blob: 26b733af8c1c3b0409a779d62b6fb6a9e4bf3029 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cpuid.h>
#include <stdalign.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <arch/x86/page_tables/constants.h>
#include <arch/x86/registers.h>
#include "trampoline.h"
// Set up minimal page tables for 64-bit mode. These map the low
// 4G of address space directly to the low 4G of physical memory.
static uint32_t get_cr0(void) {
uint32_t cr0;
__asm__("mov %%cr0, %0" : "=r"(cr0));
return cr0;
static void set_cr0(uint32_t cr0) { __asm__ volatile("mov %0, %%cr0" ::"r"(cr0)); }
static void set_cr3(void* cr3) { __asm__ volatile("mov %0, %%cr3" ::"r"(cr3) : "memory"); }
static uint32_t get_cr4(void) {
uint32_t cr4;
__asm__("mov %%cr4, %0" : "=r"(cr4));
return cr4;
static void set_cr4(uint32_t cr4) { __asm__ volatile("mov %0, %%cr4" ::"r"(cr4)); }
static uint64_t read_msr(uint32_t msr) {
uint64_t value;
__asm__("rdmsr" : "=A"(value) : "c"(msr));
return value;
static void write_msr(uint32_t msr, uint64_t value) {
__asm__ volatile("wrmsr" ::"c"(msr), "A"(value));
static bool have_page1gb;
typedef union page_table {
alignas(4096) uint64_t pml4e[512];
alignas(4096) uint64_t pdpte[512];
alignas(4096) uint64_t pde[512];
} page_table_t;
static page_table_t* page_table_memory_start;
static page_table_t* page_table_memory_end;
static page_table_t* get_page_table(void) {
if (unlikely(page_table_memory_start >= page_table_memory_end)) {
panic("ran out of page table memory");
return page_table_memory_start++;
static uint64_t get_pdpte(unsigned int idx) {
// Each PDPTE covers 1G.
if (have_page1gb) {
// A single entry direct-maps 1G.
return (((uint64_t)idx << 30) | X86_MMU_PG_P | X86_MMU_PG_RW | X86_MMU_PG_PS);
} else {
// A single entry indirects through a PDE table.
page_table_t* pdpt = get_page_table();
for (size_t i = 0; i < 512; ++i) {
// Each PDE covers 2M.
pdpt->pde[i] = (((uint64_t)i << 21) | X86_MMU_PG_P | X86_MMU_PG_RW | X86_MMU_PG_PS);
return ((uint64_t)(uintptr_t)pdpt | X86_MMU_PG_P | X86_MMU_PG_RW);
// The whole PDPT covers 512G, so we only need the one.
static uint64_t get_pml4e(void) {
page_table_t* pdpt = get_page_table();
// Each PDPTE covers 1G, so we need four of those.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
pdpt->pdpte[i] = get_pdpte(i);
memset(&pdpt->pdpte[4], 0, sizeof(*pdpt) - offsetof(page_table_t, pdpte[4]));
return (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)pdpt | X86_MMU_PG_P | X86_MMU_PG_RW;
static page_table_t* get_pml4(void) {
page_table_t* pml4 = get_page_table();
// The top-level PML4 just needs one PML4E to point to the PDPT.
pml4->pml4e[0] = get_pml4e();
memset(&pml4->pml4e[1], 0, sizeof(*pml4) - offsetof(page_table_t, pml4e[1]));
return pml4;
void enable_64bit_paging(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) {
// Use available memory for page tables.
page_table_memory_start = (void*)((start + 4096 - 1) & -4096u);
page_table_memory_end = (void*)(end & -4096u);
// Determine if 1G pages are available.
uint32_t a, b, c, d;
__cpuid(0x80000001u, a, b, c, d);
have_page1gb = (d & (1u << 26)) != 0;
// Use the 64-bit (PAE) page table format.
// This is required in 64-bit (Long) mode.
set_cr4(get_cr4() | X86_CR4_PAE);
// Enable 64-bit (Long) mode.
write_msr(X86_MSR_IA32_EFER, read_msr(X86_MSR_IA32_EFER) | X86_EFER_LME);
// Install the page tables.
// Enable paging.
// Hereafter we're using the direct-mapped page tables just built.
set_cr0(get_cr0() | X86_CR0_PG);