blob: 92d4d82b631e6a6ee7e959970bcab487d329d1db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.router.config;
enum ErrorCode {
struct Error {
ErrorCode code;
string? description;
/// RouterAdmin provides APIs for administering the router.
protocol RouterAdmin {
CreateWan(string name, uint16 vlan, vector<uint32> ports) -> (Id? id, Error? error);
CreateLan(string name, uint16 vlan, vector<uint32> ports) -> (Id? id, Error? error);
RemoveWan(Id wan_id) -> (Error? error);
RemoveLan(Id lan_id) -> (Error? error);
// WAN parameters, such as connection type, ip address aquisition method.
SetWanProperties(Id wan_id, WanProperties properties) -> (Error? error);
// LAN parameters, such as ip address, DHCP enable.
SetLanProperties(Id lan_id, LanProperties properties) -> (Error? error);
// DHCP server configuration: range to assign, DNS to advertise, per LAN setting.
SetDhcpAddressPool(Id lan_id, AddressPool pool) -> (Error? error);
SetDhcpServerOptions(Id lan_id, DhcpServerOptions options) -> (Error? error);
SetDhcpReservation(Id lan_id, DhcpReservation reservation) -> (Id? reservation_id, Error? error);
DeleteDhcpReservation(Id reservation_id) -> (Error? error);
// Device system configuration.
SetSystemConfig(SystemConfig config) -> (Id? id, Error? error);
// DNS resolver configuration.
SetDnsResolver(DnsResolverConfig config) -> (Id? id, Error? error);
// DNS forwarder configuration.
SetDnsForwarder(DnsForwarderConfig config) -> (Error? error);
// Local names to be served by the DNS forwarder.
AddDnsEntry(DnsForwarderEntry entry) -> (Id? entry_id, Error? error);
DeleteDnsEntry(Id entry_id) -> (Error? error);
// Static routes.
SetRoute(Route route) -> (Id? id, Error? error);
DeleteRoute(Id route_id) -> (Error? error);
UpdateRouteMetric(Id route_id, uint32 metric) -> (Error? error);
// Firewall rules.
SetSecurityFeatures(SecurityFeatures features) -> (Error? error);
SetPortForward(PortForwardingRule rule) -> (Id? rule_id, Error? error);
DeletePortForward(Id rule_id) -> (Error? error);
SetPortTrigger(PortTriggerRule rule) -> (Id? rule_id, Error? error);
DeletePortTrigger(Id rule_id) -> (Error? error);
SetFilter(FilterRule rule) -> (Id? rule_id, Error? error);
DeleteFilter(Id rule_id) -> (Error? error);
SetIpv6PinHole(Ipv6PinHoleRule rule) -> (Id? rule_id, Error? error);
DeleteIpv6PinHole(Id rule_id) -> (Error? error);
SetDmzHost(DmzHost rule) -> (Id? rule_id, Error? error);
DeleteDmzHost(Id rule_id) -> (Error? error);
CreateWlanNetwork(WlanNetwork network) -> (Id? iface, Error? error);
DeleteWlanNetwork(Id network_id) -> (Error? error);
/// RouterSystem provides APIs for managing features that are considered crytical for the system.
/// For example, setting filter rules that come into effect on startup.
protocol RouterSystem {
SetAcl(SystemAcl rule) -> (Id? acl_id, Error? error);
DeleteAcl(Id acl_id) -> (Error? error);
GetAcl(Id acl_id) -> (SystemAcl acl, Error? error);
GetAcls() -> (Error? error);
/// RouterState provide APIs for querying the router state.
protocol RouterState {
GetWan(Id wan_id) -> (Lif wan_lif, Error? error);
GetWans() -> (vector<Lif> wans);
GetWanPorts(Id wan_id) -> (vector<uint32> port_ids, Error? error);
GetLan(Id lan_id) -> (Lif lan_lif, Error? error);
GetLans() -> (vector<Lif> lans);
GetLanPorts(Id lan_id) -> (vector<uint32> port_ids, Error? error);
GetPort(uint32 port_id) -> (Port? port, Error? error);
GetPorts() -> (vector<Port> ports);
GetWlanNetworks() -> (vector<WlanNetwork> networks);
// WAN parameters, such as connection type, ip address aquisition method.
GetWanProperties(Id wan_id) -> (WanProperties properties, Error? error);
// LAN parameters, such as ip address, DHCP enable.
GetLanProperties(Id lan_id) -> (LanProperties properties, Error? error);
// DHCP services configuration: range to assign, DNS to advertise, per LAN setting
GetDhcpConfig(Id lan_id) -> (DhcpServerConfig? dhcp_config, Error? error);
// DNS configuration.
GetDnsResolver() -> (DnsResolverConfig dns_resolver);
GetDnsForwarder() -> (DnsForwarder dns_forwarder);
// Static routes:
GetRoutes() -> (vector<Route> routes);
GetRoute(Id route_id) -> (Route? route, Error? error);
// Firewall rules
GetSecurityFeatures() -> (SecurityFeatures features);
GetPortForward(Id rule_id) -> (PortForwardingRule? rule, Error? error);
GetPortTrigger(Id rule_id) -> (PortTriggerRule? rule, Error? error);
GetFilter(Id rule_id) -> (FilterRule? rule, Error? error);
GetIpv6PinHole(Id rule_id) -> (Ipv6PinHoleRule? rule, Error? error);
GetDmzHost(Id rule_id) -> (DmzHost? rule, Error? error);
GetPortForwards() -> (vector<PortForwardingRule> port_forward_rules);
GetPortTriggers() -> (vector<PortTriggerRule> port_trigger_rules);
GetFilters() -> (vector<FilterRule> port_filter_rules);
GetIpv6PinHoles() -> (vector<Ipv6PinHoleRule> pinhole_rules);
// Device information.
GetDevice() -> (Device device);
GetSystemConfig() -> (SystemConfig config);
GetRadios() -> (vector<Radio> radios);
-> OnChange(vector<Event> events);