blob: fe2d2ae1cef87a58a690587a3e9841d5a44c8493 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Compression setting for ZBI "storage" items.
# This can be either "lz4f" or "zstd", optionally followed by ".LEVEL"
# where `LEVEL` can be an integer or "max".
zbi_compression = "zstd"
# Template for assembling a Zircon Boot Image file from various inputs.
# Parameters
# output_name (optional, default: target_name)
# output_extension (optional, default: "zbi")
# [string] These together determine the name of the output file.
# If `output_name` is omitted, then the name of the target is
# used. If `output_extension` is "" then `output_name` is the
# file name; otherwise, `${output_name}.${output_extension}`;
# the output file is always under `root_out_dir`.
# complete (optional, default: true)
# [Boolean] If true, then the output is intended to be a complete ZBI.
# That is, a single file that can be booted. This will make the tool
# verify it has the necessary contents and finalize it appropriately.
# compress (optional, default: true)
# [Boolean] If true, BOOTFS and RAMDISK payloads will be compressed.
# inputs (optional)
# [list of files] Input files. Each can be either a ZBI format
# file (e.g. from another `zbi` action, or the kernel ZBI), or a
# manifest file or directory to generate a `BOOTFS` filesystem
# embedded in the ZBI output.
# cmdline (optional)
# [list of strings] Kernel command line text.
# cmdline_inputs (optional)
# [list of files] Input files treated as kernel command line text.
# manifest (optional)
# [list of string|scope] List of individual manifest entries.
# Each entry can be a "TARGET=SOURCE" string, or it can be a scope
# with `sources` and `outputs` in the style of a copy() target:
# `outputs[0]` is used as `TARGET` (see `gn help source_expansion`).
# ramdisk_inputs (optional)
# [list of files] Input files treated as raw RAM disk images.
# deps (usually required)
# visibility (optional)
# testonly (optional)
# Same as for any GN `action` target. `deps` must list labels that
# produce all the `inputs`, `cmdline_inputs`, and `ramdisk_inputs`
# that are generated by the build (none are required for inputs that
# are part of the source tree).
# Each of the various kinds of input is optional, but the action will
# fail at build time (not at `gn gen` time) if there are is no input of
# any kind.
template("zbi") {
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
output_file = invoker.output_name
} else {
output_file = target_name
if (defined(invoker.output_extension)) {
if (invoker.output_extension != "") {
output_file += ".${invoker.output_extension}"
} else {
output_file += ".zbi"
output_file = "$root_out_dir/$output_file"
zircon_tool_action(target_name) {
outputs = [
depfile = "${output_file}.d"
inputs = []
tool = "zbi"
args = [
"--output=" + rebase_path(output_file, root_build_dir),
"--depfile=" + rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.replace) && invoker.replace) {
args += [ "--replace" ]
if (!defined(invoker.complete) || invoker.complete) {
args += [ "--complete=" + current_cpu ]
if (defined(invoker.compress) && !invoker.compress) {
args += [ "--uncompressed" ]
} else {
args += [ "--compressed=$zbi_compression" ]
if (defined(invoker.inputs)) {
args += rebase_path(invoker.inputs, root_build_dir)
inputs += invoker.inputs
if (defined(invoker.manifest)) {
foreach(entry, invoker.manifest) {
if (entry == "$entry") {
# It's a literal manifest entry string.
args += [ "--entry=$entry" ]
} else {
# It's a manifest entry in the style of a copy() target.
targets = []
targets = entry.outputs
assert(targets == [ targets[0] ],
"manifest entry outputs list must have exactly one element")
foreach(source, entry.sources) {
inputs += [ source ]
source_path = rebase_path(source, root_build_dir)
foreach(target, process_file_template([ source ], targets)) {
args += [ "--entry=${target}=${source_path}" ]
if (defined(invoker.ramdisk_inputs)) {
args += [ "--type=ramdisk" ]
args += rebase_path(invoker.ramdisk_inputs, root_build_dir)
inputs += invoker.ramdisk_inputs
if (defined(invoker.cmdline) || defined(invoker.cmdline_inputs)) {
args += [ "--type=cmdline" ]
if (defined(invoker.cmdline)) {
foreach(cmdline, invoker.cmdline) {
args += [ "--entry=$cmdline" ]
if (defined(invoker.cmdline_inputs)) {
args += rebase_path(invoker.cmdline_inputs, root_build_dir)
inputs += invoker.cmdline_inputs