blob: dc4648daba54eb4c9b0a315fbe7e9cac2c7de5ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
class Handle;
// Observer base class for state maintained by Dispatcher.
class StateObserver {
// Optional initial counts. Each object might have a different idea of them
// and currently we assume at most two. The state observers will iterate on
// the entries and might fire if |signal| matches one of their trigger signals
// so each entry should be associated with a unique signal or with 0 if not
// applicable.
struct CountInfo {
struct {
uint64_t count;
zx_signals_t signal;
} entry[2];
StateObserver() = default;
typedef unsigned Flags;
// Bitmask of return values for On...() methods
static constexpr Flags kNeedRemoval = 1;
static constexpr Flags kHandled = 2;
// Called when this object is added to a Dispatcher, to give it the initial state.
// Note that |cinfo| might be null.
// May return flags: kNeedRemoval
// WARNING: This is called under Dispatcher's mutex.
virtual Flags OnInitialize(zx_signals_t initial_state, const CountInfo* cinfo) = 0;
// Called whenever the state changes, to give it the new state.
// May return flags: kNeedRemoval
// WARNING: This is called under Dispatcher's mutex
virtual Flags OnStateChange(zx_signals_t new_state) = 0;
// Called when |handle| (which refers to a handle to the Dispatcher object) is being
// destroyed/"closed"/transferred. (The object itself, may also be destroyed shortly
// afterwards.)
// Returns flag kHandled if |this| observer handled the call which normally means it
// was bound to |handle|.
// May also return flags: kNeedRemoval
// WARNING: This is called under Dispatcher's mutex.
virtual Flags OnCancel(const Handle* handle) = 0;
// Called when the client wants to cancel an outstanding object_wait_aysnc(..key..). In this
// case the object might not be destroyed.
// Returns flag kHandled if |this| observer handled the call which normally
// means it was bound to |handle| and |key|.
// May also return flags: kNeedRemoval
// WARNING: This is called under Dispatcher's mutex.
virtual Flags OnCancelByKey(const Handle* handle, const void* port, uint64_t key) { return 0; }
// Called after this observer has been removed from the Dispatcher. In this callback
// is safe to delete the observer.
// WARNING: This is called under Dispatcher's mutex.
virtual void OnRemoved() {}
struct ObserverListTraits {
static fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<StateObserver*>& node_state(StateObserver& obj) {
return obj.observer_list_node_state_;
~StateObserver() = default;
fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("SOBS")> canary_;
// Guarded by Dispatcher's lock.
fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<StateObserver*> observer_list_node_state_;