blob: a31be67c50ad3ee58de19535e8ddf0ad3510048c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <variant>
#include "layout.h"
#include "memory.h"
namespace elfldltl {
// The elfldltl::Self calls provide introspection for a program to inspect its
// own ELF headers. Note these always refer to the containing ELF module's
// static link image; i.e. calls made inside a shared library (or a static
// library linked into it) refer to the shared library's runtime image, while
// calls inside the main executable (or a static library linked into it) refer
// to the main executable's runtime image. The elfldltl::Self class itself is
// always an empty object, just used for scoping and template parameterization.
// All methods are static.
class SelfBase {
// Compute the load bias: the difference between the runtime load address of
// the first PT_LOAD segment and its page-truncated p_vaddr. (That aligned
// p_vaddr is usually zero, but not always.)
static uintptr_t LoadBias() {
#ifndef __PIC__
// When compiled for fixed-address use, _DYNAMIC et al might not be
// defined. But it's a compile-time assumption throughout the generated
// code that the load bias is zero, so we can assume it here too.
return 0;
#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
// On x86, the _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol is magic in the assembler. It
// always gets a special relocation type that tells the linker to follow
// the traditional protocol where _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[0] contains the
// unrelocated link-time address of _DYNAMIC. The difference between the
// runtime and link-time addresses of that symbol is the load bias.
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(kDynamic) - kGot[0];
// The _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ trick doesn't work reliably on other machines
// any more, though past linkers held to this invariant on all machines.
// However, x86 is the only machine where Fuchsia has any historical cases
// using fixed load addresses with nonzero link-time base addresses. On
// other machines, in practice the link-time base address is always zero so
// the runtime base address is the load bias.
// **NOTE**: This assumption breaks prelink cases, which were historically
// common on Linux but are no longer in common use and have never been used
// on Fuchsia. A more robust approach here would be to synthesize our own
// link-time constant datum containing the link-time address of some known
// thing (such as itself). That can be done in a linker script, but that's
// the only means that won't generate a dynamic relocation for that datum.
// Unfortunately, it can't be done in an input linker script, only in a
// SECTIONS command in a -T script, which is difficult to arrange for in
// the build system.
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(kBase);
// This returns a memory-access object for referring to the program's own ELF
// metadata directly in memory. See <lib/elfldltl/memory.h> about the API.
static DirectMemory Memory(std::byte* start, std::byte* end) {
size_t image_size = static_cast<size_t>(end - start);
uintptr_t image_vaddr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(start) - LoadBias();
return DirectMemory({start, image_size}, image_vaddr);
// This version can be used in normal ELF objects with standard layout. The
// explicit image bounds must be passed for e.g. kernels with special layout.
static DirectMemory Memory() { return Memory(kImage, kImageEnd); }
// These are defined implicitly by the linker. _DYNAMIC should be defined in
// any -pie or -shared link, while __ehdr_start is defined only in standard
// layouts (i.e. not in non-ELF raw kernel images via custom linker scripts).
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] static std::byte kImage[] __asm__("__ehdr_start");
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] static std::byte kImageEnd[] __asm__("_end");
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] static const std::byte kDynamic[] __asm__("_DYNAMIC");
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] static const uintptr_t kGot[] __asm__("_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_");
// This is defined in //src/lib/elfldltl/self-base.ld, which is included as
// an input linker script in the link when the library is used, or with a
// special-case definition in a linker script for a non-ELF layout.
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] static const std::byte kBase[] __asm__("elfldltl.kBase");
template <ElfClass Class = ElfClass::kNative>
class Self : public SelfBase {
using Elf = ::elfldltl::Elf<Class>;
// Access the calling ELF module's own ELF file header. Using this in a
// program with a nonstandard layout without visible ELF headers will cause
// a link-time failure.
static const typename Elf::Ehdr& Ehdr() {
return *reinterpret_cast<const typename Elf::Ehdr*>(kImage);
// Dynamically check if the calling ELF module's file header matches this
// instantiation's ElfClass. See Ehdr() above about link-time constraints.
static bool Match() { return Ehdr().elfclass == Class; }
// Dynamically check if the calling ELF module's file header passes basic
// format checks for this instantiation's ElfClass and native byte order.
// See Ehdr() above about link-time constraints.
static bool Valid() { return Ehdr().Valid(); }
// Examine the calling ELF module's file header to find its own program
// headers. See Ehdr() above about link-time constraints.
static cpp20::span<const typename Elf::Phdr> Phdrs() {
const auto phoff = Ehdr().phoff;
size_t phnum;
if (Ehdr().phnum == Elf::Ehdr::kPnXnum) [[unlikely]] {
// This is the marker that the count might exceed 16 bits. In that case,
// it's instead stored in the special stub section header at index 0.
// This is the only time the section header table is used at runtime,
// and there are still no actual sections (index 0 is always a stub).
const auto shoff = Ehdr().shoff;
auto shdr0 = reinterpret_cast<const typename Elf::Shdr*>(kImage + shoff);
phnum = shdr0->info;
} else {
phnum = Ehdr().phnum;
return {reinterpret_cast<const typename Elf::Phdr*>(kImage + phoff), phnum};
// Get the calling ELF module's own dynamic section. This works in any
// program linked to have a dynamic section, even if the ELF headers are not
// preserved at runtime. Note that the returned span's size is only an
// extreme upper bound on the actual dynamic section that can be accessed.
// It must always be examined linearly from the front and not examined past
// the elfldltl::ElfDynTag::kNull terminator entry.
static cpp20::span<const typename Elf::Dyn> Dynamic() {
// This is pedantically speaking undefined behavior since that array
// doesn't go that far. But we have no way to determine its size without
// looking at memory (either scanning it for the null terminator, or
// examining phdrs for PT_DYNAMIC's p_filesz--if phdrs are even available).
// In practice things are fine as long as access past the end of the array
// is not actually attempted through the span. We cap the span at the
// bounds of the overall module image anyway (though a mapped image can
// have whole-page holes so even this provides no guarantee that access
// through the span cannot fault).
auto first = reinterpret_cast<const typename Elf::Dyn*>(kDynamic);
auto last = reinterpret_cast<const typename Elf::Dyn*>(kImageEnd);
return {first, static_cast<size_t>(last - first)};
// Explicit instantiations are required to convince the compiler that there are
// definitions for the static member variables, which are really acting as
// scoped extern "C" declarations.
extern template class Self<ElfClass::k32>;
extern template class Self<ElfClass::k64>;
// Determine which ELF class is used in this program's own ELF header, in
// case a 64-bit program was converted to ELFCLASS32 at link time.
// Use it like:
// ```
// auto rv = elfldltl::VisitSelf([](auto&& self) { return self.Method(...); });
// ```
template <typename T>
inline decltype(auto) VisitSelf(T&& visitor) {
if constexpr (ElfClass::kNative == ElfClass::k64) {
if (Self<ElfClass::k64>::Match()) {
return std::forward<T>(visitor)(Self<ElfClass::k64>());
return std::forward<T>(visitor)(Self<ElfClass::k32>());
} // namespace elfldltl