blob: 5f907b1aec229a320cbfaaf4b3f2c28eb35cc45f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/elfldltl/compat-hash.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/fuzzer.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/gnu-hash.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/layout.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/symbol.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
namespace {
template <typename Hasher>
void HashFuzzer(Hasher&& hasher, uint32_t no, FuzzedDataProvider& provider) {
auto name = provider.ConsumeRandomLengthString();
uint32_t hash = std::forward<Hasher>(hasher)(name);
ZX_ASSERT(hash != no);
template <class Elf>
struct SymbolFuzzer {
using SymbolInfo = elfldltl::SymbolInfo<Elf>;
using FuzzerInputs = elfldltl::FuzzerInput<
// There are five separate inputs. Only DT_SYMTAB and DT_GNU_HASH really
// need the Addr alignment. DT_STRTAB needs no alignment at all and
// DT_HASH needs only Word alignment.
sizeof(typename SymbolInfo::Addr),
typename SymbolInfo::Sym, // 1. DT_SYMTAB
typename SymbolInfo::Addr, // 2. DT_GNU_HASH
typename SymbolInfo::Word, // 3. DT_HASH
char, // 4. DT_STRTAB
uint8_t>; // 5. Provider for further fuzzing.
// This just exhaustively traverses the hash table and calls fuzz(symndx).
template <class HashTable, typename T>
static void HashBucketFuzzer(std::optional<HashTable> table, T&& fuzz) {
using HashBucket = typename SymbolInfo::template HashBucket<HashTable>;
if (table) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < table->size(); ++i) {
for (uint32_t symndx : HashBucket(*table, i, i)) {
int operator()(FuzzedDataProvider& provider) const {
FuzzerInputs inputs(provider);
auto [symtab, gnu_hash, compat_hash, strtab, blob] = inputs.inputs();
// Use the inputs to populate a SymbolInfo.
SymbolInfo info;
.set_strtab({, strtab.size()})
auto fuzz_hash_table_entry = // Do some exhaustive iteration tests.
[safe_symtab = info.safe_symtab(), &info](uint32_t symndx) {
if (symndx < safe_symtab.size()) {
std::string_view name = info.string(safe_symtab[symndx].name);
for (char c : name) {
// This doesn't do anything but ensures the compiler has to
// generate a dereference of each character in case the pointer
// or size is bad.
__asm__ volatile("" : : "r"(c));
HashBucketFuzzer(info.compat_hash(), fuzz_hash_table_entry);
HashBucketFuzzer(info.gnu_hash(), fuzz_hash_table_entry);
// The last input drives the rest of the operation of the fuzzer.
// Do random lookups until the provider is out of data.
FuzzedDataProvider blob_provider(, blob.size());
while (blob_provider.remaining_bytes() > 0) {
const std::string name = blob_provider.ConsumeRandomLengthString();
if (const auto* sym = elfldltl::SymbolName(name).Lookup(info)) {
ZX_ASSERT(info.string(sym->name) == name);
return 0;
using Fuzzer = elfldltl::ElfFuzzer<SymbolFuzzer>;
} // namespace
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
FuzzedDataProvider provider(data, size);
HashFuzzer(elfldltl::CompatHashString, elfldltl::kCompatNoHash, provider);
HashFuzzer(elfldltl::GnuHashString, elfldltl::kGnuNoHash, provider);
return Fuzzer{}(provider);