blob: 542e037b1053ba0d227fbe5a2612a9596a137608 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testparser
import (
var (
trfTestPreamblePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^Running test 'fuchsia-pkg:\/\/.*$`)
// ex: "[PASSED] InlineDirTest.InlineDirPino"
trfTestCasePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`\[(PASSED|FAILED|INCONCLUSIVE|TIMED_OUT|ERROR|SKIPPED)\]\t(.*)$`)
// ex: "[stderr - NodeManagerTest.TruncateExceptionCase]"
// Note that we don't try to parse for end of stderr, because the trf stdout always prints the real stderr msg
// after the matched trfTestCaseStderr pattern one line at a time.
// For ex:
// [stderr - suite1.case1]
// first line of error msg from case1
// [stderr - suite1.case2]
// first line of error msg from case2
// [stderr - suite1.case1]
// second line of error msg from case1
// [stderr - suite1.case2]
// second line of error msg from case2
trfTestCaseStderr = regexp.MustCompile(`^\[stderr - (?P<test_name>.*?)\]$`)
// legacy_test is the generic test name given when trf is running a v1 test suite.
// trf treats all v1 test as legacy_test and does not format the stdout correctly.
trfLegacyTest = regexp.MustCompile(`\[RUNNING\]\tlegacy_test`)
// Parse tests run by the Test Runner Framework (TRF)
func parseTrfTest(lines [][]byte) []runtests.TestCaseResult {
var res []runtests.TestCaseResult
testCases := make(map[string]runtests.TestCaseResult)
errorMessages := make(map[string]*strings.Builder)
currentTestName := ""
foundStderr := false
linesToCapture := 3 // Total number of lines in stderr to capture as failure_reason
linesCaptured := 0
for _, line := range lines {
line := string(line)
// Stop parsing if running legacy_test, see:
if trfLegacyTest.MatchString(line) {
return []runtests.TestCaseResult{}
if m := trfTestCasePattern.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
tc := createTRFTestCase(m[2], m[1])
testCases[tc.DisplayName] = tc
currentTestName = ""
// We make the assumption that the stderr message always follows a match to trfTestCaseStderr.
// And we only capture the first [linesToCapture] line after a match to trfTestCaseStderr is found.
if m := trfTestCaseStderr.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
currentTestName = m[1]
if _, ok := errorMessages[currentTestName]; !ok {
errorMessages[currentTestName] = &strings.Builder{}
foundStderr = true
linesCaptured = 0
if foundStderr && currentTestName != "" {
if linesCaptured < linesToCapture {
if linesCaptured == 0 {
} else {
errorMessages[currentTestName].WriteString("\n" + line)
} else {
foundStderr = false
currentTestName = ""
for testName, testCase := range testCases {
if msg, ok := errorMessages[testName]; ok {
if testCase.Status == runtests.TestFailure {
testCase.FailReason = msg.String()
res = append(res, testCase)
return res
func createTRFTestCase(caseName, result string) runtests.TestCaseResult {
var status runtests.TestResult
switch result {
case "PASSED":
status = runtests.TestSuccess
case "FAILED":
status = runtests.TestFailure
status = runtests.TestFailure
case "TIMED_OUT":
status = runtests.TestAborted
case "ERROR":
status = runtests.TestFailure
case "SKIPPED":
status = runtests.TestSkipped
return runtests.TestCaseResult{
DisplayName: caseName,
CaseName: caseName,
Status: status,
Format: "FTF",