blob: 8aa7700a9bedbc124bc1307e8048591837fac178 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "allocator.h"
#include <lib/fidl-async-2/fidl_struct.h>
#include <lib/fidl-utils/bind.h>
#include <lib/fidl/internal.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include "logical_buffer_collection.h"
namespace {
constexpr uint32_t kConcurrencyCap = 64;
} // namespace
const fuchsia_sysmem_Allocator_ops_t Allocator::kOps = {
Allocator::Allocator(Device* parent_device)
: FidlServer("sysmem allocator", kConcurrencyCap), parent_device_(parent_device) {
// nothing else to do here
Allocator::~Allocator() { LogInfo("~Allocator"); }
zx_status_t Allocator::AllocateNonSharedCollection(zx_handle_t buffer_collection_request_param) {
zx::channel buffer_collection_request(buffer_collection_request_param);
// The AllocateCollection() message skips past the token stage because the
// client is also the only participant (probably a temp/test client). Real
// clients are encouraged to use AllocateSharedCollection() instead, so that
// the client can share the LogicalBufferCollection with other participants.
// Because this is a degenerate way to use sysmem, we implement this method
// in terms of the non-degenerate way.
// This code is essentially the same as what a client would do if a client
// wanted to skip the BufferCollectionToken stage without using
// AllocateCollection(). Essentially, this code is here just so clients
// that don't need to share their collection don't have to write this code,
// and can share this code instead.
// Create a local token.
zx::channel token_client;
zx::channel token_server;
zx_status_t status = zx::channel::create(0, &token_client, &token_server);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
"Allocator::AllocateCollection() zx::channel::create() failed "
"- status: %d",
// ~buffer_collection_request
// Returning an error here causes the sysmem connection to drop also,
// which seems like a good idea (more likely to recover overall) given
// the nature of the error.
return status;
// The server end of the local token goes to Create(), and the client end
// goes to BindSharedCollection(). The BindSharedCollection() will figure
// out which token we're talking about based on the koid(s), as usual.
LogicalBufferCollection::Create(std::move(token_server), parent_device_);
LogicalBufferCollection::BindSharedCollection(parent_device_, std::move(token_client),
// Now the client can SetConstraints() on the BufferCollection, etc. The
// client didn't have to hassle with the BufferCollectionToken, which is the
// sole upside of the client using this message over
// AllocateSharedCollection().
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Allocator::AllocateSharedCollection(zx_handle_t token_request_param) {
zx::channel token_request(token_request_param);
// The LogicalBufferCollection is self-owned / owned by all the channels it
// serves.
// There's no channel served directly by the LogicalBufferCollection.
// Instead LogicalBufferCollection owns all the FidlServer instances that
// each own a channel.
// Initially there's only a channel to the first BufferCollectionToken. We
// go ahead and allocate the LogicalBufferCollection here since the
// LogicalBufferCollection associates all the BufferCollectionToken and
// BufferCollection bindings to the same LogicalBufferCollection.
LogicalBufferCollection::Create(std::move(token_request), parent_device_);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Allocator::BindSharedCollection(zx_handle_t token_param,
zx_handle_t buffer_collection_request_param) {
zx::channel token(token_param);
zx::channel buffer_collection_request(buffer_collection_request_param);
// The BindSharedCollection() message is about a supposed-to-be-pre-existing
// logical BufferCollection, but the only association we have to that
// BufferCollection is the client end of a BufferCollectionToken channel
// being handed in via token_param. To find any associated BufferCollection
// we have to look it up by koid. The koid table is held by
// BufferCollection, so delegate over to BufferCollection for this request.
LogicalBufferCollection::BindSharedCollection(parent_device_, std::move(token),
return ZX_OK;