blob: ab3254df923734e6facdf1219fefe3da4f5bfefa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
pub extern crate fuchsia_ddk_sys as sys;
extern crate byteorder;
extern crate fuchsia_zircon as zircon;
mod usb;
pub use usb::UsbProtocol;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use zircon::{ok, Handle, Signals, Status, Vmo};
use zircon::sys as zsys;
use std::slice;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
pub trait DriverOps {
fn bind(&mut self, parent: Device) -> Result<Device, Status>;
fn release(&mut self) {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Device {
device: *mut sys::zx_device_t,
fn ctx_from_device_and_ops(device_and_ops: Box<DeviceAndOps>) -> *mut u8 {
Box::into_raw(device_and_ops) as *mut u8
// `ctx` must be a unique, borrowed pointer to a `DeviceAndOps`
unsafe fn ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops<'a>(ctx: *mut u8) -> &'a mut DeviceAndOps {
&mut *(ctx as *mut DeviceAndOps)
// `ctx` must be an owned pointer to a `DeviceAndOps`
unsafe fn ctx_into_device_and_ops(ctx: *mut u8) -> Box<DeviceAndOps> {
Box::from_raw(ctx as *mut DeviceAndOps)
impl Device {
pub unsafe fn wrap(device: *mut sys::zx_device_t) -> Device {
Device { device: device }
pub fn add(device_ops: Box<DeviceOps>, parent: Option<&Device>, flags: AddDeviceFlags)
-> Result<Device, Status>
let device_name =;
if device_name.len() > sys::ZX_DEVICE_NAME_MAX {
return Err(Status::INVALID_ARGS)
// Bind the CString to a local variable to ensure it lives long enough for the call below.
let name_cstring = CString::new(device_name).map_err(|_| Status::INVALID_ARGS)?;
let raw_parent = match parent {
None => std::ptr::null_mut(),
Some(device) => device.device,
// Create the Device with a null pointer initially; device_add_from_driver below will fill it
// in.
let device = unsafe { Device::wrap(std::ptr::null_mut()) };
let device_and_ops = DeviceAndOps { device: device, ops: device_ops };
let mut device_add_args = sys::device_add_args_t {
name: name_cstring.as_ptr(),
ctx: ctx_from_device_and_ops(Box::new(device_and_ops)),
// TODO: mutable static? is this actually safe?
ops: unsafe { &mut DEVICE_OPS },
unsafe {
let context: &mut DeviceAndOps = ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops(device_add_args.ctx);
let status = sys::device_add_from_driver(
&mut device_add_args,
&mut context.device.device);
match status {
zsys::ZX_OK => {
// Take a copy of the Device, which should now contain a valid zx_device_t*.
let device = context.device.clone();
// Note that in this error case the context will be freed, as there shouldn't be any
// callbacks with it.
_ => {
// Should be called after unbind() has been called on the device and the driver is ready to
// remove the device. Beware that the underlying call may free the zx_device_t.
pub fn remove(&mut self) -> Status {
unsafe {
pub fn rebind(&mut self) -> Status {
unsafe {
pub fn get_name(&mut self) -> String {
unsafe {
let name = sys::device_get_name(self.device);
// TODO: is this actually safe? is there always a valid parent?
pub fn get_parent(&mut self) -> Device {
unsafe { Self::wrap(sys::device_get_parent(self.device)) }
pub fn get_size(&mut self) -> u64 {
unsafe { sys::device_get_size(self.device) }
pub fn load_firmware(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<(Vmo, usize), Status> {
let mut size = 0;
let mut fw = 0;
let path_cstring = CString::new(path)?;
let status = unsafe {
sys::load_firmware(self.device, path_cstring.as_ptr(), &mut fw, &mut size)
let vmo = Vmo::from(unsafe { Handle::from_raw(fw) });
Ok((vmo, size))
pub fn state_clr_set(&mut self, clear_mask: Signals, set_mask: Signals) {
unsafe {
sys::device_state_clr_set(self.device, clear_mask.bits(), set_mask.bits())
pub trait DeviceOps {
fn name(&self) -> String;
fn open(&mut self, _flags: u32) -> Result<Option<Device>, Status> {
fn close(&mut self, _flags: u32) -> Status {
fn unbind(&mut self, _device: &mut Device) {
fn release(&mut self) {
fn read(&mut self, _buf: &mut [u8], _offset: u64) -> Result<usize, Status> {
fn write(&mut self, _buf: &[u8], _offset: u64) -> Result<usize, Status> {
fn get_size(&mut self) -> u64 {
fn ioctl(&mut self, _op: u32, _in_buf: &[u8], _out_buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Status> {
fn suspend(&mut self, _flags: u32) -> Status {
fn resume(&mut self, _flags: u32) -> Status {
struct DeviceAndOps {
device: Device,
ops: Box<DeviceOps>,
pub type AddDeviceFlags = sys::device_add_flags_t;
pub use sys::{
extern fn ddk_get_protocol(_ctx: *mut u8, _proto_id: u32, _protocol: *mut u8) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
fn open_result(ret: Result<Option<Device>, Status>, dev_out: *mut *mut sys::zx_device_t) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
match ret {
Err(status) => status.into_raw(),
Ok(None) => zsys::ZX_OK,
Ok(Some(new_device)) => {
// TODO(qwandor): This assumes that the implementor of has already called
// add_device with the DEVICE_ADD_INSTANCE flag. Would it be better to call it here instead?
unsafe { *dev_out = new_device.device };
unsafe extern fn ddk_open(ctx: *mut u8, dev_out: *mut *mut sys::zx_device_t, flags: u32) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
let context = ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops(ctx);
let ret =;
open_result(ret, dev_out)
unsafe extern fn ddk_close(ctx: *mut u8, flags: u32) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
let context = ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops(ctx);
let ret = context.ops.close(flags);
unsafe extern fn ddk_unbind(ctx: *mut u8) {
let context = ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops(ctx);
let unboxed = &mut *context;
unboxed.ops.unbind(&mut unboxed.device);
unsafe extern fn ddk_release(ctx: *mut u8) {
let mut context = ctx_into_device_and_ops(ctx);
unsafe extern fn ddk_read(ctx: *mut u8, buf: *mut u8, count: usize, off: zsys::zx_off_t, actual: *mut usize) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
let context = ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops(ctx);
let rust_buf = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf, count);
match, off) {
Ok(r) => {
*actual = r;
Err(status) => status.into_raw()
unsafe extern fn ddk_write(ctx: *mut u8, buf: *const u8, count: usize, off: zsys::zx_off_t, actual: *mut usize) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
let context = ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops(ctx);
let rust_buf = slice::from_raw_parts(buf, count);
match context.ops.write(rust_buf, off) {
Ok(r) => {
*actual = r;
Err(status) => status.into_raw()
unsafe extern fn ddk_get_size(ctx: *mut u8) -> u64 {
let context = ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops(ctx);
unsafe extern fn ddk_ioctl(ctx: *mut u8, op: u32, in_buf: *const u8, in_len: usize, out_buf: *mut u8, out_len: usize, out_actual: *mut usize) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
let context = ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops(ctx);
let rust_in_buf = slice::from_raw_parts(in_buf, in_len);
let rust_out_buf = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(out_buf, out_len);
match context.ops.ioctl(op, rust_in_buf, rust_out_buf) {
Ok(bytes_written) => {
*out_actual = bytes_written;
Err(status) => status.into_raw()
unsafe extern fn ddk_suspend(ctx: *mut u8, flags: u32) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
let context = ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops(ctx);
let status = context.ops.suspend(flags);
unsafe extern fn ddk_resume(ctx: *mut u8, flags: u32) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
let context = ctx_borrow_mut_device_and_ops(ctx);
let status = context.ops.resume(flags);
static mut DEVICE_OPS: sys::zx_protocol_device_t = sys::zx_protocol_device_t {
get_protocol: Some(ddk_get_protocol),
open: Some(ddk_open),
close: Some(ddk_close),
unbind: Some(ddk_unbind),
release: Some(ddk_release),
read: Some(ddk_read),
write: Some(ddk_write),
get_size: Some(ddk_get_size),
ioctl: Some(ddk_ioctl),
suspend: Some(ddk_suspend),
resume: Some(ddk_resume),
extern "Rust" {
// This is the entry point for us to call the driver, implemented by the driver writer.
fn init() -> Result<Box<DriverOps>, Status>;
// Requires that `ctx` is an owned pointer to a `Box<DriverOps>`.
unsafe fn ctx_into_driver_ops(ctx: *mut u8) -> Box<Box<DriverOps>> {
Box::from_raw(ctx as *mut Box<DriverOps>)
// Requires that `ctx` is a unique, borrowed pointer to a `Box<DriverOps>`.
unsafe fn ctx_borrow_mut_driver_ops<'a>(ctx: *mut u8) -> &'a mut Box<DriverOps> {
&mut *(ctx as *mut Box<DriverOps>)
fn ctx_from_driver_ops(ctx: Box<Box<DriverOps>>) -> *mut u8 {
Box::into_raw(ctx) as *mut u8
// `out_ctx` must be a pointer to a pointer to a region in which a
// `Box<Box<DriverOps>>` can be stored.
unsafe extern fn driver_init(out_ctx: *mut *mut u8) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
println!("driver_init called");
match init() {
Ok(ops) => {
*out_ctx = ctx_from_driver_ops(Box::new(ops));
Err(e) => e,
// `ctx` must be a pointer to a `Box<DriverOps>`.
// `parent` must be a valid pointer to a device.
unsafe extern fn driver_bind(ctx: *mut u8, parent: *mut sys::zx_device_t) -> zsys::zx_status_t {
println!("driver_bind called");
let ops = ctx_borrow_mut_driver_ops(ctx);
let parent_wrapped = Device::wrap(parent);
let status = match ops.bind(parent_wrapped) {
Ok(_) => Status::OK,
Err(e) => e,
// `ctx` must be a pointer to a `Box<DriverOps>`
unsafe extern fn driver_release(ctx: *mut u8) {
println!("driver_release called");
let mut ops = ctx_into_driver_ops(ctx);
pub static DRIVER_OPS: sys::zx_driver_ops_t = sys::zx_driver_ops_t {
init: Some(driver_init),
bind: Some(driver_bind),
release: Some(driver_release),
// Copied from fuchsia-zircon, as we don't want to make it part of the public API.
fn into_result<T, F>(status: zsys::zx_status_t, f: F) -> Result<T, Status>
where F: FnOnce() -> T {
// All non-negative values are assumed successful. Note: calls that don't try
// to multiplex success values into status return could be more strict here.
if status >= 0 {
} else {
mod tests {
fn it_works() {