blob: 0c225342df0888c7d930b6ed98a4c00d61f46f07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.thermal.test;
/// Errors associated with TemperatureLogger methods.
type TemperatureLoggerError = strict enum : uint32 {
/// Indicates that an invalid argument was provided.
/// Requests to start logging will fail if logging is already active.
/// A protocol for managing on-demand temperature logging.
protocol TemperatureLogger {
/// Initiates logging at the specified interval, for the provided duration. Logging may be
/// terminated early with a call to `StopLogging`.
/// This call will fail if logging is already active. For this reason, a client may wish to
/// precede a `StartLogging` call with a `StopLogging` call, after which the only reason for the
/// logger to be active would be a conflict with another client.
/// + request `interval_ms` Length of the polling interval in milliseconds; must be positive.
/// All configured sensors will be polled, and temperatures logged to Inspect and trace, at
/// this interval.
/// + request `duration_ms` Duration of logging in milliseconds; must be positive and larger
/// than `interval_ms`. After this duration, temperature polling and logging will cease.
/// + error a [fuchsia.thermal.test/TemperatureLoggerError] value indicating why the request
/// failed.
StartLogging(struct {
interval_ms uint32;
duration_ms uint32;
}) -> (struct {}) error TemperatureLoggerError;
/// Initiates logging at the specifed interval. Logging will only end upon a `StopLogging` call.
/// `StartLogging` should be preferred for usage in automated tests to ensure that logging
/// terminates even if the test crashes.
/// + request `interval_ms` Length of the polling interval in milliseconds; must be positive.
/// All configured sensors will be polled, and temperatures logged to Inspect and trace, at
/// this interval.
/// + error a [fuchsia.thermal.test/TemperatureLoggerError] value indicating why the request
/// failed.
StartLoggingForever(struct {
interval_ms uint32;
}) -> (struct {}) error TemperatureLoggerError;
/// Terminates logging if active. It is valid to call this method when logging is inactive.
StopLogging() -> ();