blob: 761b3d11a5c065a92e3bd75680e784e669f0d773 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
fidl("test.fuzzer") {
visibility = [ "../*" ]
testonly = true
sources = [ "test.fuzzer.fidl" ]
public_deps = [ "//zircon/vdso/zx" ]
# This config allows linking against libFuzzer regardless of the toolchain variant, which is useful
# for testing.
config("libfuzzer") {
# Use the runtimes.json file generated by the toolchain build to locate libFuzzer, and link it
# directly into the test fuzzer without involving clang's driver or adding any instrumentation.
clang_lib_dir = "//prebuilt/third_party/clang/$host_platform/lib"
runtime_json = read_file("$clang_lib_dir/runtime.json", "json")
libfuzzer = ""
foreach(variant, runtime_json) {
# TODO( This is a workaround until "-fsanitize=fuzzer" is added to
# runtime.json. It assumes and libclang_rt.fuzzer.a are co-located.
if (libfuzzer == "" && variant["cflags"] == [ "-fsanitize=address" ]) {
targets = []
targets = variant["target"]
if (targets + [ current_target_tuple ] - [ current_target_tuple ] !=
targets) {
runtimes = variant["runtime"]
runtime = runtimes[0]
staticlib = string_replace(runtime["dist"], "", "fuzzer.a")
libfuzzer = "$clang_lib_dir/$staticlib"
libs = [ libfuzzer ]
executable("fuzzer") {
output_name = "libfuzzer_test_fuzzer"
visibility = [ "//src/sys/fuzzing/*" ]
testonly = true
sources = [
public_deps = [
deps = [
configs += [ ":libfuzzer" ]
exclude_toolchain_tags = [ "instrumented" ]
executable("relay") {
output_name = "libfuzzer_test_relay"
visibility = [ "//src/sys/fuzzing/*" ]
testonly = true
sources = [
public_deps = [
deps = [ "//sdk/lib/sys/cpp" ]
executable("echo") {
output_name = "libfuzzer_test_echo"
visibility = [ "//src/sys/fuzzing/*" ]
testonly = true
sources = [ "" ]