blob: 1679ffac108540ef77fbb27d019dd5e8827f6a5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "i2c_client.h"
#include <ddk/binding.h>
#include <ddk/driver.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <hwreg/bitfields.h>
#include <lib/device-protocol/i2c-channel.h>
#include <lib/mock-i2c/mock-i2c.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include <memory>
namespace audio::alc5663 {
namespace {
TEST(I2cClient, Client8Bits) {
mock_i2c::MockI2c i2c;
ddk::I2cChannel channel{i2c.GetProto()};
I2cClient<uint8_t> client(channel);
// Write to I2C bus.
i2c.ExpectWriteStop({0xaa, 0x11});
EXPECT_OK(client.Write<uint8_t>(0xaa, 0x11));
// Read from I2C bus, which is a write of the address, followed by a read of data.
uint8_t data;
EXPECT_OK(client.Read<uint8_t>(0xaa, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, 0x22);
TEST(I2cClient, Client16Bits) {
mock_i2c::MockI2c i2c;
ddk::I2cChannel channel{i2c.GetProto()};
I2cClient<uint16_t> client(channel);
// Write to I2C bus.
i2c.ExpectWriteStop({0xaa, 0xbb, 0x11, 0x22});
client.Write<uint16_t>(0xaabb, 0x1122);
// Read from I2C bus, which is a write of the address, followed by a read of data.
i2c.ExpectWrite({0xcc, 0xdd});
i2c.ExpectReadStop({0x33, 0x44});
uint16_t data;
EXPECT_OK(client.Read<uint16_t>(0xccdd, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, 0x3344U);
TEST(I2cClient, ClientMixedAddrDataSize) {
mock_i2c::MockI2c i2c;
ddk::I2cChannel channel{i2c.GetProto()};
I2cClient<uint8_t> client(channel);
// Write to I2C bus.
i2c.ExpectWriteStop({0xaa, 0x11, 0x22});
client.Write<uint16_t>(0xaa, 0x1122);
// Read from I2C bus, which is a write of the address, followed by a read of data.
i2c.ExpectReadStop({0x33, 0x44});
uint16_t data;
EXPECT_OK(client.Read<uint16_t>(0xbb, &data));
EXPECT_EQ(data, 0x3344U);
struct TestReg {
uint16_t data;
DEF_SUBBIT(data, 1, bit);
static constexpr uint8_t kAddress = 0xaa;
TEST(I2cClient, ReadRegister) {
mock_i2c::MockI2c i2c;
ddk::I2cChannel channel{i2c.GetProto()};
I2cClient<uint8_t> client(channel);
// Exepect read from the address (0xaa).
i2c.ExpectReadStop({0x11, 0x22});
TestReg result;
EXPECT_OK(ReadRegister<TestReg>(&client, &result));
EXPECT_EQ(, 0x1122);
TEST(I2cClient, WriteRegister) {
mock_i2c::MockI2c i2c;
ddk::I2cChannel channel{i2c.GetProto()};
I2cClient<uint8_t> client(channel);
i2c.ExpectWriteStop({0xaa, 0x11, 0x22});
TestReg result{/*data=*/0x1122};
EXPECT_OK(WriteRegister<TestReg>(&client, result));
TEST(I2cClient, MapRegister) {
mock_i2c::MockI2c i2c;
ddk::I2cChannel channel{i2c.GetProto()};
I2cClient<uint8_t> client(channel);
i2c.ExpectReadStop({0x11, 0x22});
i2c.ExpectWriteStop({0xaa, 0x33, 0x44});
EXPECT_OK(MapRegister<TestReg>(&client, [](auto reg) {
EXPECT_EQ(, 0x1122);
return TestReg{/*data=*/0x3344};
} // namespace
} // namespace audio::alc5663