blob: 3c59eea8e9848bcb1f9f9711051f5467a0a12d92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
failure::{Error, ResultExt},
fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, futures::StreamExt},
fuchsia_inspect::{self as inspect, Property},
/// A task represents something that needs to be done. It consists of a bug
/// number for each tracking as well as a human-readable name.
/// It also contains a completion ratio of 1.0 that can be set dynamically.
struct Task {
/// The bug number of the task.
_bug_number: String,
/// The name of the task.
_name: String,
/// The completion ratio of the task (between 0 and 1).
completion: f64,
// Inspect values
// They are set as the Task is created. Not really used in the program, but
// recorded in Inspect. When the struct is dropped, the inspect values will
// be cleared.
// Node for this task
_node: inspect::Node,
// Inspect properties for the bug number and name.
_bug_number_property: inspect::StringProperty,
_name_property: inspect::StringProperty,
// The completion of the task.
completion_metric: inspect::DoubleProperty,
impl Task {
/// Constructs a new |Task|.
/// The given |Node| is provided by the parent to allow linking into the
/// inspect hierarchy.
fn new(bug_number: &str, name: &str, node: inspect::Node) -> Self {
let _bug_number_property = node.create_string("bug", bug_number);
let _name_property = node.create_string("name", name);
let completion_metric = node.create_double("completion", 0.0);
Task {
_bug_number: bug_number.to_string(),
completion: 0.0,
_name: name.to_string(),
_node: node,
/// Sets the completion ratio of the task.
fn set_completion(&mut self, completion: f64) {
self.completion = 0.0_f64.max(completion.min(1.0));
/// Represents an individual employee of the company.
struct Employee {
_name: String,
_email: String,
// Tasks assigned to this |Employee|.
tasks: Vec<Task>,
// |Employee|s reporting to this |Employee|.
reports: Vec<Employee>,
// Inspect values
// They are set as the Task is created. Not really used in the program, but
// recorded in Inspect. When the struct is dropped, the inspect values will
// be cleared.
// Node under which this |Employee| can expose information.
_node: inspect::Node,
// Node under which this |Employee| nests |Task|s.
task_node: inspect::Node,
// Node under which this |Employee| nests reporting |Employee|s.
report_node: inspect::Node,
impl Employee {
pub fn new(name: &str, email: &str, node: inspect::Node) -> Self {
let task_node = node.create_child("tasks");
let report_node = node.create_child("reports");
Employee {
_name: name.to_string(),
_email: email.to_string(),
_node: node,
tasks: vec![],
reports: vec![],
pub fn task_count(&self) -> usize {
/// Add a new task to this employee.
pub fn add_task(&mut self, bug_number: &str, name: &str) -> &mut Task {
let report_index =
(0..self.reports.len()).fold(None, |min: Option<usize>, i: usize| match min {
Some(j) => Some(if self.reports[j].task_count() < self.reports[i].task_count() {
} else {
None => Some(i),
match report_index {
None => self.add_task_inner(bug_number, name),
Some(report_index) => {
if self.task_count() < self.reports[report_index].task_count() {
self.add_task_inner(bug_number, name)
} else {
self.reports[report_index].add_task(bug_number, name)
fn add_task_inner(&mut self, bug_number: &str, name: &str) -> &mut Task {
let node_name = format!("task-{}", bug_number);
let task = Task::new(bug_number, name, self.task_node.create_child(&node_name));
/// Add a new report to this employee.
pub fn add_report(&mut self, name: &str, email: &str) -> usize {
let employee = Employee::new(name, email, self.report_node.create_child(email));
self.reports.len() - 1
pub fn get_report(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut Employee> {
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut executor = fasync::Executor::new().context("error creating executor")?;
let mut fs = ServiceFs::new();
// Creates a new inspector object. This will create the "root" node in the
// inspect tree to which further children objects can be added.
let inspector = inspect::Inspector::new();
// Exports the Inspect VMO at the standard location "/root.inspect".
inspector.export(&mut fs);
// Create a CEO |Employee| nested underneath the |root_object|.
// The name "reporting_tree" will appear as a child of the root object.
let mut ceo =
Employee::new("CEO", "", inspector.root().create_child("reporting_tree"));
// Create some reports for the CEO, named Bob, Prakash, and Svetlana.
let bob_index = ceo.add_report("Bob", "");
let prakash_index = ceo.add_report("Prakash", "");
let svetlana_index = ceo.add_report("Svetlana", "");
// Bob has 3 reports: Julie, James, and Jun.
ceo.get_report(bob_index).unwrap().add_report("Julie", "");
ceo.get_report(bob_index).unwrap().add_report("James", "");
ceo.get_report(bob_index).unwrap().add_report("Jun", "");
// Prakash has two reports: Gerald and Nathan.
ceo.get_report(prakash_index).unwrap().add_report("Gerald", "");
// Nathan is an intern, so assign him a task to complete his training.
let report_index =
ceo.get_report(prakash_index).unwrap().add_report("Nathan", "");
.add_task("ABC-12", "Complete intern code training")
// Bob has a lot of corporate tasks to complete, he will give these to people
// in his reporting tree.
let bob = ceo.get_report(bob_index).unwrap();
bob.add_task("CORP-100", "Promote extra synergy").set_completion(0.5);
bob.add_task("CORP-101", "Circle back and re-sync").set_completion(0.75);
bob.add_task("CORP-102", "Look into issue with facilities").set_completion(0.8);
bob.add_task("CORP-103", "Issue new badges").set_completion(0.2);
// Prakash has a lot of engineering tasks to complete, he will give these to
// people in his reporting tree.
let prakash = ceo.get_report(prakash_index).unwrap();
prakash.add_task("ENG-10", "Document key structures").set_completion(1.0);
prakash.add_task("ENG-11", "Write login page").set_completion(0.1);
prakash.add_task("ENG-12", "Create design for v2").set_completion(0.33);
// Svetlana has a lot of infrastructure tasks to complete, she doesn't
// currently have reports so she takes these herself.
let svetlana = ceo.get_report(svetlana_index).unwrap();
svetlana.add_task("INFRA-100", "Implement new infrastructure").set_completion(1.0);
svetlana.add_task("INFRA-101", "Onboard new users").set_completion(0.8);
// Svetlana hired new people to help with infrastructure.
svetlana.add_report("Hector", "");
svetlana.add_report("Dianne", "");
svetlana.add_report("Andre", "");
// Good thing Svetlana just hired, here are a bunch of tasks.
svetlana.add_task("INFRA-102", "Bring up new datacenter").set_completion(0.75);
svetlana.add_task("INFRA-103", "Cleanup old file structure").set_completion(0.25);
svetlana.add_task("INFRA-104", "Rewire the datacenter again").set_completion(0.9);
svetlana.add_task("INFRA-105", "Upgrade the cooling system").set_completion(0.8);
svetlana.add_task("INFRA-106", "Investigate opening a datacenter on Mars").set_completion(1.0);
svetlana.add_task("INFRA-107", "Interface with the cloud").set_completion(0.05);
let () = executor.run_singlethreaded(fs.collect());
mod tests {
use {super::*, fuchsia_inspect::assert_inspect_tree};
fn test_tree() {
let inspector = inspect::Inspector::new();
let mut ceo = Employee::new(
let bob_index = ceo.add_report("Bob", "");
let bob = ceo.get_report(bob_index).unwrap();
bob.add_report("Julie", "");
bob.add_report("James", "");
bob.add_task("CORP-100", "Promote extra synergy").set_completion(0.5);
bob.add_task("CORP-101", "Circle back and re-sync").set_completion(0.75);
bob.add_task("CORP-102", "Look into issue with facilities").set_completion(0.8);
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: {
reporting_tree: {
tasks: {},
reports: {
"": {
tasks: {
"task-CORP-102": {
bug: "CORP-102",
name: "Look into issue with facilities",
completion: 0.8
reports: {
"": {
tasks: {
"task-CORP-101": {
bug: "CORP-101",
name: "Circle back and re-sync",
completion: 0.75
reports: {}
"": {
tasks: {
"task-CORP-100": {
bug: "CORP-100",
name: "Promote extra synergy",
completion: 0.5
reports: {}