min_coded_width > constraints->max_coded_width) {
LogError("min_coded_width > max_coded_width");
return false;
if (constraints->min_coded_height > constraints->max_coded_height) {
LogError("min_coded_height > max_coded_height");
return false;
if (constraints->min_bytes_per_row > constraints->max_bytes_per_row) {
LogError("min_bytes_per_row > max_bytes_per_row");
return false;
if (constraints->min_coded_width * constraints->min_coded_height >
constraints->max_coded_width_times_coded_height) {
"min_coded_width * min_coded_height > "
return false;
if (constraints->layers != 1) {
LogError("layers != 1 is not yet implemented");
return false;
if (!IsNonZeroPowerOf2(constraints->coded_width_divisor)) {
LogError("non-power-of-2 coded_width_divisor not supported");
return false;
if (!IsNonZeroPowerOf2(constraints->coded_height_divisor)) {
LogError("non-power-of-2 coded_width_divisor not supported");
return false;
if (!IsNonZeroPowerOf2(constraints->bytes_per_row_divisor)) {
LogError("non-power-of-2 bytes_per_row_divisor not supported");
return false;
if (!IsNonZeroPowerOf2(constraints->start_offset_divisor)) {
LogError("non-power-of-2 start_offset_divisor not supported");
return false;
if (constraints->start_offset_divisor > PAGE_SIZE) {
LogError("support for start_offset_divisor > PAGE_SIZE not yet implemented");
return false;
if (!IsNonZeroPowerOf2(constraints->display_width_divisor)) {
LogError("non-power-of-2 display_width_divisor not supported");
return false;
if (!IsNonZeroPowerOf2(constraints->display_height_divisor)) {
LogError("non-power-of-2 display_height_divisor not supported");
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < constraints->color_spaces_count; ++i) {
if (!ImageFormatIsSupportedColorSpaceForPixelFormat(constraints->color_space[i],
constraints->pixel_format)) {
"!ImageFormatIsSupportedColorSpaceForPixelFormat() "
"color_space.type: %u "
"pixel_format.type: %u",
constraints->color_space[i].type, constraints->pixel_format.type);
return false;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(constraints->required_min_coded_width != 0);
if (constraints->required_min_coded_width < constraints->min_coded_width) {
LogError("required_min_coded_width < min_coded_width");
return false;
if (constraints->required_max_coded_width > constraints->max_coded_width) {
LogError("required_max_coded_width > max_coded_width");
return false;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(constraints->required_min_coded_height != 0);
if (constraints->required_min_coded_height < constraints->min_coded_height) {
LogError("required_min_coded_height < min_coded_height");
return false;
if (constraints->required_max_coded_height > constraints->max_coded_height) {
LogError("required_max_coded_height > max_coded_height");
return false;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(constraints->required_min_bytes_per_row != 0);
if (constraints->required_min_bytes_per_row < constraints->min_bytes_per_row) {
LogError("required_min_bytes_per_row < min_bytes_per_row");
return false;
if (constraints->required_max_bytes_per_row > constraints->max_bytes_per_row) {
LogError("required_max_bytes_per_row > max_bytes_per_row");
return false;
// TODO(dustingreen): Check compatibility of color_space[] entries vs. the
// pixel_format. In particular, 2020 and 2100 don't have 8 bpp, only 10 or
// 12 bpp, while a given PixelFormat.type is a specific bpp. There's
// probably no reason to allow 2020 or 2100 to be specified along with a
// PixelFormat.type that's 8 bpp for example.
return true;
LogicalBufferCollection::Constraints LogicalBufferCollection::BufferCollectionConstraintsClone(
const fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionConstraints* input) {
// There are no handles in BufferCollectionConstraints, so just copy the
// payload. If any handles are added later we'll have to fix this up.
return Constraints(*input);
const fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraints* input) {
// There are no handles in ImageFormatConstraints, so just copy the
// payload. If any handles are added later we'll have to fix this up.
return ImageFormatConstraints(*input);
// |acc| accumulated constraints so far
// |c| additional constraint to aggregate into acc
bool LogicalBufferCollection::AccumulateConstraintBufferCollection(
fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionConstraints* acc,
const fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionConstraints* c) {
// We accumulate "none" usage just like other usages, to make aggregation
// and CheckSanitize consistent/uniform.
acc->usage.none |= c->usage.none;
acc->usage.cpu |= c->usage.cpu;
acc->usage.vulkan |= c->usage.vulkan;
acc->usage.display |= c->usage.display;
acc-> |= c->;
acc->min_buffer_count_for_camping += c->min_buffer_count_for_camping;
acc->min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack += c->min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack;
acc->min_buffer_count_for_shared_slack =
std::max(acc->min_buffer_count_for_shared_slack, c->min_buffer_count_for_shared_slack);
acc->min_buffer_count = std::max(acc->min_buffer_count, c->min_buffer_count);
// 0 is replaced with 0xFFFFFFFF in
// CheckSanitizeBufferCollectionConstraints.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(acc->max_buffer_count != 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(c->max_buffer_count != 0);
acc->max_buffer_count = std::min(acc->max_buffer_count, c->max_buffer_count);
// CheckSanitizeBufferCollectionConstraints() takes care of setting a default
// buffer_collection_constraints, so we can assert that both acc and c "has_" one.
if (!AccumulateConstraintBufferMemory(&acc->buffer_memory_constraints,
&c->buffer_memory_constraints)) {
return false;
// Reject secure_required in combination with any CPU usage, since CPU usage
// isn't possible given secure memory.
if (acc->buffer_memory_constraints.secure_required && IsCpuUsage(acc->usage)) {
return false;
if (!acc->image_format_constraints_count) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < c->image_format_constraints_count; ++i) {
// struct copy
acc->image_format_constraints[i] = c->image_format_constraints[i];
acc->image_format_constraints_count = c->image_format_constraints_count;
} else {
if (c->image_format_constraints_count) {
if (!AccumulateConstraintImageFormats(
&acc->image_format_constraints_count, acc->image_format_constraints,
c->image_format_constraints_count, c->image_format_constraints)) {
// We return false if we've seen non-zero
// image_format_constraint_count from at least one participant
// but among non-zero image_format_constraint_count participants
// since then the overlap has dropped to empty set.
// This path is taken when there are completely non-overlapping
// PixelFormats and also when PixelFormat(s) overlap but none
// of those have any non-empty settings space remaining. In
// that case we've removed the PixelFormat from consideration
// despite it being common among participants (so far).
return false;
// acc->image_format_constraints_count == 0 is allowed here, when all
// participants had image_format_constraints_count == 0.
return true;
bool LogicalBufferCollection::AccumulateConstraintHeapPermitted(uint32_t* acc_count,
fuchsia_sysmem_HeapType acc[],
uint32_t c_count,
const fuchsia_sysmem_HeapType c[]) {
// Remove any heap in acc that's not in c. If zero heaps
// remain in acc, return false.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(*acc_count > 0);
for (uint32_t ai = 0; ai < *acc_count; ++ai) {
uint32_t ci;
for (ci = 0; ci < c_count; ++ci) {
if (acc[ai] == c[ci]) {
// We found heap in c. Break so we can move on to
// the next heap.
if (ci == c_count) {
// remove from acc because not found in c
// copy of formerly last item on top of the item being
// removed
acc[ai] = acc[*acc_count];
// adjust ai to force current index to be processed again as it's
// now a different item
if (!*acc_count) {
LogError("Zero heap permitted overlap");
return false;
return true;
bool LogicalBufferCollection::AccumulateConstraintBufferMemory(
fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemoryConstraints* acc, const fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemoryConstraints* c) {
acc->min_size_bytes = std::max(acc->min_size_bytes, c->min_size_bytes);
// Don't permit 0 as the overall min_size_bytes; that would be nonsense. No
// particular initiator should feel that it has to specify 1 in this field;
// that's just built into sysmem instead. While a VMO will have a minimum
// actual size of page size, we do permit treating buffers as if they're 1
// byte, mainly for testing reasons, and to avoid any unnecessary dependence
// or assumptions re. page size.
acc->min_size_bytes = std::max(acc->min_size_bytes, 1u);
acc->max_size_bytes = std::min(acc->max_size_bytes, c->max_size_bytes);
acc->physically_contiguous_required =
acc->physically_contiguous_required || c->physically_contiguous_required;
acc->secure_required = acc->secure_required || c->secure_required;
acc->ram_domain_supported = acc->ram_domain_supported && c->ram_domain_supported;
acc->cpu_domain_supported = acc->cpu_domain_supported && c->cpu_domain_supported;
acc->inaccessible_domain_supported =
acc->inaccessible_domain_supported && c->inaccessible_domain_supported;
if (!acc->heap_permitted_count) {
std::copy(c->heap_permitted, c->heap_permitted + c->heap_permitted_count, acc->heap_permitted);
acc->heap_permitted_count = c->heap_permitted_count;
} else {
if (c->heap_permitted_count) {
if (!AccumulateConstraintHeapPermitted(&acc->heap_permitted_count, acc->heap_permitted,
c->heap_permitted_count, c->heap_permitted)) {
return false;
return true;
bool LogicalBufferCollection::AccumulateConstraintImageFormats(
uint32_t* acc_count, fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraints acc[], uint32_t c_count,
const fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraints c[]) {
// Remove any pixel_format in acc that's not in c. Process any format
// that's in both. If processing the format results in empty set for that
// format, pretend as if the format wasn't in c and remove that format from
// acc. If acc ends up with zero formats, return false.
// This method doesn't get called unless there's at least one format in
// acc.
for (uint32_t ai = 0; ai < *acc_count; ++ai) {
uint32_t ci;
for (ci = 0; ci < c_count; ++ci) {
if (ImageFormatIsPixelFormatEqual(acc[ai].pixel_format, c[ci].pixel_format)) {
if (!AccumulateConstraintImageFormat(&acc[ai], &c[ci])) {
// Pretend like the format wasn't in c to begin with, so
// this format gets removed from acc. Only if this results
// in zero formats in acc do we end up returning false.
ci = c_count;
// We found the format in c and processed the format without
// that resulting in empty set; break so we can move on to the
// next format.
if (ci == c_count) {
// remove from acc because not found in c
// struct copy of formerly last item on top of the item being
// removed
acc[ai] = acc[*acc_count];
// adjust ai to force current index to be processed again as it's
// now a different item
if (!*acc_count) {
// It's ok for this check to be under Accumulate* because it's permitted
// for a given participant to have zero image_format_constraints_count.
// It's only when the count becomes non-zero then drops back to zero
// (checked here), or if we end up with no image format constraints and
// no buffer constraints (checked in ::Allocate()), that we care.
LogError("all pixel_format(s) eliminated");
return false;
return true;
bool LogicalBufferCollection::AccumulateConstraintImageFormat(
fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraints* acc, const fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraints* c) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ImageFormatIsPixelFormatEqual(acc->pixel_format, c->pixel_format));
// Checked previously.
// Checked previously.
if (!AccumulateConstraintColorSpaces(&acc->color_spaces_count, acc->color_space,
c->color_spaces_count, c->color_space)) {
return false;
// Else AccumulateConstraintColorSpaces() would have returned false.
acc->min_coded_width = std::max(acc->min_coded_width, c->min_coded_width);
acc->max_coded_width = std::min(acc->max_coded_width, c->max_coded_width);
acc->min_coded_height = std::max(acc->min_coded_height, c->min_coded_height);
acc->max_coded_height = std::min(acc->max_coded_height, c->max_coded_height);
acc->min_bytes_per_row = std::max(acc->min_bytes_per_row, c->min_bytes_per_row);
acc->max_bytes_per_row = std::min(acc->max_bytes_per_row, c->max_bytes_per_row);
acc->max_coded_width_times_coded_height =
std::min(acc->max_coded_width_times_coded_height, c->max_coded_width_times_coded_height);
// Checked previously.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(acc->layers == 1);
acc->coded_width_divisor = std::max(acc->coded_width_divisor, c->coded_width_divisor);
acc->coded_width_divisor =
std::max(acc->coded_width_divisor, ImageFormatCodedWidthMinDivisor(&acc->pixel_format));
acc->coded_height_divisor = std::max(acc->coded_height_divisor, c->coded_height_divisor);
acc->coded_height_divisor =
std::max(acc->coded_height_divisor, ImageFormatCodedHeightMinDivisor(&acc->pixel_format));
acc->bytes_per_row_divisor = std::max(acc->bytes_per_row_divisor, c->bytes_per_row_divisor);
acc->bytes_per_row_divisor =
std::max(acc->bytes_per_row_divisor, ImageFormatSampleAlignment(&acc->pixel_format));
acc->start_offset_divisor = std::max(acc->start_offset_divisor, c->start_offset_divisor);
acc->start_offset_divisor =
std::max(acc->start_offset_divisor, ImageFormatSampleAlignment(&acc->pixel_format));
acc->display_width_divisor = std::max(acc->display_width_divisor, c->display_width_divisor);
acc->display_height_divisor = std::max(acc->display_height_divisor, c->display_height_divisor);
// The required_ space is accumulated by taking the union, and must be fully
// within the non-required_ space, else fail. For example, this allows a
// video decoder to indicate that it's capable of outputting a wide range of
// output dimensions, but that it has specific current dimensions that are
// presently required_ (min == max) for decode to proceed.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(acc->required_min_coded_width != 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(c->required_min_coded_width != 0);
acc->required_min_coded_width =
std::min(acc->required_min_coded_width, c->required_min_coded_width);
acc->required_max_coded_width =
std::max(acc->required_max_coded_width, c->required_max_coded_width);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(acc->required_min_coded_height != 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(c->required_min_coded_height != 0);
acc->required_min_coded_height =
std::min(acc->required_min_coded_height, c->required_min_coded_height);
acc->required_max_coded_height =
std::max(acc->required_max_coded_height, c->required_max_coded_height);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(acc->required_min_bytes_per_row != 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(c->required_min_bytes_per_row != 0);
acc->required_min_bytes_per_row =
std::min(acc->required_min_bytes_per_row, c->required_min_bytes_per_row);
acc->required_max_bytes_per_row =
std::max(acc->required_max_bytes_per_row, c->required_max_bytes_per_row);
return true;
bool LogicalBufferCollection::AccumulateConstraintColorSpaces(uint32_t* acc_count,
fuchsia_sysmem_ColorSpace acc[],
uint32_t c_count,
const fuchsia_sysmem_ColorSpace c[]) {
// Remove any color_space in acc that's not in c. If zero color spaces
// remain in acc, return false.
for (uint32_t ai = 0; ai < *acc_count; ++ai) {
uint32_t ci;
for (ci = 0; ci < c_count; ++ci) {
if (IsColorSpaceEqual(acc[ai], c[ci])) {
// We found the color space in c. Break so we can move on to
// the next color space.
if (ci == c_count) {
// remove from acc because not found in c
// struct copy of formerly last item on top of the item being
// removed
acc[ai] = acc[*acc_count];
// adjust ai to force current index to be processed again as it's
// now a different item
if (!*acc_count) {
// It's ok for this check to be under Accumulate* because it's also
// under CheckSanitize(). It's fine to provide a slightly more helpful
// error message here and early out here.
LogError("Zero color_space overlap");
return false;
return true;
bool LogicalBufferCollection::IsColorSpaceEqual(const fuchsia_sysmem_ColorSpace& a,
const fuchsia_sysmem_ColorSpace& b) {
return a.type == b.type;
static uint64_t GetHeap(const fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemoryConstraints* constraints) {
if (constraints->secure_required) {
// checked previously
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!(constraints->secure_required &&
!IsHeapPermitted(constraints, fuchsia_sysmem_HeapType_AMLOGIC_SECURE)));
return fuchsia_sysmem_HeapType_AMLOGIC_SECURE;
if (IsHeapPermitted(constraints, fuchsia_sysmem_HeapType_SYSTEM_RAM)) {
return fuchsia_sysmem_HeapType_SYSTEM_RAM;
return constraints->heap_permitted[0];
static bool GetCoherencyDomain(const fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionConstraints* constraints,
MemoryAllocator* memory_allocator,
fuchsia_sysmem_CoherencyDomain* domain_out) {
// The heap not being accessible from the CPU can force Inaccessible as the only
// potential option.
if (memory_allocator->CoherencyDomainIsInaccessible()) {
if (!constraints->buffer_memory_constraints.inaccessible_domain_supported) {
return false;
*domain_out = fuchsia_sysmem_CoherencyDomain_INACCESSIBLE;
return true;
// Display prefers RAM coherency domain for now.
if (constraints->usage.display != 0) {
if (constraints->buffer_memory_constraints.ram_domain_supported) {
// Display controllers generally aren't cache coherent, so prefer
// RAM coherency domain.
// TODO - base on the system in use.
*domain_out = fuchsia_sysmem_CoherencyDomain_RAM;
return true;
// If none of the above cases apply, then prefer CPU, RAM, Inaccessible
// in that order.
if (constraints->buffer_memory_constraints.cpu_domain_supported) {
*domain_out = fuchsia_sysmem_CoherencyDomain_CPU;
return true;
if (constraints->buffer_memory_constraints.ram_domain_supported) {
*domain_out = fuchsia_sysmem_CoherencyDomain_RAM;
return true;
if (constraints->buffer_memory_constraints.inaccessible_domain_supported) {
// Intentionally permit treating as Inaccessible if we reach here, even
// if the heap permits CPU access. Only domain in common among
// participants is Inaccessible.
*domain_out = fuchsia_sysmem_CoherencyDomain_INACCESSIBLE;
return true;
return false;
BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo LogicalBufferCollection::Allocate(
zx_status_t* allocation_result) {
// Unless fails later.
*allocation_result = ZX_OK;
BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo result(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Default);
uint32_t min_buffer_count = constraints_->min_buffer_count_for_camping +
constraints_->min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack +
min_buffer_count = std::max(min_buffer_count, constraints_->min_buffer_count);
uint32_t max_buffer_count = constraints_->max_buffer_count;
if (min_buffer_count > max_buffer_count) {
"aggregate min_buffer_count > aggregate max_buffer_count - "
"min: %u max: %u",
min_buffer_count, max_buffer_count);
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
result->buffer_count = min_buffer_count;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(result->buffer_count <= max_buffer_count);
uint64_t min_size_bytes = 0;
uint64_t max_size_bytes = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
fuchsia_sysmem_SingleBufferSettings* settings = &result->settings;
fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemorySettings* buffer_settings = &settings->buffer_settings;
// It's allowed for zero participants to have buffer_memory_constraints, as
// long as at least one participant has image_format_constraint_count != 0.
if (!constraints_->has_buffer_memory_constraints &&
!constraints_->image_format_constraints_count) {
// Too unconstrained... We refuse to allocate buffers without any size
// bounds from any participant. At least one particpant must provide
// some form of size bounds (in terms of buffer size bounds or in terms
// of image size bounds).
"at least one participant must specify "
"buffer_memory_constraints or "
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
if (constraints_->has_buffer_memory_constraints) {
const fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemoryConstraints* buffer_constraints =
buffer_settings->is_physically_contiguous = buffer_constraints->physically_contiguous_required;
// checked previously
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!(buffer_constraints->secure_required && IsCpuUsage(constraints_->usage)));
buffer_settings->is_secure = buffer_constraints->secure_required;
buffer_settings->heap = GetHeap(buffer_constraints);
// We can't fill out buffer_settings yet because that also depends on
// ImageFormatConstraints. We do need the min and max from here though.
min_size_bytes = buffer_constraints->min_size_bytes;
max_size_bytes = buffer_constraints->max_size_bytes;
// Get memory allocator for settings.
MemoryAllocator* allocator = parent_device_->GetAllocator(buffer_settings);
if (!allocator) {
LogError("No memory allocator for buffer settings");
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
if (!GetCoherencyDomain(constraints_.get(), allocator, &buffer_settings->coherency_domain)) {
LogError("No coherency domain found for buffer constraints");
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(constraints_->usage.cpu == 0 ||
buffer_settings->coherency_domain != fuchsia_sysmem_CoherencyDomain_INACCESSIBLE);
// It's allowed for zero participants to have any ImageFormatConstraint(s),
// in which case the combined constraints_ will have zero (and that's fine,
// when allocating raw buffers that don't need any ImageFormatConstraint).
// At least for now, we pick which PixelFormat to use before determining if
// the constraints associated with that PixelFormat imply a buffer size
// range in min_size_bytes..max_size_bytes.
if (constraints_->image_format_constraints_count) {
// Pick the best ImageFormatConstraints.
uint32_t best_index = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < constraints_->image_format_constraints_count; ++i) {
if (CompareImageFormatConstraintsByIndex(i, best_index) < 0) {
best_index = i;
// struct copy - if right hand side's clone results in any duplicated
// handles, those will be owned by result.
settings->image_format_constraints =
settings->has_image_format_constraints = true;
// Compute the min buffer size implied by image_format_constraints, so we
// ensure the buffers can hold the min-size image.
if (settings->has_image_format_constraints) {
const fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraints* constraints = &settings->image_format_constraints;
fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormat_2 min_image{};
// struct copy
min_image.pixel_format = constraints->pixel_format;
// We use required_max_coded_width because that's the max width that the producer (or
// initiator) wants these buffers to be able to hold.
min_image.coded_width =
AlignUp(std::max(constraints->min_coded_width, constraints->required_max_coded_width),
if (min_image.coded_width > constraints->max_coded_width) {
LogError("coded_width_divisor caused coded_width > max_coded_width");
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
// We use required_max_coded_height because that's the max height that the producer (or
// initiator) wants these buffers to be able to hold.
min_image.coded_height =
AlignUp(std::max(constraints->min_coded_height, constraints->required_max_coded_height),
if (min_image.coded_height > constraints->max_coded_height) {
LogError("coded_height_divisor caused coded_height > max_coded_height");
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
min_image.bytes_per_row =
ImageFormatStrideBytesPerWidthPixel(&constraints->pixel_format) *
if (min_image.bytes_per_row > constraints->max_bytes_per_row) {
"bytes_per_row_divisor caused bytes_per_row > "
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
if (min_image.coded_width * min_image.coded_height >
constraints->max_coded_width_times_coded_height) {
"coded_width * coded_height > "
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
// These don't matter for computing size in bytes.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(min_image.display_width == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(min_image.display_height == 0);
// This is the only supported value for layers for now.
min_image.layers = 1;
// Checked previously.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(constraints->color_spaces_count >= 1);
// This doesn't matter for computing size in bytes, as we trust the
// pixel_format to fully specify the image size. But set it to the
// first ColorSpace anyway, just so the color_space.type is a valid
// value.
// struct copy
min_image.color_space = constraints->color_space[0];
uint64_t image_min_size_bytes = ImageFormatImageSize(&min_image);
if (image_min_size_bytes > min_size_bytes) {
if (image_min_size_bytes > max_size_bytes) {
LogError("image_min_size_bytes > max_size_bytes");
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
min_size_bytes = image_min_size_bytes;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(min_size_bytes <= max_size_bytes);
if (min_size_bytes == 0) {
LogError("min_size_bytes == 0");
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
// For purposes of enforcing max_size_bytes, we intentionally don't care
// that a VMO can only be a multiple of page size.
uint64_t total_size_bytes = min_size_bytes * result->buffer_count;
if (total_size_bytes > kMaxTotalSizeBytesPerCollection) {
LogError("total_size_bytes > kMaxTotalSizeBytesPerCollection");
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
if (min_size_bytes > kMaxSizeBytesPerBuffer) {
LogError("min_size_bytes > kMaxSizeBytesPerBuffer");
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(min_size_bytes <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
// Now that min_size_bytes accounts for any ImageFormatConstraints, we can
// just allocate min_size_bytes buffers.
// If an initiator (or a participant) wants to force buffers to be larger
// than the size implied by minimum image dimensions, the initiator can use
// BufferMemorySettings.min_size_bytes to force allocated buffers to be
// large enough.
buffer_settings->size_bytes = static_cast<uint32_t>(min_size_bytes);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < result->buffer_count; ++i) {
// Assign directly into result to benefit from FidlStruct<> management
// of handle lifetime.
zx::vmo vmo;
zx_status_t allocate_result = AllocateVmo(allocator, settings, &vmo);
if (allocate_result != ZX_OK) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(allocate_result == ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY);
LogError("AllocateVmo() failed - status: %d", allocate_result);
// In release sanitize error code to ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY regardless of
// what AllocateVmo() returned.
*allocation_result = ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
return BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo(BufferCollection::BufferCollectionInfo::Null);
// Transfer ownership from zx::vmo to FidlStruct<>.
result->buffers[i].vmo = vmo.release();
// Register failure handler with memory allocator.
allocator->AddDestroyCallback(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(this), [this]() {
Fail("LogicalBufferCollection memory allocator gone - now auto-failing self.");
memory_allocator_ = allocator;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(*allocation_result == ZX_OK);
return result;
zx_status_t LogicalBufferCollection::AllocateVmo(
MemoryAllocator* allocator, const fuchsia_sysmem_SingleBufferSettings* settings,
zx::vmo* child_vmo) {
// raw_vmo may itself be a child VMO of an allocator's overall contig VMO,
// but that's an internal detail of the allocator. The ZERO_CHILDREN signal
// will only be set when all direct _and indirect_ child VMOs are fully
// gone (not just handles closed, but the kernel object is deleted, which
// avoids races with handle close, and means there also aren't any
// mappings left).
zx::vmo raw_parent_vmo;
zx_status_t status = allocator->Allocate(settings->buffer_settings.size_bytes, &raw_parent_vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
"allocator->Allocate failed - size_bytes: %u "
"status: %d",
settings->buffer_settings.size_bytes, status);
// sanitize to ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY regardless of why.
status = ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
return status;
zx_info_vmo_t info;
status = raw_parent_vmo.get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogError("raw_parent_vmo.get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO) failed - status %d", status);
return status;
// Write zeroes to the VMO, so that the allocator doesn't need to. Also flush those zeroes to
// RAM so the newly-allocated VMO is fully zeroed in both RAM and CPU coherency domains.
// TODO(ZX-4817): Zero secure/protected VMOs.
if (!allocator->CoherencyDomainIsInaccessible()) {
uint64_t offset = 0;
while (offset < info.size_bytes) {
uint64_t bytes_to_write = std::min(sizeof(kZeroes), info.size_bytes - offset);
status = raw_parent_vmo.write(kZeroes, offset, bytes_to_write);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogError("raw_parent_vmo.write() failed - status: %d", status);
return status;
offset += bytes_to_write;
status = raw_parent_vmo.op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN, 0, info.size_bytes, nullptr, 0);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogError("raw_parent_vmo.op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN) failed - status: %d", status);
return status;
// We immediately create the ParentVmo instance so it can take care of calling allocator->Delete()
// if this method returns early. We intentionally don't emplace into parent_vmos_ until
// StartWait() has succeeded. In turn, StartWait() requires a child VMO to have been created
// already (else ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN would trigger too soon).
// We need to keep the raw_parent_vmo around so we can wait for ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN, and so we
// can call allocator->Delete(raw_parent_vmo).
// Until that happens, we can't let LogicalBufferCollection itself go away, because it needs to
// stick around to tell allocator that the allocator's VMO can be deleted/reclaimed.
// We let cooked_parent_vmo go away before returning from this method, since it's only purpose
// was to attenuate the rights of local_child_vmo. The local_child_vmo counts as a child of
// raw_parent_vmo for ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN.
// The fbl::WrapRefPtr(this) is fairly similar (in this usage) to shared_from_this().
auto tracked_parent_vmo = std::unique_ptr<TrackedParentVmo>(new TrackedParentVmo(
fbl::WrapRefPtr(this), std::move(raw_parent_vmo),
[this, allocator](TrackedParentVmo* tracked_parent_vmo) mutable {
auto node_handle = parent_vmos_.extract(tracked_parent_vmo->vmo().get());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!node_handle || node_handle.mapped().get() == tracked_parent_vmo);
// ~node_handle may delete "this".
zx::vmo cooked_parent_vmo;
status = tracked_parent_vmo->vmo().duplicate(kSysmemVmoRights, &cooked_parent_vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogError("zx::object::duplicate() failed - status: %d", status);
return status;
zx::vmo local_child_vmo;
status = cooked_parent_vmo.create_child(ZX_VMO_CHILD_SLICE, 0,
settings->buffer_settings.size_bytes, &local_child_vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogError("zx::vmo::create_child() failed - status: %d", status);
return status;
// Now that we know at least one child of raw_parent_vmo exists, we can StartWait() and add to
// map. From this point, ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN is the only way that allocator->Delete() gets
// called.
status = tracked_parent_vmo->StartWait();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogError("tracked_parent->StartWait() failed - status: %d", status);
// ~tracked_parent_vmo calls allocator->Delete().
return status;
zx_handle_t raw_parent_vmo_handle = tracked_parent_vmo->vmo().get();
TrackedParentVmo& parent_vmo_ref = *tracked_parent_vmo;
auto emplace_result = parent_vmos_.emplace(raw_parent_vmo_handle, std::move(tracked_parent_vmo));
// Now inform the allocator about the child VMO before we return it.
status = allocator->SetupChildVmo(parent_vmo_ref.vmo(), local_child_vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogError("allocator->SetupChildVmo() failed - status: %d", status);
// In this path, the ~local_child_vmo will async trigger parent_vmo_ref::OnZeroChildren()
// which will call allocator->Delete() via above do_delete lambda passed to
// ParentVmo::ParentVmo().
return status;
*child_vmo = std::move(local_child_vmo);
// ~cooked_parent_vmo is fine, since local_child_vmo counts as a child of raw_parent_vmo for
return ZX_OK;
static int32_t clamp_difference(int32_t a, int32_t b) {
int32_t raw_result = a - b;
int32_t cooked_result = raw_result;
if (cooked_result > 0) {
cooked_result = 1;
} else if (cooked_result < 0) {
cooked_result = -1;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(cooked_result == 0 || cooked_result == 1 || cooked_result == -1);
return cooked_result;
// 1 means a > b, 0 means ==, -1 means a < b.
// TODO(dustingreen): Pay attention to constraints_->usage, by checking any
// overrides that prefer particular PixelFormat based on a usage / usage
// combination.
int32_t LogicalBufferCollection::CompareImageFormatConstraintsTieBreaker(
const fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraints* a,
const fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraints* b) {
// If there's not any cost difference, fall back to choosing the
// pixel_format that has the larger type enum value as a tie-breaker.
int32_t result = clamp_difference(static_cast<int32_t>(a->pixel_format.type),
if (result != 0)
return result;
result = clamp_difference(static_cast<int32_t>(a->pixel_format.has_format_modifier),
if (result != 0)
return result;
if (a->pixel_format.has_format_modifier && b->pixel_format.has_format_modifier) {
result = clamp_difference(static_cast<int32_t>(a->pixel_format.format_modifier.value),
return result;
int32_t LogicalBufferCollection::CompareImageFormatConstraintsByIndex(uint32_t index_a,
uint32_t index_b) {
// This method is allowed to look at constraints_.
int32_t cost_compare = UsagePixelFormatCost::Compare(parent_device_->pdev_device_info_vid(),
constraints_.get(), index_a, index_b);
if (cost_compare != 0) {
return cost_compare;
// If we get this far, there's no known reason to choose one PixelFormat
// over another, so just pick one based on a tie-breaker that'll distinguish
// between PixelFormat(s).
int32_t tie_breaker_compare =
return tie_breaker_compare;
fbl::RefPtr<LogicalBufferCollection> buffer_collection, zx::vmo vmo,
LogicalBufferCollection::TrackedParentVmo::DoDelete do_delete)
: buffer_collection_(std::move(buffer_collection)),
zero_children_wait_(this, vmo_.get(), ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN) {
LogicalBufferCollection::TrackedParentVmo::~TrackedParentVmo() {
if (do_delete_) {
zx_status_t LogicalBufferCollection::TrackedParentVmo::StartWait() {
// The current thread is the dispatcher thread.
zx_status_t status = zero_children_wait_.Begin(async_get_default_dispatcher());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogError("zero_children_wait_.Begin() failed - status: %d", status);
return status;
waiting_ = true;
return ZX_OK;
zx::vmo LogicalBufferCollection::TrackedParentVmo::TakeVmo() {
return std::move(vmo_);
const zx::vmo& LogicalBufferCollection::TrackedParentVmo::vmo() const {
return vmo_;
void LogicalBufferCollection::TrackedParentVmo::OnZeroChildren(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
async::WaitBase* wait,
zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal) {
waiting_ = false;
LogicalBufferCollection::TrackedParentVmo::DoDelete local_do_delete = std::move(do_delete_);
// will delete "this"