blob: 063be950862118d18fa533e3733c4acb0829c886 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2016, Google, Inc. All rights reserved
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <assert.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <dev/interrupt.h>
#include <dev/pci_config.h>
#include <dev/pcie_bridge.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <lk/init.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
using fbl::AutoLock;
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
PcieBridge::PcieBridge(PcieBusDriver& bus_drv, uint bus_id, uint dev_id, uint func_id, uint mbus_id)
: PcieDevice(bus_drv, bus_id, dev_id, func_id, true),
PcieUpstreamNode(bus_drv, PcieUpstreamNode::Type::BRIDGE, mbus_id) {
/* Assign the driver-wide region pool to this bridge's allocators. */
DEBUG_ASSERT(driver().region_bookkeeping() != nullptr);
fbl::RefPtr<PcieDevice> PcieBridge::Create(PcieUpstreamNode& upstream, uint dev_id, uint func_id,
uint managed_bus_id) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto raw_bridge = new (&ac)
PcieBridge(upstream.driver(), upstream.managed_bus_id(), dev_id, func_id, managed_bus_id);
if (!ac.check()) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(raw_bridge == nullptr);
TRACEF("Out of memory attemping to create PCIe bridge %02x:%02x.%01x.\n",
upstream.managed_bus_id(), dev_id, func_id);
return nullptr;
auto bridge = fbl::AdoptRef(static_cast<PcieDevice*>(raw_bridge));
zx_status_t res = raw_bridge->Init(upstream);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
TRACEF("Failed to initialize PCIe bridge %02x:%02x.%01x. (res %d)\n", upstream.managed_bus_id(),
dev_id, func_id, res);
return nullptr;
return bridge;
zx_status_t PcieBridge::Init(PcieUpstreamNode& upstream) {
AutoLock dev_lock(&dev_lock_);
// Initialize the device portion of ourselves first.
zx_status_t res = PcieDevice::InitLocked(upstream);
if (res != ZX_OK)
return res;
// Sanity checks of bus allocation.
// TODO(johngro) : Strengthen sanity checks around bridge topology and
// handle the need to reconfigure bridge topology if a bridge happens to be
// misconfigured. Right now, we just assume that the BIOS/Bootloader has
// taken care of bridge configuration. In the short term, it would be good
// to add some protection against cycles in the bridge configuration which
// could lead to infinite recursion.
uint primary_id = cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kPrimaryBusId);
uint secondary_id = cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kSecondaryBusId);
if (primary_id == secondary_id) {
"PCI-to-PCI bridge detected at %02x:%02x.%01x claims to be bridged to itsef "
"(primary %02x == secondary %02x)... skipping scan.\n",
bus_id_, dev_id_, func_id_, primary_id, secondary_id);
if (primary_id != bus_id_) {
"PCI-to-PCI bridge detected at %02x:%02x.%01x has invalid primary bus id "
"(%02x)... skipping scan.\n",
bus_id_, dev_id_, func_id_, primary_id);
if (secondary_id != managed_bus_id()) {
"PCI-to-PCI bridge detected at %02x:%02x.%01x has invalid secondary bus id "
"(%02x)... skipping scan.\n",
bus_id_, dev_id_, func_id_, secondary_id);
// Parse the state of its I/O and Memory windows.
res = ParseBusWindowsLocked();
if (res != ZX_OK)
return res;
// Things went well, flag the device as plugged in and link ourselves up to
// the graph.
plugged_in_ = true;
driver().LinkDeviceToUpstream(*this, upstream);
// Release the device lock, then recurse and scan for downstream devices.
return res;
zx_status_t PcieBridge::ParseBusWindowsLocked() {
// Parse the currently configured windows used to determine MMIO/PIO
// forwarding policy for this bridge.
// See The PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specification Revision 1.2,
// section 3.2.5 and chapter 4 for detail.
uint32_t base, limit;
// I/O window
base = cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kIoBase);
limit = cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kIoLimit);
supports_32bit_pio_ = ((base & 0xF) == 0x1) && ((base & 0xF) == (limit & 0xF));
io_base_ = (base & ~0xF) << 8;
io_limit_ = (limit << 8) | 0xFFF;
if (supports_32bit_pio_) {
io_base_ |= static_cast<uint32_t>(cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kIoBaseUpper)) << 16;
io_limit_ |= static_cast<uint32_t>(cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kIoLimitUpper)) << 16;
// Non-prefetchable memory window
mem_base_ = (static_cast<uint32_t>(cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kMemoryBase)) << 16) & ~0xFFFFF;
mem_limit_ = (static_cast<uint32_t>(cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kMemoryLimit)) << 16) | 0xFFFFF;
// Prefetchable memory window
base = cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kPrefetchableMemoryBase);
limit = cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kPrefetchableMemoryLimit);
bool supports_64bit_pf_mem = ((base & 0xF) == 0x1) && ((base & 0xF) == (limit & 0xF));
pf_mem_base_ = (base & ~0xF) << 16;
pf_mem_limit_ = (limit << 16) | 0xFFFFF;
if (supports_64bit_pf_mem) {
pf_mem_base_ |= static_cast<uint64_t>(cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kPrefetchableMemoryBaseUpper))
<< 32;
pf_mem_limit_ |= static_cast<uint64_t>(cfg_->Read(PciConfig::kPrefetchableMemoryLimitUpper))
<< 32;
return ZX_OK;
void PcieBridge::Dump() const {
printf("\tbridge managed bus id %#02x\n", managed_bus_id());
printf("\tio base %#x limit %#x\n", io_base(), io_limit());
printf("\tmem base %#x limit %#x\n", mem_base(), mem_limit());
printf("\tprefectable base %#" PRIx64 " limit %#" PRIx64 "\n", pf_mem_base(), pf_mem_limit());
void PcieBridge::Unplug() {
zx_status_t PcieBridge::AllocateBars() {
AutoLock dev_lock(&dev_lock_);
// Start by making sure we can allocate our bridge windows.
zx_status_t res = AllocateBridgeWindowsLocked();
if (res != ZX_OK)
return res;
// Now, attempt to allocate our device BARs.
res = PcieDevice::AllocateBarsLocked();
if (res != ZX_OK)
return res;
// Great, we are good to go. Leave our device lock and attempt to allocate
// our downstream devices' resources.
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t PcieBridge::AllocateBridgeWindowsLocked() {
zx_status_t ret;
// Hold a reference to our upstream node while we do this. If we cannot
// obtain a reference, then our upstream node has become unplugged and we
// should just fail out now.
auto upstream = GetUpstream();
if (upstream == nullptr)
// We are configuring a bridge. We need to be able to allocate the MMIO and
// PIO regions this bridge is configured to manage. Currently, we don't
// support re-allocating a bridge's MMIO/PIO windows.
// TODO(johngro) : support dynamic configuration of bridge windows. Its
// going to be important when we need to support hot-plugging. See ZX-322
if (io_base_ <= io_limit_) {
uint64_t size = static_cast<uint64_t>(io_limit_) - io_base_ + 1;
ret = upstream->pio_regions().GetRegion({.base = io_base_, .size = size}, pio_window_);
if (ret != ZX_OK) {
TRACEF("Failed to allocate bridge PIO window [0x%08x, 0x%08x]\n", io_base_, io_limit_);
return ret;
DEBUG_ASSERT(pio_window_ != nullptr);
if (mem_base_ <= mem_limit_) {
uint64_t size = mem_limit_ - mem_base_ + 1;
ret = upstream->mmio_lo_regions().GetRegion({.base = mem_base_, .size = size}, mmio_window_);
if (ret != ZX_OK) {
TRACEF("Failed to allocate bridge MMIO window [0x%08x, 0x%08x]\n", mem_base_, mem_limit_);
return ret;
DEBUG_ASSERT(mmio_window_ != nullptr);
if (pf_mem_base_ <= pf_mem_limit_) {
uint64_t size = pf_mem_limit_ - pf_mem_base_ + 1;
// Attempt to allocate out of the upstream's prefetchable region.
ret = upstream->pf_mmio_regions().GetRegion({.base = pf_mem_base_, .size = size},
if (ret != ZX_OK) {
// We failed. If it's the root bridge try to allocate from its MMIO regions.
if (upstream->type() == PcieUpstreamNode::Type::ROOT) {
ret = upstream->mmio_lo_regions().GetRegion({.base = pf_mem_base_, .size = size},
if (ret != ZX_OK) {
ret = upstream->mmio_hi_regions().GetRegion({.base = pf_mem_base_, .size = size},
if (ret != ZX_OK) {
"Failed to allocate bridge prefetcable MMIO window "
"[%#" PRIx64 ", %#" PRIx64 "]\n",
pf_mem_base_, pf_mem_limit_);
return ret;
DEBUG_ASSERT(pf_mmio_window_ != nullptr);
return ZX_OK;
void PcieBridge::Disable() {
// Immediately enter the device lock and enter the disabled state. We want
// to be outside of the device lock as we disable our downstream devices,
// but we don't want any new devices to be able to plug into us as we do so.
AutoLock dev_lock(&dev_lock_);
disabled_ = true;
// Start by disabling all of our downstream devices. This should prevent
// the from bothering us moving forward. Do not hold the device lock while
// we do this.
// Enter the device lock again and finish shooting ourselves in the head.
AutoLock dev_lock(&dev_lock_);
// Disable the device portion of ourselves.
// Close all of our IO windows at the HW level and update the internal
// bookkeeping to indicate that they are closed.
cfg_->Write(PciConfig::kIoBase, 0xF0);
cfg_->Write(PciConfig::kIoLimit, 0);
cfg_->Write(PciConfig::kIoBaseUpper, 0);
cfg_->Write(PciConfig::kIoLimitUpper, 0);
cfg_->Write(PciConfig::kMemoryBase, 0xFFF0);
cfg_->Write(PciConfig::kMemoryLimit, 0);
cfg_->Write(PciConfig::kPrefetchableMemoryBase, 0xFFF0);
cfg_->Write(PciConfig::kPrefetchableMemoryLimit, 0);
cfg_->Write(PciConfig::kPrefetchableMemoryBaseUpper, 0);
cfg_->Write(PciConfig::kPrefetchableMemoryLimitUpper, 0);
pf_mem_limit_ = mem_limit_ = io_limit_ = 0u;
pf_mem_base_ = mem_base_ = io_base_ = 1u;
// Release our internal bookkeeping