blob: 64aa35dcf11982615ad4aaf7836e5bf816bbff6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <err.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <ktl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
struct vm_page;
class VmPageListNode final : public fbl::WAVLTreeContainable<ktl::unique_ptr<VmPageListNode>> {
explicit VmPageListNode(uint64_t offset);
static const size_t kPageFanOut = 16;
// accessors
uint64_t offset() const { return obj_offset_; }
uint64_t GetKey() const { return obj_offset_; }
void set_offset(uint64_t offset) {
obj_offset_ = offset;
// for every valid page in the node call the passed in function
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPage(F func, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset, uint64_t skew) {
return ForEveryPage(this, func, start_offset, end_offset, skew);
// for every valid page in the node call the passed in function
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPage(F func, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset,
uint64_t skew) const {
return ForEveryPage(this, func, start_offset, end_offset, skew);
vm_page* GetPage(size_t index) const;
vm_page* RemovePage(size_t index);
zx_status_t AddPage(vm_page* p, size_t index);
bool IsEmpty() const {
for (const auto p : pages_) {
if (p) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename S, typename F>
static zx_status_t ForEveryPage(S self, F func, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset,
uint64_t skew) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(end_offset >= start_offset);
size_t start = 0;
size_t end = kPageFanOut;
if (start_offset > self->obj_offset_) {
start = (start_offset - self->obj_offset_) / PAGE_SIZE;
if (end_offset < self->obj_offset_) {
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
if (end_offset < self->obj_offset_ + kPageFanOut * PAGE_SIZE) {
end = (end_offset - self->obj_offset_) / PAGE_SIZE;
for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (self->pages_[i]) {
zx_status_t status = func(self->pages_[i], self->obj_offset_ + i * PAGE_SIZE - skew);
if (unlikely(status != ZX_ERR_NEXT)) {
return status;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("PLST")> canary_;
uint64_t obj_offset_ = 0;
vm_page* pages_[kPageFanOut] = {};
class VmPageList;
// Class which holds the list of vm_page structs removed from a VmPageList
// by TakePages. The list include information about uncommitted pages.
class VmPageSpliceList final {
VmPageSpliceList(VmPageSpliceList&& other);
VmPageSpliceList& operator=(VmPageSpliceList&& other_tree);
// Pops the next page off of the splice. If the next page was
// not committed, returns null.
vm_page* Pop();
// Returns true after the whole collection has been processed by Pop.
bool IsDone() const { return pos_ >= length_; }
VmPageSpliceList(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length);
void FreeAllPages();
uint64_t offset_;
uint64_t length_;
uint64_t pos_ = 0;
VmPageListNode head_ = VmPageListNode(0);
fbl::WAVLTree<uint64_t, ktl::unique_ptr<VmPageListNode>> middle_;
VmPageListNode tail_ = VmPageListNode(0);
friend VmPageList;
class VmPageList final {
VmPageList& operator=(VmPageList&& other);
VmPageList(VmPageList&& other);
void InitializeSkew(uint64_t parent_skew, uint64_t offset) {
// Checking list_skew_ doesn't catch all instances of double-initialization, but
// it should catch some of them.
DEBUG_ASSERT(list_skew_ == 0);
list_skew_ = (parent_skew + offset) % (PAGE_SIZE * VmPageListNode::kPageFanOut);
uint64_t GetSkew() const { return list_skew_; }
// walk the page tree, calling the passed in function on every tree node
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPage(F per_page_func) {
return ForEveryPage(this, per_page_func);
// walk the page tree, calling the passed in function on every tree node
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPage(F per_page_func) const {
return ForEveryPage(this, per_page_func);
// walk the page tree, calling the passed in function on every tree node
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageInRange(F per_page_func, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset) {
return ForEveryPageInRange(this, per_page_func, start_offset, end_offset);
// walk the page tree, calling the passed in function on every tree node
template <typename F>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageInRange(F per_page_func, uint64_t start_offset,
uint64_t end_offset) const {
return ForEveryPageInRange(this, per_page_func, start_offset, end_offset);
// walk the page tree, calling |per_page_func| on every page and |per_gap_func| on every gap
template <typename PAGE_FUNC, typename GAP_FUNC>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(PAGE_FUNC per_page_func, GAP_FUNC per_gap_func,
uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset) {
return ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(this, per_page_func, per_gap_func, start_offset, end_offset);
// walk the page tree, calling |per_page_func| on every page and |per_gap_func| on every gap
template <typename PAGE_FUNC, typename GAP_FUNC>
zx_status_t ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(PAGE_FUNC per_page_func, GAP_FUNC per_gap_func,
uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset) const {
return ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(this, per_page_func, per_gap_func, start_offset, end_offset);
zx_status_t AddPage(vm_page*, uint64_t offset);
vm_page* GetPage(uint64_t offset) const;
// Removes the page at |offset| from the list. Returns true if a page was present,
// false otherwise. If a page was removed, returns it in |page|. The caller now owns
// the pages.
bool RemovePage(uint64_t offset, vm_page** page);
// Removes all pages from this list and puts them on |removed_pages|. The caller
// now owns the pages.
size_t RemoveAllPages(list_node_t* removed_pages);
// Removes all pages in the range [start_offset, end_offset) and puts them
// on |removed_pages|. The caller now owns the pages.
void RemovePages(uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset, list_node_t* remove_page);
// Invokes T on each page in [start_offset, end_offset) and for any pages for
// which it returns true, puts them on |removed_pages|. The caller now owns
// the pages.
template <typename T>
void RemovePages(T per_page_fn, uint64_t start_offset, uint64_t end_offset,
list_node_t* removed_pages) {
start_offset += list_skew_;
end_offset += list_skew_;
// Find the first node with a start after start_offset; if start_offset
// is in a node, it'll be in the one before that one.
auto start = --list_.upper_bound(start_offset);
if (!start.IsValid()) {
start = list_.begin();
// Find the first node which is completely after the end of the region. If
// end_offset falls in the middle of a node, this finds the next node.
const auto end = list_.lower_bound(end_offset);
// Visitor function which moves the pages from the VmPageListNode
// to the accumulation list.
auto per_page_func = [per_page_fn, &removed_pages](auto*& p, uint64_t offset) {
if (per_page_fn(p, offset)) {
list_add_tail(removed_pages, &p->queue_node);
p = nullptr;
return ZX_ERR_NEXT;
// Iterate through all nodes which have at least some overlap with the
// region, freeing the pages and erasing nodes which become empty.
while (start != end) {
auto cur = start++;
cur->ForEveryPage(per_page_func, start_offset, end_offset, list_skew_);
if (cur->IsEmpty()) {
bool IsEmpty();
// Merges the pages in |other| in the range [|offset|, |end_offset|) into |this|
// page list, starting at offset 0 in this list.
// For every page in |other| in the given range, if there is no corresponding page
// in |this|, then they will be passed to |migrate_fn|. If |migrate_fn| returns true,
// they will be migrated into |this|; otherwise they will be added to |free_list|. For
// any pages in |other| outside the given range or which conflict with a page in |this|,
// they will be passed to |release_fn| and then added to |free_list|.
// The |offset| values passed to |release_fn| and |migrate_fn| are the original offsets
// in |other|, not the adapted offsets in |this|.
// **NOTE** unlike MergeOnto, |other| will be empty at the end of this method.
void MergeFrom(VmPageList& other, uint64_t offset, uint64_t end_offset,
fbl::Function<void(vm_page*, uint64_t offset)> release_fn,
fbl::Function<bool(vm_page*, uint64_t offset)> migrate_fn, list_node_t* free_list);
// Merges this pages in |this| onto |other|.
// For every page in |this|, checks the same offset in |other|. If there is no
// page, then it inserts the page into |other|. If there is a page, it adds the
// page onto |free_list|.
// **NOTE** unlike MergeFrom, |this| will be empty at the end of this method.
void MergeOnto(VmPageList& other, list_node_t* free_list);
// Takes the pages in the range [offset, length) out of this page list.
VmPageSpliceList TakePages(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length);
// Allow the implementation to use a one-past-the-end for VmPageListNode offsets,
// plus to account for skew_.
static constexpr uint64_t MAX_SIZE =
ROUNDDOWN(UINT64_MAX, 2 * VmPageListNode::kPageFanOut * PAGE_SIZE);
template <typename S, typename F>
static zx_status_t ForEveryPage(S self, F per_page_func) {
for (auto& pl : self->list_) {
zx_status_t status = pl.ForEveryPage(
per_page_func, pl.offset(), pl.offset() + pl.kPageFanOut * PAGE_SIZE, self->list_skew_);
if (unlikely(status != ZX_ERR_NEXT)) {
if (status == ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
template <typename S, typename F>
static zx_status_t ForEveryPageInRange(S self, F per_page_func, uint64_t start_offset,
uint64_t end_offset) {
start_offset += self->list_skew_;
end_offset += self->list_skew_;
// Find the first node with a start after start_offset; if start_offset
// is in a node, it'll be in the one before it.
auto start = --(self->list_.upper_bound(start_offset));
if (!start.IsValid()) {
start = self->list_.begin();
const auto end = self->list_.lower_bound(end_offset);
for (auto itr = start; itr != end; ++itr) {
auto& pl = *itr;
zx_status_t status =
pl.ForEveryPage(per_page_func, start_offset, end_offset, self->list_skew_);
if (unlikely(status != ZX_ERR_NEXT)) {
if (status == ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
template <typename S, typename PAGE_FUNC, typename GAP_FUNC>
static zx_status_t ForEveryPageAndGapInRange(S self, PAGE_FUNC per_page_func,
GAP_FUNC per_gap_func, uint64_t start_offset,
uint64_t end_offset) {
uint64_t expected_next_off = start_offset;
auto per_page_wrapper_fn = [&expected_next_off, end_offset, per_page_func, per_gap_func](
const auto p, uint64_t off) {
zx_status_t status = ZX_ERR_NEXT;
if (expected_next_off != off) {
status = per_gap_func(expected_next_off, off);
if (status == ZX_ERR_NEXT) {
status = per_page_func(p, off);
expected_next_off = off + PAGE_SIZE;
// Prevent the last call to per_gap_func
if (status == ZX_ERR_STOP) {
expected_next_off = end_offset;
return status;
zx_status_t status = ForEveryPageInRange(self, per_page_wrapper_fn, start_offset, end_offset);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (expected_next_off != end_offset) {
status = per_gap_func(expected_next_off, end_offset);
if (status != ZX_ERR_NEXT && status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
fbl::WAVLTree<uint64_t, ktl::unique_ptr<VmPageListNode>> list_;
// A skew added to offsets provided as arguments to VmPageList functions before
// interfacing with list_. This allows all VmPageLists within a clone tree
// to place individual vm_page_t entries at the same offsets within their nodes, so
// that the nodes can be moved between different lists without having to worry
// about needing to split up a node.
uint64_t list_skew_ = 0;