blob: 085ffbf351197a9097e22e9833f60828739b773c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.modular.auth;
/// Authentication errors returned by AccountProvider. It contains error status
/// code along with a detailed error message.
struct AuthErr {
Status status;
string message;
/// Specifies the success/failure status.
enum Status {
/// Success
OK = 0;
/// A problem with client configuration such as invalid_client, missing params
/// etc. This should happen only in development not at run-time, unless
/// user/developer changes any of this config. No retry is required.
/// Unable to parse the server side response. Retry is optional, this error
/// should be extremely rare.
/// Server is reachable and propagated an error returned by OAuth Server
/// backends. That kind of error cannot be fixed on retries, and has some
/// root cause that needs to be addressed either in the client's configuration
/// or because the user explicitly revoked access to the client app. For
/// instance: invalid_token, expired_token, invalid_client_id, invalid_user,
/// invalid_args, etc.
/// User cancelled the flow, no need to retry.
/// Network error, eg. unreachable. This may be temporary, a retry is
/// recommended.
/// Internal error. Retry is optional, this error should be rare.
/// An interface that allows the Framework to talk to the token manager service
/// to add new accounts and be able to mint the corresponding `TokenManager`
/// specialized instances for thid party agents and first party ledger client.
/// This is only meant to be used by the Framework and will be replaced with
/// `AccountManager` in the near future.
protocol AccountProvider {
/// Adds a new user account. This involves talking to the identity provider and
/// fetching profile attributes.
AddAccount(IdentityProvider identity_provider)
-> (Account? account, string? error_code);
/// Removes an existing user account. This involves talking to account's
/// identity provider and revoking user credentials both locally and remotely.
/// This operation also deletes cached tokens for the given account.
// TODO(ukode): Modify this api to take account_id and IDP as input once the
// Account struct is cleaned up.
/// If `revoke_all` is set to true, then all device credentials are revoked
/// both locally and remotely on the backend server and user is logged out from
/// all devices. If `revoke_all` is set to false, then credentials stored
/// locally are wiped. This includes cached tokens such as access/id and
/// firebase tokens and the locally persisted refresh token. By default,
/// `revoke_all` is set to false and deletes account only from that given
/// device.
RemoveAccount(Account account, bool revoke_all) -> (AuthErr status);
/// This signals `AccountProvider` to teardown itself. After the
/// AccountProvider responds by closing its handle, the caller may terminate
/// the `AccountProvider` application if it hasn't already exited.