blob: 1029bd0a49931cf3e8f841864df64614344a3d55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
namespace cache {
// Implements a self-populating lazy value.
// This class allows to setup a lazy value that will be generated asynchronously
// the first time it is requested.
// V is the type of the lazy value. V must be default-constructible and either
// copyable or movable.
// S is the type of the success status for the data generator.
template <typename V, typename S>
class LazyValue {
// Constructor.
// |ok_status| is the success status of the generator.
// |generator| generates the value. It takes a callback to returns its result.
// It must return |ok_status| as a status when the request is successful.
// Any other return value is considered a failure.
LazyValue(S ok_status, fit::function<void(fit::function<void(S, V)>)> generator)
: ok_status_(ok_status), generator_(std::move(generator)), value_set_(false) {}
// Retrieves the value and returns it to |callback|.
// If the value is cached, |callback| will be called synchronously. Otherwise,
// |generator| will be called, and depending on its implementation, |callback|
// might be called synchronously or not.
void Get(fit::function<void(S, const V&)> callback) {
if (value_set_) {
callback(ok_status_, value_);
if (requests_.size() == 1) {
generator_([this](S status, V value) {
auto callbacks = std::move(requests_);
if (status == ok_status_) {
value_ = std::move(value);
value_set_ = true;
for (const auto& callback : callbacks) {
callback(status, value_);
S ok_status_;
fit::function<void(fit::function<void(S, V)>)> generator_;
V value_;
bool value_set_;
std::vector<fit::function<void(S, const V&)>> requests_;
} // namespace cache