blob: 63b10a2b322e0a049f3b1d65e1514098c9f870d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.sys2;
enum StartupMode {
/// Start component instance only when another instance binds to it.
LAZY = 0;
/// Start component instance as soon as parent starts.
EAGER = 1;
/// Statically declares a child component instance.
table ChildDecl {
/// The name assigned to the child by its parent.
/// Must be non-empty, unique among all siblings, and contain only the
/// following characters: [a-z0-9-_.].
1: child_name name;
/// The child component's URL.
/// Must be non-empty and a well-formed URL.
2: string:MAX_URL_LENGTH url;
/// The startup mode for the component instance.
3: StartupMode startup;
// TODO(CP-154): Provide a way to supply parameters to the child, possibly
// as command-line arguments, by URL, or maybe in some other way which is
// orthogonal to other inputs to mitigate confused deputy issues. Perhaps
// as a dictionary like we do for runners?