blob: d13fbd38cac05729913f2696d8fce332f8b8863e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdio/directory.h>
#include <lib/fdio/fd.h>
#include <lib/fdio/fdio.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/interface_ptr.h>
#include <lib/gtest/real_loop_fixture.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h>
#include <fidl/examples/echo/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/logging.h>
#include <test/sysmgr/cpp/fidl.h>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/sys/appmgr/appmgr.h"
namespace sysmgr {
namespace test {
namespace {
using TestSysmgr = ::gtest::RealLoopFixture;
TEST_F(TestSysmgr, ServiceStartup) {
zx::channel h1, h2;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, zx::channel::create(0, &h1, &h2));
std::vector<std::string> sysmgr_args;
// When auto_update_packages=true, this tests that the presence of amber
// in the sys environment allows component loading to succeed. It should work
// with a mocked amber.
constexpr char kSysmgrConfig[] = R"(--config=
"services": {
"test.sysmgr.Interface": "fuchsia-pkg://",
"fuchsia.pkg.PackageResolver": "fuchsia-pkg://"
"startup_services": [
"update_dependencies": [
auto environment_services = sys::ComponentContext::Create()->svc();
// Make fidl.examples.echo.Echo from our own environment available in appmgr's
// root realm.
fuchsia::sys::ServiceListPtr root_realm_services(new fuchsia::sys::ServiceList);
root_realm_services->names = std::vector<std::string>{fidl::examples::echo::Echo::Name_};
root_realm_services->host_directory = environment_services->CloneChannel().TakeChannel();
component::AppmgrArgs args{.pa_directory_request = h2.release(),
.root_realm_services = std::move(root_realm_services),
.environment_services = std::move(environment_services),
.sysmgr_url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
.sysmgr_args = std::move(sysmgr_args),
.run_virtual_console = false,
.retry_sysmgr_crash = false};
component::Appmgr appmgr(dispatcher(), std::move(args));
// h1 is connected to h2, which is injected above as appmgr's
// PA_DIRECTORY_REQUEST handle. appmgr hosts a directory on that handle, which
// includes a svc/ subdirectory, which in turn connects to the first realm's
// services. That first realm is the sys realm created by sysmgr, so
// sysmgr_svc ends up being a directory with all services in the sys realm.
zx::channel svc_client, svc_server;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, zx::channel::create(0, &svc_client, &svc_server));
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, fdio_service_connect_at(h1.get(), "svc", svc_server.release()));
sys::ServiceDirectory sysmgr_svc(std::move(svc_client));
bool received_response = false;
std::string response;
::test::sysmgr::InterfacePtr interface_ptr;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, sysmgr_svc.Connect(interface_ptr.NewRequest(dispatcher())));
interface_ptr->Ping([&](fidl::StringPtr r) {
received_response = true;
response = r.value_or("");
RunLoopUntil([&] { return received_response; });
EXPECT_EQ("test_sysmgr_service_startup", response);
const std::string echo_msg = "test string for echo";
received_response = false;
fidl::examples::echo::EchoPtr echo_ptr;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, sysmgr_svc.Connect(echo_ptr.NewRequest(dispatcher())));
echo_ptr->EchoString(echo_msg, [&](fidl::StringPtr r) {
received_response = true;
response = r.value_or("");
RunLoopUntil([&] { return received_response; });
EXPECT_EQ(echo_msg, response);
} // namespace
} // namespace test
} // namespace sysmgr