blob: ba30d31f0e2a6e1d11b82731dd9183c5dadbf868 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
core::cmp::{Ord, Ordering},
moniker::{validate_moniker_part, ChildMoniker, ChildMonikerBase, MonikerError},
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// An instanced child moniker locally identifies a child component instance using the name assigned by
/// its parent and its collection (if present). It is a building block for more complex monikers.
/// Display notation: "[collection:]name:instance_id".
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize))]
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash, Default)]
pub struct InstancedChildMoniker {
name: String,
collection: Option<String>,
instance: InstanceId,
rep: String,
pub type InstanceId = u32;
impl ChildMonikerBase for InstancedChildMoniker {
/// Parses an `ChildMoniker` from a string.
/// Input strings should be of the format `(<collection>:)?<name>:<instance_id>`, e.g. `foo:42`
/// or `coll:foo:42`.
fn parse<T: AsRef<str>>(rep: T) -> Result<Self, MonikerError> {
let rep = rep.as_ref();
let parts: Vec<_> = rep.split(":").collect();
let invalid = || MonikerError::invalid_moniker(rep);
// An instanced moniker is either just a name (static instance), or
// collection:name:instance_id.
if parts.len() != 2 && parts.len() != 3 {
return Err(invalid());
for p in parts.iter() {
if p.is_empty() {
return Err(invalid());
let (name, coll, instance) = match parts.len() == 3 {
true => {
let name = parts[1].to_string();
let coll = parts[0].to_string();
let instance: InstanceId = match parts[2].parse() {
Ok(i) => i,
_ => {
return Err(invalid());
(name, Some(coll), instance)
false => {
let instance: InstanceId = match parts[1].parse() {
Ok(i) => i,
_ => {
return Err(invalid());
(parts[0].to_string(), None, instance)
validate_moniker_part(Some(&name), MAX_DYNAMIC_NAME_LENGTH)?;
validate_moniker_part(coll.as_deref(), MAX_NAME_LENGTH)?;
Ok(Self::new(name, coll, instance))
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn collection(&self) -> Option<&str> {
self.collection.as_ref().map(|s| &**s)
fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
impl InstancedChildMoniker {
// TODO( This does not currently validate the String inputs.
pub fn new(name: String, collection: Option<String>, instance: InstanceId) -> Self {
let rep = if let Some(c) = collection.as_ref() {
format!("{}:{}:{}", c, name, instance)
} else {
format!("{}:{}", name, instance)
Self { name, collection, instance, rep }
/// Returns a moniker for a static child.
/// The returned value will have no `collection`, and will have an `instance_id` of 0.
/// TODO( This does not currently validate the String inputs.
pub fn static_child(name: String) -> Self {
Self::new(name, None, 0)
/// Converts this child moniker into an instanced moniker.
pub fn from_child_moniker(m: &ChildMoniker, instance: InstanceId) -> Self {
Self::new(, m.collection.clone(), instance)
/// Convert an InstancedChildMoniker to an allocated ChildMoniker
/// without an InstanceId
pub fn without_instance_id(&self) -> ChildMoniker {
ChildMoniker::new(, self.collection.clone())
pub fn instance(&self) -> InstanceId {
impl From<&str> for InstancedChildMoniker {
fn from(rep: &str) -> Self {
.expect(&format!("instanced moniker failed to parse: {}", rep))
impl Ord for InstancedChildMoniker {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
(&self.collection, &, &self.instance).cmp(&(
impl PartialOrd for InstancedChildMoniker {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl fmt::Display for InstancedChildMoniker {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.as_str())
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn instanced_child_monikers() {
let m = InstancedChildMoniker::new("test".to_string(), None, 42);
assert_eq!(None, m.collection());
assert_eq!(42, m.instance());
assert_eq!("test:42", m.as_str());
assert_eq!("test:42", format!("{}", m));
assert_eq!(m, InstancedChildMoniker::from("test:42"));
assert_eq!("test", m.without_instance_id().as_str());
assert_eq!(m, InstancedChildMoniker::from_child_moniker(&"test".into(), 42));
let m = InstancedChildMoniker::new("test".to_string(), Some("coll".to_string()), 42);
assert_eq!(Some("coll"), m.collection());
assert_eq!(42, m.instance());
assert_eq!("coll:test:42", m.as_str());
assert_eq!("coll:test:42", format!("{}", m));
assert_eq!(m, InstancedChildMoniker::from("coll:test:42"));
assert_eq!("coll:test", m.without_instance_id().as_str());
assert_eq!(m, InstancedChildMoniker::from_child_moniker(&"coll:test".into(), 42));
let max_coll_length_part = "f".repeat(MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
let max_name_length_part = "f".repeat(MAX_DYNAMIC_NAME_LENGTH);
let m = InstancedChildMoniker::parse(format!(
max_coll_length_part, max_name_length_part
.expect("valid moniker");
assert_eq!(Some(max_coll_length_part.as_str()), m.collection());
assert_eq!(42, m.instance());
assert!(InstancedChildMoniker::parse("").is_err(), "cannot be empty");
assert!(InstancedChildMoniker::parse(":").is_err(), "cannot be empty with colon");
assert!(InstancedChildMoniker::parse("::").is_err(), "cannot be empty with double colon");
"second part cannot be empty with colon"
"first part cannot be empty with colon"
"third part cannot be empty with colon"
"second part cannot be empty with colon"
"first part cannot be empty with colon"
"more than three colons not allowed"
assert!(InstancedChildMoniker::parse("f:f").is_err(), "second part must be int");
assert!(InstancedChildMoniker::parse("f:f:f").is_err(), "third part must be int");
assert!(InstancedChildMoniker::parse("@:1").is_err(), "invalid character in name");
assert!(InstancedChildMoniker::parse("@:f:1").is_err(), "invalid character in collection");
"invalid character in name with collection"
InstancedChildMoniker::parse(&format!("f:{}", "x".repeat(MAX_DYNAMIC_NAME_LENGTH + 1)))
"name too long"
InstancedChildMoniker::parse(&format!("{}:x", "f".repeat(MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1)))
"collection too long"
fn instanced_child_moniker_compare() {
let a = InstancedChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 1);
let a2 = InstancedChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), None, 2);
let aa = InstancedChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()), 1);
let aa2 = InstancedChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()), 2);
let ab = InstancedChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("b".to_string()), 1);
let ba = InstancedChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()), 1);
let bb = InstancedChildMoniker::new("b".to_string(), Some("b".to_string()), 1);
let aa_same = InstancedChildMoniker::new("a".to_string(), Some("a".to_string()), 1);
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&a2));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, a2.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a2.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, aa.cmp(&a2));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ab.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&ba));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ba.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, a.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&a));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&aa2));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, aa2.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ab.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&ba));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ba.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, aa.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, aa.cmp(&aa_same));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Equal, aa_same.cmp(&aa));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, ab.cmp(&ba));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, ba.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, ab.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&ab));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Less, ba.cmp(&bb));
assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, bb.cmp(&ba));