blob: fba0078defc9af869f292b1f8db18faed50342e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/storage/blobfs/allocator/base_allocator.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <mutex>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <bitmap/raw-bitmap.h>
#include <bitmap/rle-bitmap.h>
#include <safemath/safe_conversions.h>
#include "src/storage/blobfs/allocator/extent_reserver.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/allocator/node_reserver.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/common.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/format.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/node_finder.h"
namespace blobfs {
BaseAllocator::BaseAllocator(RawBitmap block_bitmap,
std::unique_ptr<id_allocator::IdAllocator> node_bitmap)
: block_bitmap_(std::move(block_bitmap)), node_bitmap_(std::move(node_bitmap)) {}
bool BaseAllocator::CheckBlocksAllocated(uint64_t start_block, uint64_t end_block,
uint64_t* out_first_unallocated) const {
size_t first_unallocated;
bool result = block_bitmap_.Get(start_block, end_block, &first_unallocated);
if (!result && out_first_unallocated != nullptr) {
*out_first_unallocated = first_unallocated;
return result;
zx::status<bool> BaseAllocator::IsBlockAllocated(uint64_t block_number) const {
if (block_number >= block_bitmap_.size()) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
return zx::ok(block_bitmap_.GetOne(block_number));
zx_status_t BaseAllocator::ReserveBlocks(uint64_t num_blocks,
std::vector<ReservedExtent>* out_extents) {
uint64_t actual_blocks;
// TODO(smklein): If we allocate blocks up to the end of the block map, extend, and continue
// allocating, we'll create two extents where one would suffice. If we knew how many reserved /
// allocated blocks existed we could resize ahead-of-time and flatten this case, as an
// optimization.
if ((FindBlocks(0, num_blocks, out_extents, &actual_blocks) != ZX_OK)) {
// If we have run out of blocks, attempt to add block slices via FVM. The new 'hint' is the
// first location we could try to find blocks after merely extending the allocation maps.
uint64_t hint = block_bitmap_.size() - std::min(num_blocks, uint64_t{block_bitmap_.size()});
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(actual_blocks < num_blocks);
num_blocks -= actual_blocks;
if (AddBlocks(num_blocks).is_error() ||
FindBlocks(hint, num_blocks, out_extents, &actual_blocks) != ZX_OK) {
return ZX_OK;
void BaseAllocator::MarkBlocksAllocated(const ReservedExtent& reserved_extent) {
const Extent& extent = reserved_extent.extent();
uint64_t start = extent.Start();
uint64_t end = start + extent.Length();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(CheckBlocksUnallocated(start, end));
ZX_ASSERT(block_bitmap_.Set(start, end) == ZX_OK);
ReservedExtent BaseAllocator::FreeBlocks(const Extent& extent) {
uint64_t start = extent.Start();
uint64_t end = start + extent.Length();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(CheckBlocksAllocated(start, end));
ZX_ASSERT(block_bitmap_.Clear(start, end) == ZX_OK);
// Keep the blocks reserved until freeing the blocks has been persisted.
return ExtentReserver::Reserve(extent);
zx_status_t BaseAllocator::ReserveNodes(uint64_t num_nodes, std::vector<ReservedNode>* out_nodes) {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
zx::status<ReservedNode> node = ReserveNode();
if (node.is_error()) {
return node.status_value();
return ZX_OK;
zx::status<ReservedNode> BaseAllocator::ReserveNode() {
zx::status<uint32_t> node = FindNode();
if (node.is_error()) {
// If we didn't find any free inodes, try adding more.
if (zx::status<> status = AddNodes(); status.is_error()) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_NO_SPACE);
node = FindNode();
if (node.is_error()) {
return node.take_error();
return zx::ok(ReservedNode(this, *node));
void BaseAllocator::MarkNodeAllocated(uint32_t node_index) {
ZX_ASSERT(node_bitmap_->MarkAllocated(node_index) == ZX_OK);
void BaseAllocator::MarkInodeAllocated(ReservedNode node) {
auto mapped_inode = GetNode(node.index());
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(mapped_inode.is_ok(), "Failed to get a node that was reserved: %d",
ZX_ASSERT((mapped_inode->header.flags & kBlobFlagAllocated) == 0);
mapped_inode->header.flags = kBlobFlagAllocated;
// This value should not be relied upon as it is not part of the specification, it is chosen to
// trigger crashing when used. This will be updated to a usable value when another node is
// appended to the list.
mapped_inode->header.next_node = kMaxNodeId;
zx_status_t BaseAllocator::MarkContainerNodeAllocated(ReservedNode node,
uint32_t previous_node_index) {
const uint32_t index = node.index();
auto previous_node = GetNode(previous_node_index);
if (previous_node.is_error()) {
return previous_node.status_value();
previous_node->header.next_node = index;
ExtentContainer* container = GetNode(index)->AsExtentContainer();
ZX_ASSERT((container->header.flags & kBlobFlagAllocated) == 0);
container->header.flags = kBlobFlagAllocated | kBlobFlagExtentContainer;
// This value should not be relied upon as it is not part of the specification, it is chosen to
// trigger crashing when used. This will be updated to a usable value when another node is
// appended to the list.
container->header.next_node = kMaxNodeId;
container->previous_node = previous_node_index;
container->extent_count = 0;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t BaseAllocator::FreeNode(uint32_t node_index) {
auto node = GetNode(node_index);
if (node.is_error()) {
return node.status_value();
node->header.flags = 0;
return node_bitmap_->Free(node_index);
void BaseAllocator::UnreserveNode(ReservedNode node) {
zx_status_t status = node_bitmap_->Free(node.index());
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(status == ZX_OK, "Failed to unreserve node: %d", status);
uint64_t BaseAllocator::ReservedNodeCount() const { return reserved_node_count_; }
bool BaseAllocator::CheckBlocksUnallocated(uint64_t start_block, uint64_t end_block) const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(end_block > start_block);
size_t first_allocated;
return block_bitmap_.Find(false, start_block, end_block, end_block - start_block,
&first_allocated) == ZX_OK;
bool BaseAllocator::FindUnallocatedExtent(uint64_t start, uint64_t block_length,
uint64_t* out_start, uint64_t* out_block_length) {
bool restart = false;
// Constraint: No contiguous run which can extend beyond the block
// bitmap.
block_length = std::min(block_length, block_bitmap_.size() - start);
size_t first_already_allocated;
if (!block_bitmap_.Scan(start, start + block_length, false, &first_already_allocated)) {
// Part of [start, start + block_length) is already allocated.
if (first_already_allocated == start) {
// Jump past as much of the allocated region as possible, and then restart searching for more
// free blocks.
size_t first_free;
if (block_bitmap_.Scan(start, block_bitmap_.size(), true, &first_free)) {
// All remaining blocks are already allocated.
start = block_bitmap_.size();
} else {
// Not all blocks are allocated; jump to the first free block we can find.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(first_free > start);
start = first_free;
// We recommend restarting the search in this case because although there was a prefix
// collision, the suffix of this region may be followed by additional free blocks.
restart = true;
} else {
// Since |start| is free, we'll try allocating from as much of this region as we can until we
// hit previously-allocated blocks.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(first_already_allocated > start);
block_length = first_already_allocated - start;
*out_start = start;
*out_block_length = block_length;
return restart;
bool BaseAllocator::MunchUnreservedExtents(bitmap::RleBitmap::const_iterator reserved_iterator,
uint64_t remaining_blocks, uint64_t start,
uint64_t block_length,
std::vector<ReservedExtent>* out_extents,
bitmap::RleBitmap::const_iterator* out_reserved_iterator,
uint64_t* out_remaining_blocks, uint64_t* out_start,
uint64_t* out_block_length) {
bool collision = false;
const uint64_t start_max = start + block_length;
// There are remaining in-flight reserved blocks we might collide with; verify this allocation is
// not being held by another write operation.
while ((start < start_max) && (block_length != 0) &&
(reserved_iterator != ReservedBlocksCend())) {
// We should only be considering blocks which are not allocated.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(start < start + block_length);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(block_bitmap_.Scan(start, start + block_length, false));
if (reserved_iterator->end() <= start) {
// The reserved iterator is lagging behind this region.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(reserved_iterator != ReservedBlocksCend());
} else if (start + block_length <= reserved_iterator->start()) {
// The remaining reserved blocks occur after this free region; this allocation doesn't
// collide.
} else {
// The reserved region ends at/after the start of the allocation. The reserved region starts
// before the end of the allocation.
// This implies a collision exists.
collision = true;
if (start >= reserved_iterator->start() && start + block_length <= reserved_iterator->end()) {
// The collision is total; move past the entire reserved region.
start = reserved_iterator->end();
block_length = 0;
if (start < reserved_iterator->start()) {
// Free Prefix: Although the observed range overlaps with a reservation, it includes a
// prefix which is free from overlap.
// Take the most of the proposed allocation *before* the reservation.
Extent extent(start,
safemath::checked_cast<BlockCountType>(reserved_iterator->start() - start));
block_bitmap_.Scan(extent.Start(), extent.Start() + extent.Length(), false));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(block_length > extent.Length());
// Jump past the end of this reservation.
uint64_t reserved_length = reserved_iterator->end() - reserved_iterator->start();
if (block_length > extent.Length() + reserved_length) {
block_length -= extent.Length() + reserved_length;
} else {
block_length = 0;
start = reserved_iterator->end();
remaining_blocks -= extent.Length();
reserved_iterator = ReservedBlocksCbegin();
} else {
// Free Suffix: The observed range overlaps with a reservation, but not entirely.
// Jump to the end of the reservation, as free space exists there.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(start + block_length > reserved_iterator->end());
block_length = (start + block_length) - reserved_iterator->end();
start = reserved_iterator->end();
*out_remaining_blocks = remaining_blocks;
*out_reserved_iterator = reserved_iterator;
*out_start = start;
*out_block_length = block_length;
return collision;
zx_status_t BaseAllocator::FindBlocks(uint64_t start, uint64_t num_blocks,
std::vector<ReservedExtent>* out_extents,
uint64_t* out_actual_blocks) {
std::scoped_lock lock(mutex());
// Using a single iterator over the reserved allocation map lets us avoid re-scanning portions of
// the reserved map. This is possible because the |reserved_blocks_| map should be immutable for
// the duration of this method, unless we actually find blocks, at which point the iterator is
// reset.
auto reserved_iterator = ReservedBlocksCbegin();
uint64_t remaining_blocks = num_blocks;
while (remaining_blocks != 0) {
// Look for |block_length| contiguous free blocks.
if (start >= block_bitmap_.size()) {
*out_actual_blocks = num_blocks - remaining_blocks;
// Constraint: No contiguous run longer than the maximum permitted extent.
uint64_t block_length = std::min(remaining_blocks, uint64_t{kBlockCountMax});
bool restart_search = FindUnallocatedExtent(start, block_length, &start, &block_length);
if (restart_search) {
// [start, start + block_length) is now a valid region of free blocks.
// Take the subset of this range that doesn't intersect with reserved blocks, and add it to our
// extent list.
restart_search = MunchUnreservedExtents(reserved_iterator, remaining_blocks, start,
block_length, out_extents, &reserved_iterator,
&remaining_blocks, &start, &block_length);
if (restart_search) {
if (block_length != 0) {
// The remainder of this window exists and does not collide with either the reservation map
// nor the committed blocks.
Extent extent(start, safemath::checked_cast<BlockCountType>(block_length));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(block_bitmap_.Scan(extent.Start(), extent.Start() + extent.Length(), false));
start += extent.Length();
remaining_blocks -= extent.Length();
reserved_iterator = ReservedBlocksCbegin();
*out_actual_blocks = num_blocks;
return ZX_OK;
zx::status<uint32_t> BaseAllocator::FindNode() {
size_t i;
if (node_bitmap_->Allocate(&i) != ZX_OK) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
uint32_t node_index = safemath::checked_cast<uint32_t>(i);
auto node = GetNode(node_index);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(node.is_ok(), "Found a node that wasn't valid: %d", node.status_value());
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!node->header.IsAllocated(), "An unallocated node was marked as allocated");
// Found a free node, which should not be reserved.
return zx::ok(node_index);
std::vector<BlockRegion> BaseAllocator::GetAllocatedRegions() const {
std::vector<BlockRegion> out_regions;
size_t block_count = block_bitmap_.size();
size_t offset = 0;
size_t end = 0;
while (!block_bitmap_.Scan(end, block_count, false, &offset)) {
if (block_bitmap_.Scan(offset, block_count, true, &end)) {
end = block_count;
out_regions.push_back({offset, end - offset});
return out_regions;
} // namespace blobfs