blob: 825748d14f4427299882dba4b3aadccc8d95a29d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <debug.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <arch/defines.h>
#include <arch/ops.h>
#include <arch/thread.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <kernel/cpu.h>
#include <kernel/fair_task_state.h>
#include <kernel/spinlock.h>
#include <kernel/timer.h>
#include <kernel/wait.h>
#include <vm/kstack.h>
// fwd decls
class OwnedWaitQueue;
class ThreadDispatcher;
enum thread_state {
// Returns a string constant for the given thread state.
const char* ToString(enum thread_state state);
enum thread_user_state_change {
// scheduler lock
extern spin_lock_t thread_lock;
typedef int (*thread_start_routine)(void* arg);
typedef void (*thread_trampoline_routine)(void) __NO_RETURN;
typedef void (*thread_user_callback_t)(enum thread_user_state_change new_state,
thread_t* thread_context);
typedef void (*thread_tls_callback_t)(void* tls_value);
// clang-format off
#define THREAD_FLAG_DETACHED (1 << 0)
#define THREAD_FLAG_FREE_STRUCT (1 << 1)
#define THREAD_FLAG_REAL_TIME (1 << 2)
#define THREAD_FLAG_IDLE (1 << 3)
#define THREAD_FLAG_NO_BOOST (1 << 4)
#define THREAD_SIGNAL_KILL (1 << 0)
#define THREAD_SIGNAL_SUSPEND (1 << 1)
// clang-format on
#define THREAD_MAGIC (0x74687264) // 'thrd'
// This includes the trailing NUL.
// N.B. This must match ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN.
// Number of kernel tls slots.
struct vmm_aspace;
// This is a parallel structure to lockdep::ThreadLockState to work around the
// fact that this header is included by C code and cannot reference C++ types
// directly. This structure MUST NOT be touched by code outside of the lockdep
// implementation and MUST be kept in sync with the C++ counterpart.
typedef struct lockdep_state {
uintptr_t acquired_locks;
uint16_t reporting_disabled_count;
uint8_t last_result;
} lockdep_state_t;
struct thread_t {
// Default constructor/destructor declared to be not-inline in order to
// avoid circular include dependencies involving thread, wait_queue, and
// OwnedWaitQueue.
int magic;
struct list_node thread_list_node;
// active bits
struct list_node queue_node;
enum thread_state state;
zx_time_t last_started_running;
zx_duration_t remaining_time_slice;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int signals;
// Total time in THREAD_RUNNING state. If the thread is currently in
// THREAD_RUNNING state, this excludes the time it has accrued since it
// left the scheduler.
zx_duration_t runtime_ns;
// priority: in the range of [MIN_PRIORITY, MAX_PRIORITY], from low to high.
// base_priority is set at creation time, and can be tuned with thread_set_priority().
// priority_boost is a signed value that is moved around within a range by the scheduler.
// inherited_priority is temporarily set to >0 when inheriting a priority from another
// thread blocked on a locking primitive this thread holds. -1 means no inherit.
// effective_priority is MAX(base_priority + priority boost, inherited_priority) and is
// the working priority for run queue decisions.
int effec_priority;
int base_priority;
int priority_boost;
int inherited_priority;
// state used by the fair scheduler.
// TODO(eieio): Find a way to abstract the O(1) scheduler state so that code
// outside of the sched implementation uses a uniform interface to
// manipulate priority. This makes it possible to eliminate redundant state
// when one scheduler or another is enabled.
FairTaskState fair_task_state;
// current cpu the thread is either running on or in the ready queue, undefined otherwise
cpu_num_t curr_cpu;
cpu_num_t last_cpu; // last cpu the thread ran on, INVALID_CPU if it's never run
cpu_mask_t hard_affinity; // mask of CPUs this thread _must_ run on
cpu_mask_t soft_affinity; // mask of CPUs this thread should run on if possible
// if blocked, a pointer to the wait queue
struct wait_queue* blocking_wait_queue TA_GUARDED(thread_lock) = nullptr;
// a list of the wait queues currently owned by this thread.
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<OwnedWaitQueue*> owned_wait_queues TA_GUARDED(thread_lock);
// list of other wait queue heads if we're a head
struct list_node wait_queue_heads_node;
// return code if woken up abnormally from suspend, sleep, or block
zx_status_t blocked_status;
// are we allowed to be interrupted on the current thing we're blocked/sleeping on
bool interruptable;
// state for runtime lock validation when in thread context
lockdep_state_t lock_state;
// pointer to the kernel address space this thread is associated with
struct vmm_aspace* aspace;
// pointer to user thread if one exists for this thread
ThreadDispatcher* user_thread;
uint64_t user_tid;
uint64_t user_pid;
// callback for user thread state changes; do not invoke directly, use invoke_user_callback
// helper function instead
thread_user_callback_t user_callback;
// non-NULL if stopped in an exception
const struct arch_exception_context* exception_context;
// architecture stuff
struct arch_thread arch;
kstack_t stack;
// entry point
thread_start_routine entry;
void* arg;
// return code
int retcode;
struct wait_queue retcode_wait_queue;
// disable_counts contains two fields:
// * Bottom 16 bits: the preempt_disable counter. See
// thread_preempt_disable().
// * Top 16 bits: the resched_disable counter. See
// thread_resched_disable().
// This is a single field so that both counters can be compared against
// zero with a single memory access and comparison.
// disable_counts is modified by interrupt handlers, but it is always
// restored to its original value before the interrupt handler returns,
// so modifications are not visible to the interrupted thread. Despite
// that, "volatile" is still technically needed. Otherwise the
// compiler is technically allowed to compile
// "++thread->disable_counts" into code that stores a junk value into
// preempt_disable temporarily.
volatile uint32_t disable_counts;
// preempt_pending tracks whether a thread reschedule is pending.
// This is volatile because it can be changed asynchronously by an
// interrupt handler: If preempt_disable is set, an interrupt handler
// may change this from false to true. Otherwise, if resched_disable
// is set, an interrupt handler may change this from true to false.
// preempt_pending should only be true:
// * if preempt_disable or resched_disable are non-zero, or
// * after preempt_disable or resched_disable have been decremented,
// while preempt_pending is being checked.
volatile bool preempt_pending;
// thread local storage, initialized to zero
// callback for cleanup of tls slots
thread_tls_callback_t tls_callback[THREAD_MAX_TLS_ENTRY];
// buffering for debug/klog output
size_t linebuffer_pos;
// thread priority
#define NUM_PRIORITIES (32)
// stack size
// TODO(johngro): Remove this when we have addressed ZX-3683. Right now, this
// is used in only one place (x86_bringup_aps in arch/x86/smp.cpp) outside of
// thread.cpp.
// Normal users should only ever need to call either thread_create, or
// thread_create_etc.
void init_thread_struct(thread_t* t, const char* name);
// functions
void thread_init_early(void);
void thread_become_idle(void) __NO_RETURN;
void thread_secondary_cpu_init_early(thread_t* t);
void thread_secondary_cpu_entry(void) __NO_RETURN;
void thread_construct_first(thread_t* t, const char* name);
thread_t* thread_create_idle_thread(uint cpu_num);
void thread_set_name(const char* name);
void thread_set_priority(thread_t* t, int priority);
void thread_set_user_callback(thread_t* t, thread_user_callback_t cb);
// Creates a thread with |name| that will execute |entry| at |priority|. |arg|
// will be passed to |entry| when executed, the return value of |entry| will be
// passed to thread_exit().
// This call allocates a thread and places it in the global thread list. This
// memory will be freed by either thread_join() or thread_detach(), one of these
// MUST be called.
// The thread will not be scheduled until thread_resume() is called.
thread_t* thread_create(const char* name, thread_start_routine entry, void* arg, int priority);
thread_t* thread_create_etc(thread_t* t, const char* name, thread_start_routine entry, void* arg,
int priority, thread_trampoline_routine alt_trampoline);
// Called to mark a thread as schedulable.
void thread_resume(thread_t*);
zx_status_t thread_suspend(thread_t*);
void thread_signal_policy_exception(void);
void thread_exit(int retcode) __NO_RETURN;
void thread_forget(thread_t*);
// Get/set the mask of valid CPUs that thread may run on. If a new mask
// is set, the thread will be migrated to satisfy the new constraint.
// Affinity comes in two flavours:
// * "hard affinity", which will always be respected by the scheduler.
// The scheduler will panic if it can't satisfy this affinity.
// * "soft affinity" indicating where the thread should ideally be scheduled.
// The scheduler will respect the mask unless there are no other
// options (e.g., the soft affinity and hard affinity don't contain
// any common CPUs).
// If the two masks conflict, the hard affinity wins.
void thread_set_cpu_affinity(thread_t* t, cpu_mask_t affinity) TA_EXCL(thread_lock);
cpu_mask_t thread_get_cpu_affinity(const thread_t* t) TA_EXCL(thread_lock);
void thread_set_soft_cpu_affinity(thread_t* t, cpu_mask_t affinity) TA_EXCL(thread_lock);
cpu_mask_t thread_get_soft_cpu_affinity(const thread_t* t) TA_EXCL(thread_lock);
// migrates the current thread to the CPU identified by target_cpu
void thread_migrate_to_cpu(cpu_num_t target_cpuid);
// Marks a thread as detached, in this state its memory will be released once
// execution is done.
zx_status_t thread_detach(thread_t* t);
zx_status_t thread_detach_and_resume(thread_t* t);
// Waits |deadline| time for a thread to complete execution then releases its memory.
zx_status_t thread_join(thread_t* t, int* retcode, zx_time_t deadline);
zx_status_t thread_set_real_time(thread_t* t);
// scheduler routines to be used by regular kernel code
void thread_yield(void); // give up the cpu and time slice voluntarily
void thread_preempt(void); // get preempted at irq time
void thread_reschedule(void); // re-evaluate the run queue on the current cpu
void thread_owner_name(thread_t* t, char out_name[THREAD_NAME_LENGTH]);
// print the backtrace on the current thread
void thread_print_current_backtrace(void);
// append the backtrace of the current thread to the passed in char pointer up
// to `len' characters.
// return the number of chars appended.
size_t thread_append_current_backtrace(char* out, size_t len);
// print the backtrace on the current thread at the given frame
void thread_print_current_backtrace_at_frame(void* caller_frame);
// print the backtrace of the passed in thread, if possible
zx_status_t thread_print_backtrace(thread_t* t);
// Return true if stopped in an exception.
static inline bool thread_stopped_in_exception(const thread_t* thread) {
return !!thread->exception_context;
// wait until the deadline has occurred.
// if interruptable, may return early with ZX_ERR_INTERNAL_INTR_KILLED if
// thread is signaled for kill.
zx_status_t thread_sleep_etc(const Deadline& deadline, bool interruptable, zx_time_t now);
// non-interruptable version of thread_sleep_etc
zx_status_t thread_sleep(zx_time_t deadline);
// non-interruptable relative delay version of thread_sleep
zx_status_t thread_sleep_relative(zx_duration_t delay);
// interruptable version of thread_sleep
zx_status_t thread_sleep_interruptable(zx_time_t deadline);
// return the number of nanoseconds a thread has been running for
zx_duration_t thread_runtime(const thread_t* t);
// last cpu the given thread was running on, or INVALID_CPU if it has never run
cpu_num_t thread_last_cpu(const thread_t* t) TA_EXCL(thread_lock);
// deliver a kill signal to a thread
void thread_kill(thread_t* t);
// return true if thread has been signaled
static inline bool thread_is_signaled(thread_t* t) { return t->signals != 0; }
// Call the arch-specific signal handler.
void arch_iframe_process_pending_signals(iframe_t* iframe);
// process pending signals, may never return because of kill signal
void thread_process_pending_signals(void);
void dump_thread_locked(thread_t* t, bool full) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void dump_thread(thread_t* t, bool full) TA_EXCL(thread_lock);
void arch_dump_thread(thread_t* t);
void dump_all_threads_locked(bool full) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
void dump_all_threads(bool full) TA_EXCL(thread_lock);
void dump_thread_user_tid(uint64_t tid, bool full) TA_EXCL(thread_lock);
void dump_thread_user_tid_locked(uint64_t tid, bool full) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
static inline void dump_thread_during_panic(thread_t* t, bool full) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// Skip grabbing the lock if we are panic'ing
dump_thread_locked(t, full);
static inline void dump_all_threads_during_panic(bool full) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// Skip grabbing the lock if we are panic'ing
static inline void dump_thread_user_tid_during_panic(uint64_t tid,
// Skip grabbing the lock if we are panic'ing
dump_thread_user_tid_locked(tid, full);
// find a thread based on the thread id
// NOTE: used only for debugging, its a slow linear search through the
// global thread list
thread_t* thread_id_to_thread_slow(uint64_t tid);
static inline bool thread_is_realtime(thread_t* t) {
return (t->flags & THREAD_FLAG_REAL_TIME) && t->base_priority > DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
static inline bool thread_is_idle(thread_t* t) { return !!(t->flags & THREAD_FLAG_IDLE); }
static inline bool thread_is_real_time_or_idle(thread_t* t) {
return !!(t->flags & (THREAD_FLAG_REAL_TIME | THREAD_FLAG_IDLE));
// A thread may not participate in the scheduler's boost behavior if it is...
// 1) flagged as real-time
// 2) flagged as idle
// 3) flagged as "no boost"
// Note that flag #3 should *only* ever be used by kernel test code when
// attempting to test priority inheritance chain propagation. It is important
// that these tests maintain rigorous control of the relationship between base
// priority, inherited priority, and the resulting effective priority. Allowing
// the scheduler to introduce the concept of dynamic boost priority into the
// calculation of effective priority makes writing tests like this more
// difficult which is why we have an internal flag which can be used for
// disabling this behavior.
static inline bool thread_cannot_boost(thread_t* t) {
// the current thread
#include <arch/current_thread.h>
thread_t* get_current_thread(void);
void set_current_thread(thread_t*);
static inline bool thread_lock_held(void) { return spin_lock_held(&thread_lock); }
// Thread local storage. See tls_slots.h in the object layer above for
// the current slot usage.
static inline void* tls_get(uint entry) { return get_current_thread()->tls[entry]; }
static inline void* tls_set(uint entry, void* val) {
thread_t* curr_thread = get_current_thread();
void* oldval = curr_thread->tls[entry];
curr_thread->tls[entry] = val;
return oldval;
// set the callback that is issued when the thread exits
static inline void tls_set_callback(uint entry, thread_tls_callback_t cb) {
get_current_thread()->tls_callback[entry] = cb;
void thread_check_preempt_pending(void);
static inline uint32_t thread_preempt_disable_count(void) {
return get_current_thread()->disable_counts & 0xffff;
static inline uint32_t thread_resched_disable_count(void) {
return get_current_thread()->disable_counts >> 16;
// thread_preempt_disable() increments the preempt_disable counter for the
// current thread. While preempt_disable is non-zero, preemption of the
// thread is disabled, including preemption from interrupt handlers.
// During this time, any call to thread_reschedule() or sched_reschedule()
// will only record that a reschedule is pending, and won't do a context
// switch.
// Note that this does not disallow blocking operations
// (e.g. mutex.Acquire()). Disabling preemption does not prevent switching
// away from the current thread if it blocks.
// A call to thread_preempt_disable() must be matched by a later call to
// thread_preempt_reenable() to decrement the preempt_disable counter.
static inline void thread_preempt_disable(void) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(thread_preempt_disable_count() < 0xffff);
thread_t* current_thread = get_current_thread();
// thread_preempt_reenable() decrements the preempt_disable counter. See
// thread_preempt_disable().
static inline void thread_preempt_reenable(void) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(thread_preempt_disable_count() > 0);
thread_t* current_thread = get_current_thread();
uint32_t new_count = --current_thread->disable_counts;
if (new_count == 0) {
// This is the same as thread_preempt_reenable(), except that it does not
// check for any pending reschedules. This is useful in interrupt handlers
// when we know that no reschedules should have become pending since
// calling thread_preempt_disable().
static inline void thread_preempt_reenable_no_resched(void) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(thread_preempt_disable_count() > 0);
thread_t* current_thread = get_current_thread();
// thread_resched_disable() increments the resched_disable counter for the
// current thread. When resched_disable is non-zero, preemption of the
// thread from outside interrupt handlers is disabled. However, interrupt
// handlers may still preempt the thread.
// This is a weaker version of thread_preempt_disable().
// As with preempt_disable, blocking operations are still allowed while
// resched_disable is non-zero.
// A call to thread_resched_disable() must be matched by a later call to
// thread_resched_reenable() to decrement the preempt_disable counter.
static inline void thread_resched_disable(void) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(thread_resched_disable_count() < 0xffff);
thread_t* current_thread = get_current_thread();
current_thread->disable_counts += 1 << 16;
// thread_resched_reenable() decrements the preempt_disable counter. See
// thread_resched_disable().
static inline void thread_resched_reenable(void) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(thread_resched_disable_count() > 0);
thread_t* current_thread = get_current_thread();
uint32_t new_count = current_thread->disable_counts - (1 << 16);
current_thread->disable_counts = new_count;
if (new_count == 0) {
// thread_preempt_set_pending() marks a preemption as pending for the
// current CPU.
// This is similar to thread_reschedule(), except that it may only be
// used inside an interrupt handler while interrupts and preemption
// are disabled, between thread_preempt_disable() and
// thread_preempt_reenable(). It is similar to sched_reschedule(),
// except that it does not need to be called with thread_lock held.
static inline void thread_preempt_set_pending(void) {
thread_t* current_thread = get_current_thread();
DEBUG_ASSERT(thread_preempt_disable_count() > 0);
current_thread->preempt_pending = true;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <fbl/macros.h>
// AutoReschedDisable is an RAII helper for disabling rescheduling
// using thread_resched_disable()/thread_resched_reenable().
// A typical use case is when we wake another thread while holding a
// mutex. If the other thread is likely to claim the same mutex when
// runs (either immediately or later), then it is useful to defer
// waking the thread until after we have released the mutex. We can
// do that by disabling rescheduling while holding the lock. This is
// beneficial when there are no free CPUs for running the woken thread
// on.
// Example usage:
// AutoReschedDisable resched_disable;
// Guard<Mutex> al{&lock_};
// // Do some initial computation...
// resched_disable.Disable();
// // Possibly wake another thread...
// The AutoReschedDisable must be placed before the Guard to ensure that
// rescheduling is re-enabled only after releasing the mutex.
class AutoReschedDisable {
AutoReschedDisable() {}
~AutoReschedDisable() {
if (started_) {
void Disable() {
if (!started_) {
started_ = true;
bool started_ = false;
#endif // __cplusplus