blob: ad2179ae13e197bbfda407bcb8058398c91860e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <object/futex_context.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <kernel/sched.h>
#include <kernel/thread_lock.h>
#include <object/process_dispatcher.h>
#include <object/thread_dispatcher.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
namespace { // file scope only
inline zx_status_t ValidateFutexPointer(user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> value_ptr) {
if (!value_ptr || (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(value_ptr.get()) % sizeof(zx_futex_t))) {
return ZX_OK;
inline zx_status_t ValidateNewFutexOwner(zx_handle_t new_owner_handle,
fbl::RefPtr<ThreadDispatcher>* new_owner_thread_out) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(new_owner_thread_out != nullptr);
DEBUG_ASSERT(*new_owner_thread_out == nullptr);
if (new_owner_handle == ZX_HANDLE_INVALID) {
return ZX_OK;
auto up = ProcessDispatcher::GetCurrent();
zx_status_t status = up->GetDispatcherWithRights(new_owner_handle, 0, new_owner_thread_out);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// The thread has to be a member of the calling process. Futexes may not be
// owned by threads from another process.
if ((*new_owner_thread_out)->process() != up) {
return ZX_OK;
} // anon namespace
template <OwnedWaitQueue::Hook::Action action>
OwnedWaitQueue::Hook::Action FutexContext::SetBlockingFutexId(thread_t* thrd, void* ctx) {
// Any thread involved in one of these operations is
// currently blocked on a futex's wait queue, and therefor
// *must* be a user mode thread.
DEBUG_ASSERT((thrd != nullptr) && (thrd->user_thread != nullptr));
thrd->user_thread->blocking_futex_id_ = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ctx);
return action;
FutexContext::FutexState::~FutexState() { }
FutexContext::FutexContext() {
FutexContext::~FutexContext() {
// All of the threads should have removed themselves from wait queues and
// destroyed themselves by the time the process has exited.
zx_status_t FutexContext::GrowFutexStatePool() {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
ktl::unique_ptr<FutexState> new_state{ new (&ac) FutexState() };
if (!ac.check()) {
Guard<fbl::Mutex> guard{&lock_};
return ZX_OK;
void FutexContext::ShrinkFutexStatePool() {
ktl::unique_ptr<FutexState> state;
{ // Do not let the futex state become released inside of the lock.
Guard<fbl::Mutex> guard{&lock_};
DEBUG_ASSERT(free_futexes_.is_empty() == false);
state = free_futexes_.pop_front();
// FutexWait verifies that the integer pointed to by |value_ptr| still equals
// |current_value|. If the test fails, FutexWait returns FAILED_PRECONDITION.
// Otherwise it will block the current thread until the |deadline| passes, or
// until the thread is woken by a FutexWake or FutexRequeue operation on the
// same |value_ptr| futex.
zx_status_t FutexContext::FutexWait(user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> value_ptr,
zx_futex_t current_value,
zx_handle_t new_futex_owner,
const Deadline& deadline) {
zx_status_t result;
// Make sure the futex pointer is following the basic rules.
result = ValidateFutexPointer(value_ptr);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
// Fetch a reference to the thread that the user is asserting is the new
// futex owner, if any.
fbl::RefPtr<ThreadDispatcher> futex_owner_thread;
result = ValidateNewFutexOwner(new_futex_owner, &futex_owner_thread);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
// When attempting to wait, the new owner of the futex (if any) may not be
// the thread which is attempting to wait.
if (futex_owner_thread.get() == ThreadDispatcher::GetCurrent()) {
auto current_thread = ThreadDispatcher::GetCurrent();
uintptr_t futex_id = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(value_ptr.get());
// FutexWait() checks that the address value_ptr still contains
// current_value, and if so it sleeps awaiting a FutexWake() on value_ptr.
// Those two steps must together be atomic with respect to FutexWake().
// If a FutexWake() operation could occur between them, a userland mutex
// operation built on top of futexes would have a race condition that
// could miss wakeups.
Guard<fbl::Mutex> guard{&lock_};
// Sanity check, bookkeeping should not indicate that we are blocked on
// a futex at this point in time.
DEBUG_ASSERT(current_thread->blocking_futex_id_ == 0);
int value;
result = value_ptr.copy_from_user(&value);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
if (value != current_value) {
// Find the FutexState for this futex. If there is no FutexState
// already, then there are no current waiters. Grab a free futex futex
// struct from the pool, and add it to the hash table instead.
// Either way, make sure that we hold a reference to the FutexState that
// we end up with. We will want to keep it alive in order to optimize
// the case where we are removed from the wait queue for a reason other
// then being explicitly woken. If we fail to do this, it is possible
// for us to time out on the futex, then have someone else return the
// futex to the free pool, and finally have the futex removed from the
// free pool and destroyed by an exiting thread.
FutexState* futex = ObtainActiveFutex(futex_id);
if (futex == nullptr) {
futex = ActivateFromPool(futex_id);
} else {
// If there was already a FutexState (implying that there are
// currently waiters, and perhaps an owner) verify that the thread
// we are attempting to make the new futex owner (if any) is not
// already waiting on the target futex.
if (futex_owner_thread) {
if (futex_owner_thread->blocking_futex_id_ == futex_id) {
// Record the futex ID of the thread we are about to block on.
current_thread->blocking_futex_id_ = futex_id;
// Enter the thread lock (exchanging the futex context lock for the
// thread spin-lock in the process) and wait on the futex wait queue,
// assigning ownership properly in the process.
// We specifically want reschedule=MutexPolicy::NoReschedule here,
// otherwise the combination of releasing the mutex and enqueuing the
// current thread would not be atomic, which would mean that we could
// miss wakeups.
Guard<spin_lock_t, IrqSave> thread_lock_guard{ThreadLock::Get()};
ThreadDispatcher::AutoBlocked by(ThreadDispatcher::Blocked::FUTEX);
guard.Release(MutexPolicy::ThreadLockHeld, MutexPolicy::NoReschedule);
thread_t* new_owner = futex_owner_thread ? &futex_owner_thread->thread_ : nullptr;
current_thread->thread_.interruptable = true;
result = futex->waiters_.BlockAndAssignOwner(deadline,
current_thread->thread_.interruptable = false;
// If we were woken by another thread, then our block result will be ZX_OK.
// We know that the thread who woke us up will have returned the FutexState
// to the free list if needed. No special action should be needed by us at
// this point.
// If the result is not ZX_OK, then additional actions may be required by
// us. This could be because
// 1) We hit the deadline (ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT)
// 2) We were killed (ZX_ERR_INTERNAL_INTR_KILLED)
// 3) We were suspended (ZX_ERR_INTERNAL_INTR_RETRY)
// In any one of these situations, it is possible that we were the last
// waiter in our FutexState and need to return the FutexState to the free
// pool as a result. To complicate things just a bit further, becuse of
// zx_futex_requeue, the futex that we went to sleep on may not be the futex
// we just woke up from. We need to re-enter the context's futex lock and
// revalidate the state of the world.
if (result == ZX_OK) {
// The FutexWake operation should have already cleared our blocking
// futex ID.
DEBUG_ASSERT(current_thread->blocking_futex_id_ == 0);
return ZX_OK;
Guard<fbl::Mutex> guard{&lock_};
DEBUG_ASSERT(current_thread->blocking_futex_id_ != 0);
FutexState* futex = ObtainActiveFutex(current_thread->blocking_futex_id_);
current_thread->blocking_futex_id_ = 0;
// Important Note:
// It is possible for this thread to have exited via an error path
// (timeout, killed, whatever), but for our futex context to have
// already been returned to the free pool. It is not possible, however,
// for the blocking_futex_id to ever be 0 at this point. The sequence
// which would produce something like this is as follows.
// 1) Threads A is blocked in a Futex X's wait queue.
// 2) Thread A times out, and under the protection of the ThreadLock is
// removed from the wait queue by the kernel. The wait queue now has
// no waiters, but futex X's FutexState has not been returned to the
// pool yet.
// 3) Before thread A makes it to the guard at the top of this block,
// Thread B comes along and attempts to wake at least one thread from
// futex X.
// 4) Thread B is inside of the processes futex context lock when it
// does this, it notices that futex X's wait queue is now empty, so it
// returns the queue to the free pool.
// 5) Finally, thread A makes it into the futex context lock and
// discovers that it had been waiting on futex X, but futex X is not in
// the set of active futexes.
// There are many other variations on this sequence, this just happens
// to be the simplest one that I can think of. Other threads can be
// involved, futex X could have been retired, then reactivated any
// number of times, and so on.
// The important things to realize here are...
// 1) An truly active futex *must* have at least one waiter.
// 2) Because of timeouts, it is possible for a futex to be in the
// active set, with no waiters.
// 3) If #2 is true, then there must be at least one thread which has
// been released from the wait queue and it traveling along the error
// path.
// 4) One of these threads will make it to here, enter the lock, and
// attempt to retire the FutexState to the inactive pool if it is
// still in the active set.
// 5) It does not matter *who* does this, as long as someone does this
// job. It can be the waking thread, or one of the timed out
// threads. As long as everyone makes an attempt while inside of the
// lock, things should be OK and no FutexStates should be leaked.
if (futex != nullptr) {
// Looks like the futex is still in the active set. Enter the
// thread_lock and check to see if the OwnedWaitQueue member of this
// FutexState is now empty. If so, then we need to release the wait
// queue owner, update any related PI pressure, and return the futex
// state to the available pool.
bool is_empty = false;
Guard<spin_lock_t, IrqSave> thread_lock_guard{ThreadLock::Get()};
DEBUG_ASSERT(current_thread->thread_.blocking_wait_queue == nullptr);
is_empty = futex->waiters_.IsEmpty();
if (is_empty) {
if (futex->waiters_.AssignOwner(nullptr)) {
if (is_empty) {
return result;
zx_status_t FutexContext::FutexWake(user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> value_ptr,
uint32_t wake_count,
OwnerAction owner_action) {
zx_status_t result;
// Make sure the futex pointer is following the basic rules.
result = ValidateFutexPointer(value_ptr);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
uintptr_t futex_id = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(value_ptr.get());
AutoReschedDisable resched_disable; // Must come before the Guard.
{ // explicit lock scope for clarity.
Guard<fbl::Mutex> guard{&lock_};
// If the futex key is not in our hash table, then there is no one to
// wake, we are finished.
FutexState* futex = ObtainActiveFutex(futex_id);
if (futex == nullptr) {
return ZX_OK;
// Now, enter the thread lock and actually wake up the threads.
// OwnedWakeQueue will handle the ownership bookkeeping for us.
bool futex_emptied;
Guard<spin_lock_t, IrqSave> thread_lock_guard{ThreadLock::Get()};
using Action = OwnedWaitQueue::Hook::Action;
auto hook = (owner_action == OwnerAction::RELEASE)
? SetBlockingFutexId<Action::SelectAndKeepGoing>
: SetBlockingFutexId<Action::SelectAndAssignOwner>;
if (futex->waiters_.WakeThreads(wake_count, { hook, nullptr })) {
futex_emptied = futex->waiters_.IsEmpty();
// Now that we are outside of the thread lock, if there are no longer
// any waiters for this futex, return the state to the pool.
if (futex_emptied) {
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FutexContext::FutexRequeue(user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> wake_ptr,
uint32_t wake_count,
int current_value,
OwnerAction owner_action,
user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> requeue_ptr,
uint32_t requeue_count,
zx_handle_t new_requeue_owner) {
zx_status_t result;
// Make sure the futex pointers are following the basic rules.
result = ValidateFutexPointer(wake_ptr);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
result = ValidateFutexPointer(requeue_ptr);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
if (wake_ptr.get() == requeue_ptr.get()) {
// Fetch a reference to the thread that the user is asserting is the new
// requeue futex owner, if any.
fbl::RefPtr<ThreadDispatcher> requeue_owner_thread;
result = ValidateNewFutexOwner(new_requeue_owner, &requeue_owner_thread);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
AutoReschedDisable resched_disable; // Must come before the Guard.
Guard<fbl::Mutex> guard{&lock_};
int value;
result = wake_ptr.copy_from_user(&value);
if (result != ZX_OK) return result;
if (value != current_value) return ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE;
// Find the FutexState for the wake and requeue futexes.
uintptr_t wake_id = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(wake_ptr.get());
uintptr_t requeue_id = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(requeue_ptr.get());
FutexState* wake_futex = ObtainActiveFutex(wake_id);
FutexState* requeue_futex = ObtainActiveFutex(requeue_id);
// Verify that the thread we are attempting to make the requeue target's
// owner (if any) is not waiting on either the wake futex or the requeue
// futex.
if (requeue_owner_thread && ((requeue_owner_thread->blocking_futex_id_ == wake_id) ||
(requeue_owner_thread->blocking_futex_id_ == requeue_id))) {
// If we have no waiters for the wake futex, then we are more or less
// finished. Just be sure to re-assign the futex owner for the requeue
// futex if needed.
if (wake_futex == nullptr) {
if (requeue_futex != nullptr) {
Guard<spin_lock_t, IrqSave> thread_lock_guard{ThreadLock::Get()};
thread_t* new_owner = (requeue_owner_thread != nullptr)
? &requeue_owner_thread->thread_
: nullptr;
if (requeue_futex->waiters_.AssignOwner(new_owner)) {
return ZX_OK;
// If we plan to make an attempt to requeue _any_ threads, make sure that we
// have a requeue target ready.
if (requeue_count && (requeue_futex == nullptr)) {
requeue_futex = ActivateFromPool(requeue_id);
// Now that all of our sanity checks are complete, it is time to do the
// actual manipulation of the various wait queues. Start by disabling
// rescheduling and entering the thread lock.
bool wake_futex_emptied;
bool requeue_futex_emptied;
DEBUG_ASSERT(wake_futex != nullptr);
Guard<spin_lock_t, IrqSave> thread_lock_guard{ThreadLock::Get()};
bool do_resched;
using Action = OwnedWaitQueue::Hook::Action;
auto wake_hook = (owner_action == OwnerAction::RELEASE)
? SetBlockingFutexId<Action::SelectAndKeepGoing>
: SetBlockingFutexId<Action::SelectAndAssignOwner>;
auto requeue_hook = SetBlockingFutexId<Action::SelectAndKeepGoing>;
if (requeue_count) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(requeue_futex != nullptr);
thread_t* new_requeue_owner = requeue_owner_thread
? &(requeue_owner_thread->thread_)
: nullptr;
do_resched = wake_futex->waiters_.WakeAndRequeue(
{ wake_hook, nullptr },
{ requeue_hook, reinterpret_cast<void*>(requeue_id) });
} else {
do_resched = wake_futex->waiters_.WakeThreads(wake_count, { wake_hook, nullptr });
wake_futex_emptied = wake_futex->waiters_.IsEmpty();
requeue_futex_emptied = (requeue_futex != nullptr) && requeue_futex->waiters_.IsEmpty();
if (do_resched) {
// Make sure we have retuned any now-empty futex states to the pool before
// requesting a reschedule (if needed).
if (wake_futex_emptied) {
if (requeue_futex_emptied) {
return ZX_OK;
// Get the KOID of the current owner of the specified futex, if any, or ZX_KOID_INVALID if there
// is no known owner.
zx_status_t FutexContext::FutexGetOwner(user_in_ptr<const zx_futex_t> value_ptr,
user_out_ptr<zx_koid_t> koid_out) {
zx_status_t result;
// Make sure the futex pointer is following the basic rules.
result = ValidateFutexPointer(value_ptr);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
zx_koid_t koid = ZX_KOID_INVALID;
uintptr_t futex_id = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(value_ptr.get());
Guard<fbl::Mutex> guard{&lock_};
FutexState* futex = ObtainActiveFutex(futex_id);
if (futex != nullptr) {
Guard<spin_lock_t, IrqSave> thread_lock_guard{ThreadLock::Get()};
if (const thread_t* owner = futex->waiters_.owner(); owner != nullptr) {
// Any thread which owns a FutexState's wait queue *must* be a
// user mode thread.
DEBUG_ASSERT(owner->user_thread != nullptr);
koid = owner->user_thread->get_koid();
return koid_out.copy_to_user(koid);