blob: 73d2cb11c8135c00c9e48983f471cd62104f0e8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/elfldltl/fuzzer.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/layout.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/relocation.h>
namespace {
template <class Elf>
struct RelocationFuzzer {
using RelocInfo = elfldltl::RelocationInfo<Elf>;
using size_type = typename RelocInfo::size_type;
template <typename Jmprel>
using FuzzerInputs = elfldltl::FuzzerInput< // Four separate inputs,
sizeof(typename RelocInfo::Addr), // each aligned to address size:
typename RelocInfo::Rel, // 1. DT_REL
typename RelocInfo::Rela, // 2. DT_RELA
typename RelocInfo::Addr, // 3. DT_RELR
Jmprel>; // 4. DT_JMPREL
using InputsRela = FuzzerInputs<typename RelocInfo::Rela>;
using InputsRel = FuzzerInputs<typename RelocInfo::Rel>;
int operator()(FuzzedDataProvider& provider) const {
// Collect a few bits from the provider first.
bool jmprel_is_rela = provider.ConsumeBool();
size_type relcount = provider.ConsumeIntegral<size_type>();
size_type relacount = provider.ConsumeIntegral<size_type>();
// This will get four data blobs that exhaust the provider.
auto fuzz = [&](auto rel, auto rela, auto relr, auto jmprel) -> bool {
RelocInfo info;
info.set_rel(rel, relcount).set_rela(rela, relacount).set_jmprel(jmprel);
// These walks never fail for any "bad data" reasons, they should just
// call the visitor. It never fails, so the walks should never fail.
constexpr auto visitor = [](auto&& reloc) -> bool { return true; };
return info.VisitRelative(visitor) && info.VisitSymbolic(visitor);
// Consume all remaining data with input blobs, the last of whichever type.
bool ok = jmprel_is_rela ? std::apply(fuzz, InputsRela(provider).inputs())
: std::apply(fuzz, InputsRel(provider).inputs());
return ok ? 0 : 1;
using Fuzzer = elfldltl::ElfFuzzer<RelocationFuzzer>;
} // namespace
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
FuzzedDataProvider provider(data, size);
return Fuzzer{}(provider);