blob: 54e8ff0e612e567152239d59a26061ca9f8f7f85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/acpi_lite.h>
#include <lib/acpi_lite/testing/test_data.h>
#include <lib/acpi_lite/testing/test_util.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace acpi_lite::testing {
namespace {
TEST(AcpiParser, NoRsdp) {
NullPhysMemReader reader;
zx::status<AcpiParser> result = AcpiParser::Init(reader, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(result.error_value(), ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
TEST(AcpiParser, EmptyTables) {
EmptyPhysMemReader reader;
zx::status<AcpiParser> result = AcpiParser::Init(reader, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(result.error_value(), ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
// Ensure that the named table exists, and passed some basic checks.
void VerifyTableExists(const AcpiParser& parser, const char* signature) {
// Fetch the table.
const AcpiSdtHeader* table = GetTableBySignature(parser, AcpiSignature(signature));
ASSERT_TRUE(table != nullptr) << "Table does not exist.";
// Ensure signature matches.
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(table, signature, 4), 0) << "Table has invalid signature.";
// Ensure length is sensible.
ASSERT_GE(table->length, sizeof(AcpiSdtHeader));
TEST(AcpiParser, ParseQemuTables) {
FakePhysMemReader reader = QemuPhysMemReader();
AcpiParser result = AcpiParser::Init(reader, reader.rsdp()).value();
ASSERT_EQ(4u, result.num_tables());
// Ensure we can read the HPET table.
VerifyTableExists(result, "HPET");
TEST(AcpiParser, ParseIntelNucTables) {
// Parse the QEMU tables.
FakePhysMemReader reader = IntelNuc7i5dnPhysMemReader();
AcpiParser result = AcpiParser::Init(reader, reader.rsdp()).value();
EXPECT_EQ(28u, result.num_tables());
VerifyTableExists(result, "HPET");
VerifyTableExists(result, "DBG2");
TEST(AcpiParser, ParseFuchsiaHypervisor) {
FakePhysMemReader reader = FuchsiaHypervisorPhysMemReader();
AcpiParser result = AcpiParser::Init(reader, reader.rsdp()).value();
EXPECT_EQ(result.num_tables(), 3u);
TEST(AcpiParser, ReadMissingTable) {
// Parse the QEMU tables.
FakePhysMemReader reader = QemuPhysMemReader();
AcpiParser result = AcpiParser::Init(reader, reader.rsdp()).value();
// Read a missing table.
EXPECT_EQ(GetTableBySignature(result, AcpiSignature("AAAA")), nullptr);
// Read a bad index.
EXPECT_EQ(result.GetTableAtIndex(result.num_tables()), nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(result.GetTableAtIndex(~0), nullptr);
TEST(AcpiParser, AcpiChecksum) {
// Empty checksum.
EXPECT_TRUE(AcpiChecksumValid(nullptr, 0));
// Valid checksum.
uint8_t buffer[1] = {0};
EXPECT_TRUE(AcpiChecksumValid(&buffer, 1));
// Invalid checksum.
uint8_t buffer[1] = {52};
EXPECT_FALSE(AcpiChecksumValid(&buffer, 1));
// Calculate a checksum.
uint8_t buffer[2] = {32, 0};
EXPECT_FALSE(AcpiChecksumValid(&buffer, 2));
buffer[1] = AcpiChecksum(&buffer, 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(AcpiChecksumValid(&buffer, 2));
TEST(AcpiParser, RsdtInvalidLengths) {
// Create a RSDT with an invalid (too short) length.
AcpiRsdt bad_rsdt = {
.header =
.sig = AcpiRsdt::kSignature,
.length = 10, // covers checksum, but nothing else.
.revision = 1,
.checksum = 0,
bad_rsdt.header.checksum = AcpiChecksum(&bad_rsdt, bad_rsdt.header.length);
// Add the bad RSDT to a table set.
FakePhysMemReader::Region region[] = {{
.phys_addr = 0x1000,
.data =
cpp20::span<const uint8_t>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&bad_rsdt), sizeof(AcpiRsdt)),
// Attempt to parse the bad RSDT. Ensure we get an error.
FakePhysMemReader reader(/*rsdp=*/0, region);
size_t num_tables;
EXPECT_TRUE(ValidateRsdt(reader, 0x1000, &num_tables).is_error());
TEST(AcpiParser, DumpTables) {
// Parse the QEMU tables.
FakePhysMemReader reader = QemuPhysMemReader();
zx::status<AcpiParser> result = AcpiParser::Init(reader, reader.rsdp());
// Dump the (relatively short) QEMU tables.
// A PhysMemReader that emulates the BIOS read-only area between 0xe'0000 and 0xf'ffff.
class BiosAreaPhysMemReader : public PhysMemReader {
explicit BiosAreaPhysMemReader(cpp20::span<const FakePhysMemReader::Region> regions)
: fallback_(0, regions) {
// Create a fake BIOS area.
bios_area_ = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(kBiosReadOnlyAreaLength);
// Copy any tables into the fake BIOS area.
for (const auto& region : regions) {
if (region.phys_addr >= kBiosReadOnlyAreaStart && region.phys_addr < kBiosReadOnlyAreaEnd) {
memcpy(bios_area_.get() + region.phys_addr - kBiosReadOnlyAreaStart,,
std::min(, kBiosReadOnlyAreaEnd - region.phys_addr));
zx::status<const void*> PhysToPtr(uintptr_t phys, size_t length) override {
if (phys >= kBiosReadOnlyAreaStart && phys < kBiosReadOnlyAreaEnd &&
phys + length <= kBiosReadOnlyAreaEnd) {
return zx::success(&bios_area_[phys - kBiosReadOnlyAreaStart]);
return fallback_.PhysToPtr(phys, length);
static constexpr zx_paddr_t kBiosReadOnlyAreaEnd =
kBiosReadOnlyAreaStart + kBiosReadOnlyAreaLength;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> bios_area_;
FakePhysMemReader fallback_;
TEST(AcpiParser, AcpiSignatureConstruct) {
AcpiSignature sig("ABCD");
// Ensure the in-memory representation is correct.
EXPECT_TRUE(memcmp(&sig, "ABCD", 4) == 0);
TEST(AcpiParser, AcpiSignatureWriteToBuffer) {
// Write out the signature.
AcpiSignature sig("ABCD");
char buff[5];
EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp("ABCD", buff) == 0);
// Test auto-detection of the location of the RSD PTR by searching the read-only BIOS
// aread.
#if defined(__x86_64__)
TEST(AcpiParser, RsdPtrAutodetect) {
BiosAreaPhysMemReader reader(
{QemuPhysMemReader().regions().data(), QemuPhysMemReader().regions().size()});
zx::status<AcpiParser> result = AcpiParser::Init(reader, /*rsdp_pa=*/0);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, result->num_tables());
TEST(GetTableByType, NothingFound) {
FakeAcpiParser parser;
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, GetTableByType<AcpiHpetTable>(parser));
TEST(GetTableByType, ValidEntryFound) {
AcpiHpetTable table = {
.header =
.sig = AcpiHpetTable::kSignature,
.length = sizeof(AcpiHpetTable),
.flags = 42,
table.header.checksum = AcpiChecksum(&table, sizeof(table));
FakeAcpiParser parser({&table.header});
const AcpiHpetTable* result = GetTableByType<AcpiHpetTable>(parser);
ASSERT_NE(result, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(result->flags, 42);
TEST(GetTableByType, ShortEntry) {
AcpiHpetTable table = {
.header =
.sig = AcpiHpetTable::kSignature,
// Length is too short to hold a |AcpiHpetTable|.
.length = sizeof(AcpiHpetTable) - 1,
table.header.checksum = AcpiChecksum(&table, sizeof(table) - 1);
FakeAcpiParser parser({&table.header});
EXPECT_EQ(GetTableByType<AcpiHpetTable>(parser), nullptr);
} // namespace
} // namespace acpi_lite::testing