blob: 36f48002e962024812993a3ae1bdfdec1b5a0374 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/cmdline.h>
#include <lib/userabi/vdso-constants.h>
#include <lib/userabi/vdso.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <object/handle.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
#include <vm/vm_object.h>
#include "config-buildid.h"
#include "vdso-code.h"
// This is defined in assembly via RODSO_IMAGE (see rodso-asm.h);
// vdso-code.h gives details about the image's size and layout.
extern "C" const char vdso_image[];
namespace {
// Each KernelVmoWindow object represents a mapping in the kernel address
// space of a T object found inside a VM object. The kernel mapping exists
// for the lifetime of the KernelVmoWindow object.
template <typename T>
class KernelVmoWindow {
static_assert(__is_pod(T), "this is for C-compatible types only!");
KernelVmoWindow(const char* name, fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo, uint64_t offset)
: mapping_(nullptr) {
uint64_t page_offset = ROUNDDOWN(offset, PAGE_SIZE);
size_t offset_in_page = static_cast<size_t>(offset % PAGE_SIZE);
ASSERT(offset % alignof(T) == 0);
const size_t size = offset_in_page + sizeof(T);
const uint arch_mmu_flags = ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_READ | ARCH_MMU_FLAG_PERM_WRITE;
zx_status_t status = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->RootVmar()->CreateVmMapping(
0 /* ignored */, size, 0 /* align pow2 */, 0 /* vmar flags */, ktl::move(vmo), page_offset,
arch_mmu_flags, name, &mapping_);
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
data_ = reinterpret_cast<T*>(mapping_->base() + offset_in_page);
~KernelVmoWindow() {
if (mapping_) {
zx_status_t status = mapping_->Destroy();
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
T* data() const { return data_; }
fbl::RefPtr<VmMapping> mapping_;
T* data_;
// The .dynsym section of the vDSO, an array of ELF symbol table entries.
struct VDsoDynSym {
struct {
uintptr_t info, value, size;
#define PASTE(a, b, c) PASTE_1(a, b, c)
#define PASTE_1(a, b, c) a##b##c
class VDsoDynSymWindow {
static_assert(sizeof(VDsoDynSym) == VDSO_DATA_END_dynsym - VDSO_DATA_START_dynsym,
"either VDsoDynsym or is suspect");
explicit VDsoDynSymWindow(fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo)
: window_("vDSO .dynsym", ktl::move(vmo), VDSO_DATA_START_dynsym) {}
void get_symbol_entry(size_t i, uintptr_t* value, size_t* size) {
*value =>table[i].value;
*size =>table[i].size;
void set_symbol_entry(size_t i, uintptr_t value, size_t size) {>table[i].value = value;>table[i].size = size;
void localize_symbol_entry(size_t i) {
// The high nybble is the STB_* bits; STB_LOCAL is 0.>table[i].info &= 0xf;
#define get_symbol(symbol, value, size) get_symbol_entry(PASTE(VDSO_DYNSYM_, symbol, ), value, size)
#define set_symbol(symbol, target) \
set_symbol_entry(PASTE(VDSO_DYNSYM_, symbol, ), PASTE(VDSO_CODE_, target, ), \
#define localize_symbol(symbol) localize_symbol_entry(PASTE(VDSO_DYNSYM_, symbol, ))
KernelVmoWindow<VDsoDynSym> window_;
class VDsoCodeWindow {
using CodeBuffer = uint8_t[VDSO_CODE_END - VDSO_CODE_START];
explicit VDsoCodeWindow(fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo)
: window_("vDSO code segment", ktl::move(vmo), VDSO_CODE_START) {}
// Fill the given code region (a whole function) with safely invalid code.
// This code should never be run, and any attempt to use it should crash.
void block_execution(uintptr_t address, size_t size) {
ASSERT(address + size < VDSO_CODE_END);
address -= VDSO_CODE_START;
#if ARCH_X86
// Fill with the single-byte HLT instruction, so any place
// user-mode jumps into this code, it gets a trap.
memset(&Code()[address], 0xf4, size);
#elif ARCH_ARM64
// Fixed-size instructions.
ASSERT(address % 4 == 0);
ASSERT(size % 4 == 0);
uint32_t* code = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&Code()[address]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size / 4; ++i)
code[i] = 0xd4200020; // 'brk #1' (what __builtin_trap() emits)
#error what architecture?
CodeBuffer& Code() { return *; }
KernelVmoWindow<CodeBuffer> window_;
#define REDIRECT_SYSCALL(dynsym_window, symbol, target) \
do { \
dynsym_window.set_symbol(symbol, target); \
dynsym_window.set_symbol(_##symbol, target); \
} while (0)
// Block the named zx_* function. The symbol table entry will
// become invisible to runtime symbol resolution, and the code of
// the function will be clobbered with trapping instructions.
#define BLOCK_SYSCALL(dynsym_window, code_window, symbol) \
do { \
dynsym_window.localize_symbol(symbol); \
dynsym_window.localize_symbol(_##symbol); \
uintptr_t address, _address; \
size_t size, _size; \
dynsym_window.get_symbol(symbol, &address, &size); \
dynsym_window.get_symbol(_##symbol, &_address, &_size); \
ASSERT(address == _address); \
ASSERT(size == _size); \
code_window.block_execution(address, size); \
} while (0)
// Random attributes in syscalls.abigen become "categories" of syscalls.
// For each category, define a function block_<category> to block all the
// syscalls in that category. These functions can be used in
// VDso::CreateVariant (below) to block a category of syscalls for a particular
// variant vDSO.
#define SYSCALL_CATEGORY_BEGIN(category) \
void block_##category##_syscalls(VDsoDynSymWindow& dynsym_window, VDsoCodeWindow& code_window) {
#define SYSCALL_IN_CATEGORY(syscall) BLOCK_SYSCALL(dynsym_window, code_window, zx_##syscall);
#define SYSCALL_CATEGORY_END(category) }
#include <zircon/>
} // anonymous namespace
const VDso* VDso::instance_ = NULL;
// Private constructor, can only be called by Create (below).
VDso::VDso(KernelHandle<VmObjectDispatcher>* vmo_kernel_handle)
: RoDso("vdso/full", vdso_image, VDSO_CODE_END, VDSO_CODE_START, vmo_kernel_handle) {}
// This is called exactly once, at boot time.
const VDso* VDso::Create(KernelHandle<VmObjectDispatcher>* vmo_kernel_handles) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
VDso* vdso = new (&ac) VDso(&vmo_kernel_handles[0]);
// Map a window into the VMO to write the vdso_constants struct.
static_assert(sizeof(vdso_constants) == VDSO_DATA_CONSTANTS_SIZE, " is suspect");
KernelVmoWindow<vdso_constants> constants_window("vDSO constants", vdso->vmo()->vmo(),
zx_ticks_t per_second = ticks_per_second();
// Initialize the constants that should be visible to the vDSO.
// Rather than assigning each member individually, do this with
// struct assignment and a compound literal so that the compiler
// can warn if the initializer list omits any member.
* = (vdso_constants){
// If ticks_per_second has not been calibrated, it will return 0. In this
// case, use soft_ticks instead.
if (per_second == 0 || gCmdline.GetBool("vdso.soft_ticks", false)) {
// Make zx_ticks_per_second return nanoseconds per second.>ticks_per_second = ZX_SEC(1);
// Adjust the zx_ticks_get entry point to be soft_ticks_get.
VDsoDynSymWindow dynsym_window(vdso->vmo()->vmo());
REDIRECT_SYSCALL(dynsym_window, zx_ticks_get, soft_ticks_get);
DEBUG_ASSERT(!(vdso->vmo_rights() & ZX_RIGHT_WRITE));
for (size_t v = static_cast<size_t>(Variant::FULL) + 1; v < static_cast<size_t>(Variant::COUNT);
vdso->CreateVariant(static_cast<Variant>(v), &vmo_kernel_handles[v]);
instance_ = vdso;
return instance_;
uintptr_t VDso::base_address(const fbl::RefPtr<VmMapping>& code_mapping) {
return code_mapping ? code_mapping->base() - VDSO_CODE_START : 0;
// Each vDSO variant VMO is made via a COW clone of the main/default vDSO
// VMO. A variant can block some system calls, by syscall category.
// This works by modifying the symbol table entries to make the symbols
// invisible to dynamic linking (STB_LOCAL) and then clobbering the code
// with trapping instructions. In this way, all the code locations are the
// same across variants and the syscall entry enforcement doesn't have to
// care which variant is in use. The places where the blocked
// syscalls' syscall entry instructions would be no longer have the syscall
// instructions, so a process using the variant can never get into syscall
// entry with that PC value and hence can never pass the vDSO enforcement
// test.
void VDso::CreateVariant(Variant variant, KernelHandle<VmObjectDispatcher>* vmo_kernel_handle) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(variant > Variant::FULL);
DEBUG_ASSERT(variant < Variant::COUNT);
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> new_vmo;
zx_status_t status = vmo()->CreateChild(ZX_VMO_CHILD_COPY_ON_WRITE, 0, size(), false, &new_vmo);
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
VDsoDynSymWindow dynsym_window(new_vmo);
VDsoCodeWindow code_window(new_vmo);
const char* name = nullptr;
switch (variant) {
case Variant::TEST1:
name = "vdso/test1";
block_test_category1_syscalls(dynsym_window, code_window);
case Variant::TEST2:
name = "vdso/test2";
block_test_category2_syscalls(dynsym_window, code_window);
// No default case so the compiler will warn about new enum entries.
case Variant::FULL:
case Variant::COUNT:
PANIC("VDso::CreateVariant called with bad variant");
zx_rights_t rights;
status = VmObjectDispatcher::Create(ktl::move(new_vmo), vmo_kernel_handle, &rights);
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
status = vmo_kernel_handle->dispatcher()->set_name(name, strlen(name));
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
variant_vmo_[variant_index(variant)] = vmo_kernel_handle->dispatcher();