blob: fc2a73cb633d4f9068f7c62994b5beb4b24e52b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fasync/single_threaded_executor.h>
#include <lib/fit/thread_safety.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/optional.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
namespace fasync {
// The dispatcher runs tasks and provides the suspended task resolver.
// The lifetime of this object is somewhat complex since there are pointers to it from multiple
// sources which are released in different ways.
// - |single_threaded_executor| holds a pointer in |dispatcher_| which it releases after calling
// |shutdown_and_maybe_destroy()| to inform the dispatcher of its own demise. The dispatcher will
// delete itself in this case if it does not have outstanding tickets.
// - |suspended_task| holds a pointer to the dispatcher's resolver interface and the number of
// outstanding pointers corresponds to the number of outstanding suspended task tickets
// tracked by |scheduler_|. The dispatcher will delete itself in this case if it has been shutdown
// (the |fasync::single_threaded_executor| was destroyed) and there are no outstanding tickets on
// a call to |dispatcher_impl::resolve_ticket()|.
// The dispatcher deletes itself once all pointers have been released.
class single_threaded_executor::dispatcher_impl final : public suspended_task::resolver {
dispatcher_impl() = default;
void shutdown_and_maybe_destroy();
void schedule(pending_task&& task);
void run(context_impl& context);
suspended_task suspend_current_task();
suspended_task::ticket duplicate_ticket(suspended_task::ticket ticket) override;
void resolve_ticket(suspended_task::ticket ticket, bool resume_task) override;
// Need one ref for the dispatcher and one to return to the client.
static constexpr ::fasync::subtle::scheduler::ref_count_type initial_refs = 2;
~dispatcher_impl() override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_);
::fasync::subtle::scheduler::task_queue wait_for_runnable_tasks();
void run_task(pending_task& task, context& context);
suspended_task::ticket current_task_ticket_ = 0;
std::condition_variable wake_;
// A bunch of state that is guarded by a mutex.
struct {
std::mutex mutex_;
bool was_shutdown_ FIT_GUARDED(mutex_) = false;
bool need_wake_ FIT_GUARDED(mutex_) = false;
::fasync::subtle::scheduler scheduler_ FIT_GUARDED(mutex_);
::fasync::subtle::scheduler::task_queue tasks_to_destroy_ FIT_GUARDED(mutex_);
} guarded_;
: context_(*this), dispatcher_(new dispatcher_impl()) {}
single_threaded_executor::~single_threaded_executor() { dispatcher_->shutdown_and_maybe_destroy(); }
void single_threaded_executor::schedule(pending_task&& task) {
void single_threaded_executor::run() { dispatcher_->run(context_); }
void single_threaded_executor::dispatcher_impl::shutdown_and_maybe_destroy() {
::fasync::subtle::scheduler::task_queue tasks; // Drop outside of the lock.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_);
guarded_.was_shutdown_ = true;
tasks = guarded_.scheduler_.take_all_tasks();
if (guarded_.scheduler_.has_outstanding_tickets()) {
return; // Can't delete self yet.
// Must destroy self outside of the lock.
// See comment on |dispatcher_impl| for how the lifetime of this object is managed.
delete this;
void single_threaded_executor::dispatcher_impl::schedule(pending_task&& task) {
bool need_wake;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_);
need_wake = guarded_.need_wake_;
guarded_.need_wake_ = false;
// Release the lock before notifying to avoid unnecessary contention.
if (need_wake) {
void single_threaded_executor::dispatcher_impl::run(context_impl& context) {
::fasync::subtle::scheduler::task_queue tasks;
while (true) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_);
guarded_.tasks_to_destroy_ = {};
tasks = wait_for_runnable_tasks();
if (tasks.empty()) {
return; // All done!
do {
run_task(tasks.front(), context);
tasks.pop(); // The task may be destroyed here if it was not suspended.
} while (!tasks.empty());
// Must only be called while |run_task()| is running a task. This happens when the task's
// continuation calls |context::suspend_task()| upon the context it received as an argument.
suspended_task single_threaded_executor::dispatcher_impl::suspend_current_task() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_);
if (current_task_ticket_ == 0) {
current_task_ticket_ =
} else {
return suspended_task(*this, current_task_ticket_);
// Unfortunately std::unique_lock does not support thread-safety annotations.
single_threaded_executor::dispatcher_impl::wait_for_runnable_tasks() {
::fasync::subtle::scheduler::task_queue tasks;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_);
[]() FIT_THREAD_ANNOTATION(__assert_capability__(guarded_.mutex_)) {}();
while (true) {
tasks = guarded_.scheduler_.take_runnable_tasks();
if (!tasks.empty()) {
return tasks; // Got some tasks.
if (!guarded_.scheduler_.has_suspended_tasks()) {
return tasks; // All done!
guarded_.need_wake_ = true;
guarded_.need_wake_ = false;
void single_threaded_executor::dispatcher_impl::run_task(pending_task& task, context& context) {
assert(current_task_ticket_ == 0);
if (current_task_ticket_ == 0) {
return; // Task was not suspended, no ticket was produced.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_);
guarded_.scheduler_.finalize_ticket(current_task_ticket_, task);
current_task_ticket_ = 0;
suspended_task::ticket single_threaded_executor::dispatcher_impl::duplicate_ticket(
suspended_task::ticket ticket) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_);
return ticket;
void single_threaded_executor::dispatcher_impl::resolve_ticket(suspended_task::ticket ticket,
bool resume_task) {
cpp17::optional<pending_task> abandoned_task; // Drop outside of the lock.
bool do_wake = false;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(guarded_.mutex_);
if (resume_task) {
} else {
abandoned_task = guarded_.scheduler_.release_ticket(ticket);
if (abandoned_task.has_value()) {
if (guarded_.was_shutdown_) {
if (guarded_.scheduler_.has_outstanding_tickets()) {
return; // Can't destroy yet.
} else if (guarded_.need_wake_ && (guarded_.scheduler_.has_runnable_tasks() ||
!guarded_.scheduler_.has_suspended_tasks())) {
guarded_.need_wake_ = false;
do_wake = true;
} else {
return; // Nothing else to do.
// Must do this outside of the lock.
if (do_wake) {
} else {
// See comment on |dispatcher_impl| for how the lifetime of this object is managed.
delete this;
suspended_task single_threaded_executor::context_impl::suspend_task() {
return executor_.dispatcher_->suspend_current_task();
} // namespace fasync