blob: 09370b0d4620bba12c7fa4cf26f9902a7436de7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Generated by
library fidl.test.dangerous.union.types.camel;
union DangerousMembers {
uint32 Abstract;
uint32 Alignas;
uint32 Alignof;
uint32 And;
uint32 AndEq;
uint32 As;
uint32 Asm;
uint32 Assert;
uint32 Async;
uint32 AtomicCancel;
uint32 AtomicCommit;
uint32 AtomicNoexcept;
uint32 Auto;
uint32 Await;
uint32 Become;
uint32 Bitand;
uint32 Bitor;
uint32 Bool;
uint32 Box;
uint32 Break;
uint32 Byte;
uint32 Case;
uint32 Catch;
uint32 Chan;
uint32 Char;
uint32 Char16T;
uint32 Char32T;
uint32 Class;
uint32 CoAwait;
uint32 CoReturn;
uint32 CoYield;
uint32 CodingTraits;
uint32 Compl;
uint32 Concept;
uint32 Const;
uint32 ConstCast;
uint32 Constexpr;
uint32 Continue;
uint32 Controller;
uint32 Covariant;
uint32 Crate;
uint32 Decltype;
uint32 Decoder;
uint32 Default;
uint32 Defer;
uint32 Deferred;
uint32 Delete;
uint32 Do;
uint32 Double;
uint32 Dynamic;
uint32 DynamicCast;
uint32 Else;
uint32 Encoder;
uint32 EnsureValuesInstantiated;
uint32 Enum;
uint32 Err;
uint32 Explicit;
uint32 Export;
uint32 Extends;
uint32 Extern;
uint32 External;
uint32 Factory;
uint32 Fallthrough;
uint32 False;
uint32 Fidl;
uint32 FidlType;
uint32 Final;
uint32 Finally;
uint32 Float;
uint32 Fn;
uint32 For;
uint32 Friend;
uint32 Func;
uint32 Future;
uint32 Futures;
uint32 Get;
uint32 Go;
uint32 Goto;
uint32 HasInvalidTag;
uint32 HashCode;
uint32 If;
uint32 Impl;
uint32 Implements;
uint32 Import;
uint32 In;
uint32 Index;
uint32 Inline;
uint32 Int;
uint32 Int16;
uint32 Int32;
uint32 Int64;
uint32 Int8;
uint32 Interface;
uint32 Is;
uint32 Let;
uint32 Lhs;
uint32 Library;
uint32 List;
uint32 Long;
uint32 Loop;
uint32 Macro;
uint32 Map;
uint32 Match;
uint32 Mixin;
uint32 Mod;
uint32 Module;
uint32 Move;
uint32 Mut;
uint32 Mutable;
uint32 Namespace;
uint32 Never;
uint32 New;
uint32 NoSuchMethod;
uint32 Noexcept;
uint32 None;
uint32 Not;
uint32 NotEq;
uint32 Null;
uint32 Nullptr;
uint32 Num;
uint32 Object;
uint32 Offset;
uint32 Offsetof;
uint32 Ok;
uint32 OnOpen;
uint32 Operator;
uint32 Option;
uint32 Or;
uint32 OrEq;
uint32 Override;
uint32 Package;
uint32 Part;
uint32 Priv;
uint32 Private;
uint32 Proc;
uint32 Protected;
uint32 Proxy;
uint32 Pub;
uint32 Public;
uint32 Pure;
uint32 Range;
uint32 Ref;
uint32 Register;
uint32 ReinterpretCast;
uint32 Requires;
uint32 Result;
uint32 Rethrow;
uint32 Return;
uint32 Rhs;
uint32 Rune;
uint32 RuntimeType;
uint32 Select;
uint32 Self;
uint32 Send;
uint32 Set;
uint32 SetController;
uint32 Short;
uint32 Signed;
uint32 Sizeof;
uint32 Some;
uint32 Static;
uint32 StaticAssert;
uint32 StaticCast;
uint32 Stream;
uint32 String;
uint32 Struct;
uint32 Stub;
uint32 Super;
uint32 Switch;
uint32 Synchronized;
uint32 Template;
uint32 This;
uint32 ThreadLocal;
uint32 Throw;
uint32 ToString;
uint32 Trait;
uint32 True;
uint32 Try;
uint32 Type;
uint32 Typedef;
uint32 Typeid;
uint32 Typename;
uint32 Typeof;
uint32 Uint16;
uint32 Uint32;
uint32 Uint64;
uint32 Uint8;
uint32 Union;
uint32 Unsafe;
uint32 Unsigned;
uint32 Unsized;
uint32 Use;
uint32 Using;
uint32 Value;
uint32 ValueOf;
uint32 ValueUnion;
uint32 ValuesMap;
uint32 Var;
uint32 Vec;
uint32 Virtual;
uint32 Void;
uint32 Volatile;
uint32 WcharT;
uint32 Where;
uint32 Which;
uint32 While;
uint32 With;
uint32 Xor;
uint32 XorEq;
uint32 Xunion;
uint32 Yield;
uint32 Zx;