blob: e1d39d648ac2b01c919dc7f09d6456c991b132ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::error::PowerManagerError;
use crate::message::{Message, MessageReturn};
use crate::node::Node;
use crate::shutdown_request::{RebootReason, ShutdownRequest};
use crate::types::Seconds;
use anyhow::Error;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use fidl::endpoints::Proxy;
use fidl_fuchsia_hardware_power_statecontrol as fpower;
use fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, DurationExt, TimeoutExt};
use fuchsia_component::server::{ServiceFs, ServiceObjLocal};
use fuchsia_inspect::{self as inspect};
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use fuchsia_zircon::AsHandleRef;
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use log::*;
use serde_json as json;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
/// Node: ShutdownWatcher
/// Summary: Provides an implementation of the
/// fuchsia.hardware.power.statecontrol.RebootMethodsWatcherRegister protocol that allows other
/// components in the system to register to be notified of pending system shutdown requests and the
/// associated shutdown reason.
/// Handles Messages:
/// - SystemShutdown
/// Sends Messages: N/A
/// FIDL dependencies:
/// - fuchsia.hardware.power.statecontrol.RebootMethodsWatcherRegister: the node
/// hosts this service to provide a Register API that other components in the system can use
/// to receive notifications about system shutdown events and reasons
/// - fuchsia.hardware.power.statecontrol.RebootMethodsWatcher: the node receives an instance of
/// this protocol over the RebootMethodsWatcherRegister channel, and uses this channel to send
/// shutdown notifications
/// A builder for constructing the ShutdownWatcher node.
pub struct ShutdownWatcherBuilder<'a, 'b> {
service_fs: Option<&'a mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjLocal<'b, ()>>>,
inspect_root: Option<&'a inspect::Node>,
impl<'a, 'b> ShutdownWatcherBuilder<'a, 'b> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { service_fs: None, inspect_root: None }
pub fn new_from_json(
_json_data: json::Value,
_nodes: &HashMap<String, Rc<dyn Node>>,
service_fs: &'a mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjLocal<'b, ()>>,
) -> Self {
pub fn with_service_fs(
mut self,
service_fs: &'a mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjLocal<'b, ()>>,
) -> Self {
self.service_fs = Some(service_fs);
pub fn with_inspect_root(mut self, root: &'a inspect::Node) -> Self {
self.inspect_root = Some(root);
pub fn build(self) -> Result<Rc<ShutdownWatcher>, Error> {
// Optionally use the default inspect root node
let inspect_root = self.inspect_root.unwrap_or(inspect::component::inspector().root());
let node = Rc::new(ShutdownWatcher {
reboot_watchers: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
inspect: InspectData::new(inspect_root, "ShutdownWatcher".to_string()),
// Publish the service only if we were provided with a ServiceFs
if let Some(service_fs) = self.service_fs {
pub struct ShutdownWatcher {
/// Contains all the registered RebootMethodsWatcher channels to be notified when a reboot
/// request is received.
reboot_watchers: RefCell<Vec<fpower::RebootMethodsWatcherProxy>>,
/// Struct for managing Component Inspection data
inspect: InspectData,
impl ShutdownWatcher {
/// Start and publish the fuchsia.hardware.power.statecontrol.RebootMethodsWatcherRegister
/// service
fn publish_fidl_service<'a, 'b>(
self: Rc<Self>,
service_fs: &'a mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjLocal<'b, ()>>,
) {
service_fs.dir("svc").add_fidl_service(move |stream| {
/// Called each time a client connects. For each client, a future is created to handle the
/// request stream.
fn handle_new_service_connection(
self: Rc<Self>,
mut stream: fpower::RebootMethodsWatcherRegisterRequestStream,
) {
async move {
while let Some(req) = stream.try_next().await? {
match req {
fpower::RebootMethodsWatcherRegisterRequest::Register {
control_handle: _,
} => {
.unwrap_or_else(|e: anyhow::Error| error!("{:?}", e)),
/// Adds a new RebootMethodsWatcher channel to the list of registered watchers.
fn add_reboot_watcher(&self, watcher: fpower::RebootMethodsWatcherProxy) {
"watcher" => watcher.as_channel().raw_handle()
/// Handles the SystemShutdown message by notifying the appropriate registered watchers.
async fn handle_system_shutdown_message(
request: ShutdownRequest,
) -> Result<MessageReturn, PowerManagerError> {
"request" => format!("{:?}", request).as_str()
match request {
ShutdownRequest::Reboot(reason) => {
self.notify_reboot_watchers(reason, Self::NOTIFY_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT).await
_ => {}
/// Notifies the registered reboot watchers of the incoming reboot request reason.
async fn notify_reboot_watchers(&self, reason: RebootReason, timeout: Seconds) {
// TODO( This string must live for the duration of the function because the trace
// macro uses it when the function goes out of scope. Therefore, it must be bound here and
// not used anonymously at the macro callsite.
let reason_str = format!("{:?}", reason);
"reason" => reason_str.as_str()
// Take the current watchers out of the RefCell because we'll be modifying the vector
let watchers = self.reboot_watchers.replace(vec![]);
// Create a future for each watcher that calls the watcher's `on_reboot` method and returns
// the watcher proxy if the response was received within the timeout, or None otherwise. We
// take this approach so that watchers that timed out have their channel dropped
// (
let watcher_futures = watchers.into_iter().map(|watcher| async move {
let deadline = zx::Duration::from_seconds(timeout.0 as i64).after_now();
match watcher.on_reboot(reason).map_err(|_| ()).on_timeout(deadline, || Err(())).await {
Ok(()) => Some(watcher.clone()),
Err(()) => None,
// Run all of the futures, collecting the successful watcher proxies into a vector
let watchers = futures::future::join_all(watcher_futures)
.filter_map(|watcher_opt| watcher_opt) // Unwrap the Options while filtering out None
// Repopulate the successful watcher proxies back into the `reboot_watchers` RefCell
impl Node for ShutdownWatcher {
fn name(&self) -> String {
async fn handle_message(&self, msg: &Message) -> Result<MessageReturn, PowerManagerError> {
match msg {
Message::SystemShutdown(request) => self.handle_system_shutdown_message(*request).await,
_ => Err(PowerManagerError::Unsupported),
struct InspectData {
reboot_watchers: inspect::Node,
impl InspectData {
fn new(parent: &inspect::Node, name: String) -> Self {
// Create a local root node and properties
let root = parent.create_child(name);
let reboot_watchers = root.create_child("reboot_watchers");
// Pass ownership of the new node to the parent node, otherwise it'll be dropped
InspectData { reboot_watchers }
/// Adds a new Inspect node with a unique name and proxy identifier.
fn add_reboot_watcher(&self, proxy: u64) {
let watcher_node = self.reboot_watchers.create_child(inspect::unique_name(""));
watcher_node.record_uint("proxy", proxy);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use fidl::prelude::*;
use inspect::assert_data_tree;
/// Tests that well-formed configuration JSON does not panic the `new_from_json` function.
async fn test_new_from_json() {
let json_data = json::json!({
"type": "ShutdownWatcher",
"name": "shutdown_watcher",
let _ = ShutdownWatcherBuilder::new_from_json(
&mut ServiceFs::new_local(),
/// Tests for the presence and correctness of inspect data
async fn test_inspect_data() {
let inspector = inspect::Inspector::new();
let node =
let (watcher_proxy, _) =
root: {
ShutdownWatcher: {
reboot_watchers: {
"0": {
proxy: watcher_proxy.as_channel().raw_handle() as u64
/// Tests that a client can successfully register a reboot watcher, and the registered watcher
/// receives the expected reboot notification.
fn test_add_reboot_watcher() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let node = ShutdownWatcherBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
// Create the proxy/stream to register the watcher
let (register_proxy, register_stream) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<
// Start the RebootMethodsWatcherRegister server that will handle Register calls from
// register_proxy
// Create the watcher proxy/stream to receive reboot notifications
let (watcher_client, mut watcher_stream) =
// Call the Register API, passing in the watcher_client end
// The server runs asynchronously, so we need to give it a chance to run now
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future::pending::<()>()).is_pending());
// Signal the watchers
node.notify_reboot_watchers(RebootReason::UserRequest, Seconds(0.0)),
// Verify the watcher_stream gets the correct reboot notification
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut watcher_stream.try_next()),
fpower::RebootMethodsWatcherRequest::OnReboot { .. }
/// Tests that a reboot watcher is delivered the correct reboot reason
async fn test_reboot_watcher_reason() {
let node = ShutdownWatcherBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
let (watcher_proxy, mut watcher_stream) =
node.notify_reboot_watchers(RebootReason::HighTemperature, Seconds(0.0)).await;
let received_reboot_reason = match watcher_stream.try_next().await {
Ok(Some(fpower::RebootMethodsWatcherRequest::OnReboot { reason, .. })) => reason,
e => panic!("Unexpected watcher_stream result: {:?}", e),
assert_eq!(received_reboot_reason, RebootReason::HighTemperature);
/// Tests that if there are multiple registered reboot watchers, each one will receive the
/// expected reboot notification.
async fn test_multiple_reboot_watchers() {
let node = ShutdownWatcherBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
// Create three separate reboot watchers
let (watcher_proxy1, mut watcher_stream1) =
let (watcher_proxy2, mut watcher_stream2) =
let (watcher_proxy3, mut watcher_stream3) =
// Close the channel of the first watcher to verify the node still correctly notifies the
// second and third watchers
node.notify_reboot_watchers(RebootReason::HighTemperature, Seconds(0.0)).await;
// The first watcher should get None because its channel was closed
match watcher_stream1.try_next().await {
Ok(None) => {}
e => panic!("Unexpected watcher_stream1 result: {:?}", e),
// Verify the watcher received the correct OnReboot request
match watcher_stream2.try_next().await {
Ok(Some(fpower::RebootMethodsWatcherRequest::OnReboot {
reason: RebootReason::HighTemperature,
})) => {}
e => panic!("Unexpected watcher_stream2 result: {:?}", e),
// Verify the watcher received the correct OnReboot request
match watcher_stream3.try_next().await {
Ok(Some(fpower::RebootMethodsWatcherRequest::OnReboot {
reason: RebootReason::HighTemperature,
})) => {}
e => panic!("Unexpected watcher_stream3 result: {:?}", e),
/// Tests that the function `notify_reboot_watchers` does not return until the watchers have
/// completed or timed out. The test also verifies that when a watcher times out, it is removed
/// from the list of registered reboot watchers.
fn test_watcher_response_delay() {
let node = ShutdownWatcherBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new_with_fake_time().unwrap();
// Register the reboot watcher
let (watcher_proxy, _watcher_stream) =
assert_eq!(node.reboot_watchers.borrow().len(), 1);
// Set up the notify future
let notify_future =
node.notify_reboot_watchers(RebootReason::HighTemperature, Seconds(1.0));
// Verify that the notify future can'tq complete on the first attempt (because the watcher
// will not have responded)
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut notify_future).is_pending());
// Wake the timer that causes the watcher timeout to fire
assert_eq!(exec.wake_next_timer(), Some(fasync::Time::from_nanos(1e9 as i64)));
// Verify the notify future can now complete
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut notify_future).is_ready());
// Since the watcher timed out, verify it is removed from `reboot_watchers`
assert_eq!(node.reboot_watchers.borrow().len(), 0);