blob: 3ae77b3b7a95d940b54585422b5fcb0eb6c098d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::log_if_err;
use crate::node::Node;
use anyhow::{format_err, Error};
use async_utils::hanging_get::server as hanging_get;
use fidl_fuchsia_power_clientlevel as fpowerclient;
use fidl_fuchsia_power_systemmode as fpowermode;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_component::server::{ServiceFs, ServiceFsDir, ServiceObjLocal};
use fuchsia_inspect::{self as inspect, NumericProperty, Property};
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use log::*;
use serde_json as json;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::path::Path;
use std::rc::Rc;
use system_power_mode_config::{
ClientConfig, ClientConfigExt, ClientType, SystemMode, SystemPowerModeConfig,
/// Node: SystemPowerModeHandler
/// Summary: This node hosts a few services related to system power modes and client power levels.
/// The services allow clients to connect using `fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Connector` to retrieve
/// their current power level using a hanging-get pattern. A client's power level is determined
/// according to its system power mode configuration, which is detailed under
/// //src/power/power-manager/system_power_mode_config/ As the set of active system power
/// modes changes via the `fuchsia.power.systemmode.Requester` service (which this node also hosts),
/// the power level for each configured client will be reevaluated and communicated using the
/// `fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Watcher` protocol.
/// Handles Messages: N/A
/// Sends Messages: N/A
/// FIDL dependencies:
/// - fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Connector: the node hosts this service to allow clients to connect
/// a `fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Watcher` server end to the power level of a specific client
/// type.
/// - fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Watcher: a client can provide the server end of a
/// `fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Watcher` channel to be connected to the power level of a specific
/// client type using the `fuchsia.power.clientlevel/Connector.Connect` method.
pub struct SystemPowerModeHandlerBuilder<'a, 'b> {
system_power_mode_config: Option<SystemPowerModeConfig>,
outgoing_svc_dir: Option<ServiceFsDir<'a, ServiceObjLocal<'b, ()>>>,
inspect_root: Option<&'a inspect::Node>,
impl<'a, 'b> SystemPowerModeHandlerBuilder<'a, 'b> {
const SYSTEM_POWER_MODE_CONFIG_PATH: &'static str =
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { system_power_mode_config: None, outgoing_svc_dir: None, inspect_root: None }
pub fn new_from_json(
_json_data: json::Value,
_nodes: &HashMap<String, Rc<dyn Node>>,
service_fs: &'a mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjLocal<'b, ()>>,
) -> Self {
pub fn with_outgoing_svc_dir(
mut self,
outgoing_svc_dir: ServiceFsDir<'a, ServiceObjLocal<'b, ()>>,
) -> Self {
self.outgoing_svc_dir = Some(outgoing_svc_dir);
pub fn with_inspect_root(mut self, root: &'a inspect::Node) -> Self {
self.inspect_root = Some(root);
fn with_system_power_mode_config(mut self, config: SystemPowerModeConfig) -> Self {
self.system_power_mode_config = Some(config);
pub fn build(self) -> Result<Rc<SystemPowerModeHandler>, Error> {
// Create the root Inspect node for the `SystemPowerModeHandler` node. Allow inspect_root
// override for tests.
let inspect_root = self
// Read the system power mode config file from `SYSTEM_POWER_MODE_CONFIG_PATH`. Allow
// override for testing.
let system_power_mode_config = match self.system_power_mode_config {
Some(system_power_mode_config) => system_power_mode_config,
None => SystemPowerModeConfig::read(&Path::new(Self::SYSTEM_POWER_MODE_CONFIG_PATH))?,
// Create the `ClientStates` to manage states for all clients
let client_states =
ClientStates::new(system_power_mode_config, inspect_root.create_child("clients"));
// Initialize default power levels for all clients
let node = Rc::new(SystemPowerModeHandler {
system_power_modes: RefCell::new(HashSet::new()),
inspect: SystemPowerModeHandlerInspect::new(inspect_root),
self.outgoing_svc_dir.ok_or(format_err!("Missing outgoing_svc_dir"))?,
/// The SystemPowerModeHandler node.
pub struct SystemPowerModeHandler {
/// Internal configuration and state for all configured clients.
client_states: ClientStates,
/// Contains the set of currently active system power modes.
system_power_modes: RefCell<HashSet<SystemMode>>,
/// Holds inspect properties for the top-level "SystemPowerModeHandler" inspect node.
inspect: SystemPowerModeHandlerInspect,
/// Stores the internal configuration and state for all configured clients.
struct ClientStates {
/// Maps a `ClientType` to the corresponding `ClientState`.
states: RefCell<HashMap<ClientType, ClientState>>,
/// The "clients" inspect node which is nested under the "SystemPowerModeHandler" inspect node.
/// Each `ClientState` gets its own child under this node.
clients_inspect: inspect::Node,
impl ClientStates {
/// Creates a new `ClientStates` instance based on the provided `SystemPowerModeConfig`.
/// The `ClientStates` instance will initially hold a `ClientState` entry for each configured
/// client in the provided `SystemPowerModeConfig`. If an additional client is configured later
/// (via `fuchsia.power.systemmode/ClientConfigurator`) then a `ClientState` entry can be
/// created and added at that time.
fn new(
system_power_mode_config: SystemPowerModeConfig,
clients_inspect: inspect::Node,
) -> Self {
let mut states = HashMap::new();
system_power_mode_config.into_iter().for_each(|(client_type, config)| {
states.insert(client_type, ClientState::new(client_type, config, &clients_inspect));
ClientStates { states: RefCell::new(states), clients_inspect }
/// Processes the new set of system power modes for each client.
/// This function takes the new set of system power modes and simply passes it through to each
/// contained `ClientState` entry.
fn process_system_power_modes_changed(&self, system_power_modes: &HashSet<SystemMode>) {
self.states.borrow_mut().values_mut().for_each(|client_state| {
/// Connects a `fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Watcher` request stream to a specific client type.
/// If successful, the incoming `Watch` requests on the stream will be completed with the power
/// level of the given `client_type` as it changes.
fn connect_stream_for_client(
client_type: ClientType,
stream: fpowerclient::WatcherRequestStream,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
match self.states.borrow_mut().get_mut(&client_type) {
Some(client_state) => {
None => Err(format_err!("Unsupported client type: {:?}", client_type)),
/// Gets the `ClientConfig` for `ClientType` and passes it to the provided `get_fn` closure.
/// The `get_fn` closure approach is used to help with ownership ergonomics.
fn get_config(&self, client_type: ClientType, get_fn: impl FnOnce(Option<&mut ClientConfig>)) {
get_fn(self.states.borrow_mut().get_mut(&client_type).map(|state| &mut state.config))
/// Updates the `ClientConfig` for `ClientType` then reevalutes their power level.
/// If there was not a previous `ClientState` entry for the provided `ClientType` then one is
/// first created and added to the `self.states` map. After the new configuration is updated,
/// the client's power level is reevaluated using the provided `system_power_modes`.
fn update_config(
client_type: ClientType,
config: ClientConfig,
system_power_modes: &HashSet<SystemMode>,
) {
let mut states = self.states.borrow_mut();
let client_state = if let Some(client_state) = states.get_mut(&client_type) {
client_state.config = config;
} else {
.insert(client_type, ClientState::new(client_type, config, &self.clients_inspect));
/// Stores the configuration and state for a single client.
struct ClientState {
/// The system power mode configuration that determines this client's power level as a function
/// of the currently active system power modes.
config: ClientConfig,
/// We pass new power level values to the publisher, which takes care of updating the remote
/// client using hanging-gets.
publisher: PowerLevelPublisher,
/// We use the broker to vend a new `PowerLevelSubscriber` for each new `Watcher` request
/// stream.
broker: PowerLevelBroker,
/// Cached power level value. Simply used to determine if the value has changed.
power_level: u64,
/// Structure to track and own Inspect data for the `ClientState`, which is nested under the
/// "clients" inspect node.
client_state_inspect: ClientStateInspect,
impl ClientState {
fn new(client_type: ClientType, config: ClientConfig, clients_root: &inspect::Node) -> Self {
let broker = new_power_level_broker();
let client_state_inspect = ClientStateInspect::new(
clients_root.create_child(format!("{:?}", client_type).to_lowercase()),
Self {
publisher: broker.new_publisher(),
power_level: u64::MAX,
/// Connects a new `Watcher` request stream to this client's power level.
fn connect_stream(&mut self, stream: fpowerclient::WatcherRequestStream) {
/// Processes the new set of system power modes.
/// The new power level is determined according to the new system power modes. If the new power
/// level has changed, then the new value is passed to the publisher, where the remote client
/// will see the new value.
fn process_system_power_modes_changed(&mut self, system_power_modes: &HashSet<SystemMode>) {
let new_power_level = self.determine_power_level(system_power_modes);
if new_power_level != self.power_level {
self.power_level = new_power_level;
/// Determines the power level according to the provided set of system power modes.
/// The function will iterate through the configured `mode_match` entries. If a `mode_match`
/// entry is found which specifies a `SystemMode` which is contained by `system_power_modes`,
/// then the corresponding `power_level` is returned. If there is no match, then `default_level`
/// is returned.
fn determine_power_level(&self, system_power_modes: &HashSet<SystemMode>) -> u64 {
for mode_match in &self.config.mode_matches {
if system_power_modes.contains(&mode_match.mode) {
return mode_match.power_level;
/// Spawns a `Task` to handle `Watch` requests from a `fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Watcher` channel.
/// The `Watch` requests will be fulfilled by registering them with the provided `subscriber`. The
/// `subscriber` is tied to the power level for a specific client type. Therefore, the `Watch`
/// requests will be responded to with the power level of the specific client type of `subscriber`.
fn spawn_watcher_handler(
mut stream: fpowerclient::WatcherRequestStream,
subscriber: PowerLevelSubscriber,
) {
fuchsia_trace::duration!("power_manager", "SystemPowerModeHandler::spawn_watcher_handler");
async move {
while let Some(fpowerclient::WatcherRequest::Watch { responder }) =
// The responder for the `Watch` FIDL request is now owned by the subscriber. The
// request will be completed with the new power level once it is ready.
.unwrap_or_else(|e: anyhow::Error| error!("{:?}", e)),
/// Holds inspect properties for the top-level "SystemPowerModeHandler" inspect node.
struct SystemPowerModeHandlerInspect {
_root: inspect::Node,
system_power_modes: inspect::StringProperty,
impl SystemPowerModeHandlerInspect {
fn new(root: inspect::Node) -> Self {
let system_power_modes = root.create_string("system_power_modes", "");
Self { _root: root, system_power_modes }
fn set_power_modes(&self, system_power_modes: &HashSet<SystemMode>) {
self.system_power_modes.set(format!("{:?}", system_power_modes).as_str())
/// A structure to own and track Inspect data for a single `ClientState` instance.
struct ClientStateInspect {
power_level: inspect::UintProperty,
// TODO( track # of active connections instead of just connect count
connect_count: inspect::UintProperty,
config: inspect::StringProperty,
_client_node: inspect::Node,
impl ClientStateInspect {
fn new(client_node: inspect::Node) -> Self {
let power_level = client_node.create_uint("power_level", u64::MAX);
let connect_count = client_node.create_uint("connect_count", 0);
let config = client_node.create_string("config", "");
Self { power_level, connect_count, config, _client_node: client_node }
fn set_config(&self, config: &ClientConfig) {
self.config.set(format!("{:?}", config).as_str());
// Below are a series of type aliases for convenience
type WatchResponder = fpowerclient::WatcherWatchResponder;
type PowerLevelChangeFn = Box<dyn Fn(&u64, WatchResponder) -> bool>;
type PowerLevelBroker = hanging_get::HangingGet<u64, WatchResponder, PowerLevelChangeFn>;
type PowerLevelPublisher = hanging_get::Publisher<u64, WatchResponder, PowerLevelChangeFn>;
type PowerLevelSubscriber = hanging_get::Subscriber<u64, WatchResponder, PowerLevelChangeFn>;
/// Convenience function to create a new `PowerLevelBroker` instance.
/// The broker is used to vend new `PowerLevelPublisher` and `PowerLevelSubscriber` instances.
/// When `PowerLevelPublisher.set()` is called with a power level value, then all pending `Watch`
/// requests registered with a corresponding `PowerLevelSubscriber` (see the `spawn_watcher_handler`
/// function) will be completed with that value, regardless of whether that value differs from the
/// previous power level that was sent to the client. Therefore, care should be taken to only call
/// `PowerLevelPublisher.set()` when the power level value has actually changed in order to properly
/// implement the hanging-get behavior.
fn new_power_level_broker() -> PowerLevelBroker {
let notify_fn: PowerLevelChangeFn = Box::new(|power_level, responder| {
match responder.send(*power_level) {
Ok(()) => true, // indicates that the client was successfully updated
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to send power level to client: {}", e);
hanging_get::HangingGet::new(u64::MAX, notify_fn)
impl SystemPowerModeHandler {
/// Publishes the following services:
/// - fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Connector
/// - fuchsia.power.systemmode.Requester
/// - fuchsia.power.systemmode.ClientConfigurator
/// For each new connection on any of the services, the appropriate handler function is called
/// on a clone of the SystemPowerModeHandler node and provided with the request stream.
fn publish_services<'a, 'b>(
self: Rc<Self>,
mut outgoing_svc_dir: ServiceFsDir<'a, ServiceObjLocal<'b, ()>>,
) {
let clone = self.clone();
outgoing_svc_dir.add_fidl_service(move |stream| {
let clone = self.clone();
outgoing_svc_dir.add_fidl_service(move |stream| {
let clone = self.clone();
outgoing_svc_dir.add_fidl_service(move |stream| {
/// Spawns a `Task` to handle `Connect` requests from a `fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Connector`
/// channel.
/// The `Connect` requests contain a `client_type` value and a
/// `fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Watcher` server end. If the request is valid, then the `Watch`
/// requests on the provided `Watcher` server end will be responded to with the power level of
/// the given `client_type`.
fn spawn_client_connector_handler(
self: Rc<Self>,
mut stream: fpowerclient::ConnectorRequestStream,
) {
async move {
while let Some(req) = stream.try_next().await? {
match req {
fpowerclient::ConnectorRequest::Connect {
client_type, watcher, ..
} => self
.connect_stream_for_client(client_type, watcher.into_stream()?)?,
.unwrap_or_else(|e: anyhow::Error| error!("{:?}", e)),
/// Spawns a `Task` to handle `Request` requests to modify the currently active system power
/// modes from a `fuchsia.power.systemmode.Requester` channel.
/// If the request is valid, then the system power modes are updated and the clients' power
/// levels are reevaluated.
fn spawn_mode_requester_handler(
self: Rc<Self>,
mut stream: fpowermode::RequesterRequestStream,
) {
async move {
while let Some(req) = stream.try_next().await? {
match req {
fpowermode::RequesterRequest::Request { mode, set, responder } => {
let mut result =
self.modify_system_power_mode(mode, set).and_then(|_| {
responder.send(&mut result),
"Failed to send power mode request response"
.unwrap_or_else(|e: anyhow::Error| error!("{:?}", e)),
/// Spawns a `Task` to handle `Get` and `Set` requests from a
/// `fuchsia.power.systemmode.ClientConfigurator` channel.
fn spawn_configurator_handler(
self: Rc<Self>,
mut stream: fpowermode::ClientConfiguratorRequestStream,
) {
async move {
while let Some(req) = stream.try_next().await? {
match req {
fpowermode::ClientConfiguratorRequest::Get { client_type, responder } => {
self.client_states.get_config(client_type, |config| {
"Failed to send ClientConfigurator.Get response"
fpowermode::ClientConfiguratorRequest::Set {
} => {
"Failed to send ClientConfigurator.Set response"
.unwrap_or_else(|e: anyhow::Error| error!("{:?}", e)),
/// Modifies the currently active system power modes.
fn modify_system_power_mode(
mode: SystemMode,
set: bool,
) -> Result<(), fpowermode::ModeRequestError> {
let mut modes = self.system_power_modes.borrow_mut();
if set {
} else {
impl Node for SystemPowerModeHandler {
fn name(&self) -> String {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use fuchsia_inspect::assert_data_tree;
use std::task::Poll;
use system_power_mode_config::{ClientConfigTestExt, SystemPowerModeConfigTestExt};
// Takes a `ServiceFs` which contains the `SystemPowerModeHandler` node's implementation of the
// three power protocols and manages the underlying test infrastructure required to connect to
// and use the services.
struct TestEnv {
env: fuchsia_component::server::NestedEnvironment,
impl TestEnv {
// Takes a ServiceFs and creates a nested environment which we'll later use for connecting
// to the `SystemPowerModeHandler` node's services.
fn new(mut service_fs: ServiceFs<ServiceObjLocal<'static, ()>>) -> Self {
let env = service_fs.create_nested_environment("env").unwrap();
Self { env }
// Makes a `FakeClient` by first connecting to the `fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Connector`
// protocol contained within the `NestedEnvironment` and connecting a
// `fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Watcher` server end of the given `client_type`.
fn make_fake_client(&self, client_type: ClientType) -> FakeClient {
let connector =
let (watcher_proxy, watcher_server_end) =
// Pass the `watcher_server_end` to the node, so it will be associated with power level
// changes of `client_type`
assert_matches!(connector.connect(client_type, watcher_server_end), Ok(()));
FakeClient { watcher_proxy, hanging_watcher_request: RefCell::new(None) }
// Makes a `FakeConfigurator` by connecting to the
// `fuchsia.power.systemmode.ClientConfigurator` protocol contained within the
// `NestedEnvironment`.
fn make_fake_configurator(&self) -> FakeConfigurator {
let proxy =
FakeConfigurator { proxy }
// A fake client for watching a client's power level changes from the `SystemPowerModeHandler`.
struct FakeClient {
watcher_proxy: fpowerclient::WatcherProxy,
hanging_watcher_request: RefCell<Option<fidl::client::QueryResponseFut<u64>>>,
impl FakeClient {
// Gets the power level for the fake client.
// Since requests are using hanging-get, there are three possible return values to consider:
// - Ok(None) = the watch request succeeded but there are no updates to the client's power
// level (the request is now "hanging")
// - Ok(Some(state)) = the watch request succeeded and returned a new power level
// - Err(e) = the watch request failed
fn get_power_level(
executor: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
) -> Result<Option<u64>, Error> {
// If there's already a hanging request (the previous call to `get_power_level` returned
// `Ok(None)`), then check if that request has a response for us. If there wasn't
// already a hanging request, then send a new one on the channel
let mut watch_request = self
.take() // take the Option from the RefCell
.take() // take the pending request (if any) from the Option
match executor.run_until_stalled(&mut watch_request) {
Poll::Pending => {
// The request is now "hanging" with the server. Cache it so we can check it for
// a response in subsequent calls to `get_power_level`.
Poll::Ready(Ok(power_level)) => Ok(Some(power_level)),
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => Err(e.into()),
// A fake client configurator for reconfiguring a client's power configuration using the
// `fuchsia.power.systemmode.ClientConfigurator` protocol.
struct FakeConfigurator {
proxy: fpowermode::ClientConfiguratorProxy,
impl FakeConfigurator {
fn get_config(
executor: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
client_type: ClientType,
) -> Option<ClientConfig> {
executor.run_singlethreaded(self.proxy.get(client_type)).unwrap().map(|v| *v)
fn set_config(
executor: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
client_type: ClientType,
mut config: ClientConfig,
) {
executor.run_singlethreaded(self.proxy.set(client_type, &mut config)),
/// Tests that well-formed configuration JSON does not panic the `new_from_json` function.
fn test_new_from_json() {
let json_data = json::json!({
"type": "SystemPowerModeHandler",
"name": "system_power_level_handler"
let _ = SystemPowerModeHandlerBuilder::new_from_json(
&mut ServiceFs::new_local(),
/// Tests that a client's state (including power level, connect count, and configuration) is
/// correctly published into Inspect.
fn test_inspect() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let mut service_fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
// Create a test config with a `Wlan` client whose default power level is 1
let system_power_mode_config =
SystemPowerModeConfig::new().add_client_config(ClientType::Wlan, ClientConfig::new(1));
let inspector = inspect::Inspector::new();
let _node = SystemPowerModeHandlerBuilder::new()
let test_env = TestEnv::new(service_fs);
// Check for default initialized values
root: {
SystemPowerModeHandler: {
clients: {
wlan: {
power_level: 1u64,
connect_count: 0u64,
config: "ClientConfig { mode_matches: [], default_level: 1 }"
system_power_modes: ""
// Connect two instances of a Wlan client and verify the `connect_count` is now 2
let client1 = test_env.make_fake_client(ClientType::Wlan);
assert_matches!(client1.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(Some(1)));
let client2 = test_env.make_fake_client(ClientType::Wlan);
assert_matches!(client2.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(Some(1)));
root: {
SystemPowerModeHandler: {
clients: {
wlan: {
power_level: 1u64,
connect_count: 2u64,
config: "ClientConfig { mode_matches: [], default_level: 1 }"
system_power_modes: ""
// Reconfigure the Wlan `default_level` to 2 then verify its `power_level` shows 2
let fake_configurator = test_env.make_fake_configurator();
fake_configurator.set_config(&mut executor, ClientType::Wlan, ClientConfig::new(2));
assert_matches!(client1.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(Some(2)));
assert_matches!(client2.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(Some(2)));
root: {
SystemPowerModeHandler: {
clients: {
wlan: {
power_level: 2u64,
connect_count: 2u64,
config: "ClientConfig { mode_matches: [], default_level: 2 }"
system_power_modes: ""
/// Tests that the fuchsia.power.clientlevel.Watcher server correctly implements the hanging-get
/// pattern.
fn test_hanging_get() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let mut service_fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
// Create a test config with a `Wlan` client whose default power level is 0
let system_power_mode_config =
SystemPowerModeConfig::new().add_client_config(ClientType::Wlan, ClientConfig::new(0));
let _node = SystemPowerModeHandlerBuilder::new()
let test_env = TestEnv::new(service_fs);
// Connect the client
let client = test_env.make_fake_client(ClientType::Wlan);
// First request gives initial power level of 0
assert_matches!(client.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(Some(0)));
// Second request has no update
assert_matches!(client.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(None));
// Now update the Wlan default power level to 1
let fake_configurator = test_env.make_fake_configurator();
fake_configurator.set_config(&mut executor, ClientType::Wlan, ClientConfig::new(1));
// Verify the client now gets the new power level of 1
assert_matches!(client.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(Some(1)));
// Update the Wlan default power level to 1 again (no change)
fake_configurator.set_config(&mut executor, ClientType::Wlan, ClientConfig::new(1));
// Verify there is no new power level for the client
assert_matches!(client.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(None));
/// Tests that a connect request for an unconfigured `client_type` returns an error.
fn test_unsupported_client() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let mut service_fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
let _node = SystemPowerModeHandlerBuilder::new()
let test_env = TestEnv::new(service_fs);
let client = test_env.make_fake_client(ClientType::Wlan);
// Connect a client for Wlan, which is not specified in our `SystemPowerModeConfig`
assert_matches!(client.get_power_level(&mut executor), Err(_));
/// Tests that multiple clients connected simultaneously receive their expected power level
/// updates separately.
fn test_multiple_client_types() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let mut service_fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
// Create a test config with a `Wlan` client whose default power level is 0
let system_power_mode_config =
SystemPowerModeConfig::new().add_client_config(ClientType::Wlan, ClientConfig::new(0));
let _node = SystemPowerModeHandlerBuilder::new()
let test_env = TestEnv::new(service_fs);
// Connect two Wlan clients
let client1 = test_env.make_fake_client(ClientType::Wlan);
let client2 = test_env.make_fake_client(ClientType::Wlan);
// First request gives the initial default power level for both clients
assert_matches!(client1.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(Some(0)));
assert_matches!(client2.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(Some(0)));
// Now update the default power level to 1
let fake_configurator = test_env.make_fake_configurator();
fake_configurator.set_config(&mut executor, ClientType::Wlan, ClientConfig::new(1));
// Verify client1 gets the new power level, then no update on the second call
assert_matches!(client1.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(Some(1)));
assert_matches!(client1.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(None));
// Verify client2 gets the new power level, then no update on the second call
assert_matches!(client2.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(Some(1)));
assert_matches!(client2.get_power_level(&mut executor), Ok(None));
/// Tests that calling `fuchsia.power.systemmode/ClientConfigurator.Get` for an unconfigured
/// `ClientType` returns a missing config.
fn test_get_missing_client_config() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let mut service_fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
// Configuration with no configured clients
let system_power_mode_config = SystemPowerModeConfig::new();
let _node = SystemPowerModeHandlerBuilder::new()
let test_env = TestEnv::new(service_fs);
// Try to get the config for Wlan and verify it is missing
let fake_configurator = test_env.make_fake_configurator();
let config = fake_configurator.get_config(&mut executor, ClientType::Wlan);
assert_eq!(config, None);
/// Tests that calling `fuchsia.power.systemmode/ClientConfigurator.Get` for a configured
/// `ClientType` returns the correct config.
fn test_get_present_client_config() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let mut service_fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
// Create a test config with a `Wlan` client whose default power level is 0
let system_power_mode_config =
SystemPowerModeConfig::new().add_client_config(ClientType::Wlan, ClientConfig::new(0));
let _node = SystemPowerModeHandlerBuilder::new()
let test_env = TestEnv::new(service_fs);
// Get the config for Wlan and verify it matches the expected config
let fake_configurator = test_env.make_fake_configurator();
let config = fake_configurator.get_config(&mut executor, ClientType::Wlan);
assert_eq!(config, Some(ClientConfig::new(0)));
/// Tests that `fuchsia.power.systemmode/ClientConfigurator.Set` correctly reconfigures a
/// client.
fn test_set_client_config() {
let mut executor = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let mut service_fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
// Start with an empty config
let system_power_mode_config = SystemPowerModeConfig::new();
let _node = SystemPowerModeHandlerBuilder::new()
let test_env = TestEnv::new(service_fs);
// Verify the config is initially empty
let fake_configurator = test_env.make_fake_configurator();
let config = fake_configurator.get_config(&mut executor, ClientType::Wlan);
assert_eq!(config, None);
// Set a new config
fake_configurator.set_config(&mut executor, ClientType::Wlan, ClientConfig::new(1));
// Verify the new config is now returned
let config = fake_configurator.get_config(&mut executor, ClientType::Wlan);
assert_eq!(config, Some(ClientConfig::new(1)));